How To Find a Formula For a Set of Numbers - Island of Sanity

Island of Sanity


How To Find a Formula For a Set of Numbers

Perhaps you have seen one of those math problems that says, "What's the next number in this series: 2, 6, 12, 20, ...". Or in the real world, scientists and engineers routinely find a set of numbers through experiments and would then like to find a formula that fits these numbers. A few years ago I developed a simple (though admittedly sometimes tedious) technique for finding a formula to fit a set of numbers.

Disclaimer: While I developed this technique myself, the mathematics behind it is simple enough that I would not be in the least surprised to learn that someone else invented it before me. If anyone reading this is aware of this or a similar technique being published elsewhere, I'd be interested to here about it.

A mathematically astute person might immediately object that what I am saying is impossible, that there is no "one formula" that fits any given set of numbers. This is quite true. What this technique finds is the simplest polynomial that fits the numbers. A polynomial is an equation in the form

a0 + a1n + a2n2 + a3n3 + a4n4 + ...

To explain my technique, let's work through an example. Suppose you are given the following series of numbers and want to find a formula for them, and then compute the next number in the sequence.

2, 8, 9, 11, 20

The first step is to arrange them in a column. To the left of this column we write an ascending list of counting numbers, like this:

1 2
2 8
3 9
4 11
5 20

We number the column with the original values "0". We then create a column 1, where each value is the difference between each pair of values in column 0. Always take the lower number minus the upper number. That is, we first compare the first two numbers: 2 and 8. 8 - 2 = 6, so we write 6 to the right of and somewhat between 2 and 8. Then we compare the third number, 9, to the second number 8. 9 - 8 = 1. We proceed down the column this way, like so:

0 1
1 2
2 8
3 9
4 11
5 20

Now we make a column 2 by taking the differences between the values in column 1, like so:

0 1 2
1 2
2 8 -5
3 9 1
4 11 7
5 20

Note that negative results -- as in 1 - 6 -- are normal and expected.

We continue making new columns in this way until all the values in a column are the same. In this case, that just takes one more column.

0 1 2 3
1 2
2 8 -5
1 6
3 9 1
2 6
4 11 7
5 20

Recall that subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive. Thus 1 minus negative 5 = 1 + 5 = 6.

What happens, you may ask, if we never reach a point where all the numbers in a column are the same? Simple: sooner or later we will get to the point where there is only one number in the column. As this number must always be the same as itself, then we are done. More on this later.

We are now ready to construct the first term of the polynomial. The column number where we stopped is the power of n. In this case we stopped at column 3, so the first term involves n3. We multiply this by the value in the column divided by the factorial of the column number. (A "factorial" is the product of all the integers from 1 to that number. For example, 5 factorial -- which is written "5!" -- is 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.) The value in this column is 6 and 3! is 6, so our first term is:

6 / 3! x n3
= 6 / 6 x n3
= n3

Now we evaluate this term for 1, 2, 3, and so on, and subtract each result from the corresponding starting value.

We started with value #1 was 2. So we plug 1 into n3 = 13 = 1, then subtract this from 2, 2 - 1 = 1.

Value #2 is 8. So we plug 2 into n3 = 23 = 8. Subtract this from 8, 8 - 8 = 0.

We proceed thus through all the values:

Original - n3
1 2 - 13 = 2 - 1 = 1
2 8 - 23 = 8 - 8 = 0
3 9 - 33 = 9 - 27 = -18
4 11 - 43 = 11 - 64 = -53
5 20 - 53 = 20 - 125 = -105

We create a new table from these values, calling these our new column 0. Like so:

1 1
2 0
3 -18
4 -53
5 -105

Now we go through the same process as we did for the first table.

0 1 2
1 1
2 0 -17
3 -18 -17
4 -53 -17
5 -105

Applying the same rules gives our second term:

-17 / 2! x n2
= -17/2 x n2

Note that this table was completed in fewer columns than the first table. That is, the first table ended with column 3, while this table ended with column 2. Every table must end with fewer columns than the previous table. If that doesn't happen, you have made an arithmetic mistake. (Otherwise you could get two n3 terms or whatever, which doesn't make sense.)

Again we plug the successive integers into this term and subtract from the starting values. Note we subtract with the values that we started with on this table -- we don't go back to the original values. Note that we are subtracting a negative, which is the same as adding a positive.

Original - -17/2 n2
1 1 + 17/2 12 = 1 + 17/2 = 19/2
2 0 + 17/2 22 = 0 + 34 = 34
3 -18 + 17/2 32 = -18 + 153/2 = 117/2
4 -53 + 17/2 42 = -53 + 272/2 = 83
5 -105 + 17/2 52 = -105 + 425/2 = 215/2

We build a new table with these values and go through the whole process again:

0 1
1 19/2
2 34
3 117/2
4 83
5 215/2

Giving our next term as:

49/2 / 1! x n1

= 49/2 n

Plug integers into this term to get the next table:

Original - 49/2 n
1 19/2 - 49/2 x 1 = 19/2 - 49/2 = -15
2 34 - 49/2 x 2 = 34 - 49 = -15
3 117/2 - 49/2 x 3 = 117/2 - 147/2 = -15
4 83 - 49/2 x 4 = 83 - 98 = -15
5 215/2 - 49/2 x 5 = 215/2 - 245/2 = -15

Building another table and following through the process yields the simple result:

1 -15
2 -15
3 -15
4 -15
5 -15

This is simple, of course, because column 0 already contains all the same value, so we are quickly done.

This gives a final term of:

-15 x n0

= -15

(Recall that any number to the zero power is simply one, and can be dropped from the expression.)

Once we get a table that is complete in the zero column, we are done. So now we put all these terms together to get the full equation:

n3 - 17/2 n2 + 49/2 n - 15

To check, try this on each value:

Original Formula
1 2 13 - 17/2 x 12 + 49/2 x 1 - 15 = 1 - 17/2 + 49/2 - 15 = 2
2 8 23 - 17/2 x 22 + 49/2 x 2 - 15 = 8 - 34 + 49 - 15 = 8
3 9 33 - 17/2 x 32 + 49/2 x 3 - 15 = 27 - 153/2 + 147/2 - 15 = 9
4 11 43 - 17/2 x 42 + 49/2 x 4 - 15 = 64 - 136 + 98 - 15 = 11
5 20 53 - 17/2 x 52 + 49/2 x 5 - 15 = 125 - 425/2 + 245/2 - 15 = 20

To find the next value in the table is now simply a matter of plugging 6 into the formula:

Original Formula
6 ? 63 - 17/2 x 62 + 49/2 x 6 - 15 = 216 - 306 + 147 - 15 = 42

And we see that the answer is the near-mythical value, 42.

Some real-world considerations

Coming to a single value in a column

As I noted earlier, a table is complete when all the values in a column are the same. If you come to a single value in a column, then it is the same as itself, and the table is complete. Mathematically, this is a perfectly valid solution. But if this happens, it should introduce some doubt into your mind. Do the numbers really follow some pattern, or am I just coming up with a formula to fit a set of random numbers? It is, after all, possible to come up with a formula for any set of numbers. The fact that this technique works should demonstrate that: pick any set of numbers, run them through this method, and you will get a formula to describe them. If you get to a column with two or three numbers the same, this is a good indication that there really is a pattern described by this formula. You would be unlikely to get such a result by chance.

Note this also illustrates the fact that any problem asking "what's the next number in this sequence" has an infinite number of possible answers. If someone gives you the sequence, say, "1, 4, 9, 16", you could run them through the above process and get the answer that the person is probably looking for: the rule is n2 so the next value is 25. But you could also invent any number as the next number in the sequence, say 42, and come up with a rule for "1, 4, 9, 16, 42". Feel free to work it out. It comes out to:

17/24 n4 - 85/12 n3 + 619/24 n2 - 425/12 n + 17

and the next term is then 121.

So if you want to be obnoxious, the next time you are given a quiz of "find the next number in the series" problems, just pick any number you like and fill it in, and you'll be completely correct. You'll probably get a failing grade on the test, but you can enjoy the smug satisfaction of knowing you were right.

Rouding errors

In the above discussion I've been assuming that all numbers were exact. For a math problem, this would normally be the case. But if you've gotten a set of numbers from real-world measurements, there is probably some margin of error on your measurements. In this case, you run into an additional problem: If two numbers look close, are they equal within some margin of error? Or are they really different? And if you do consider them equal, what value do you use when you proceed to the next step?

I've tinkered with setting a margin of error, for example, differences less than .001 are considered insignificant, and then averaging the numbers together to go to the next step. I haven't found any solution better than trial and error for selecting the margin of error. If the next table does not end in fewer columns than the previous, then the margin of error was not correctly chosen. Perhaps there is something more rigorous one could do here; I haven't pursued it.

Why This Works

While I haven't constructed a formal mathematical proof that this works, the principle is simple if you know a little calculus.

When we take the difference between pairs of values, we are, in effect, finding the derivative. You may note that the value you get is the derivative at some value in between the two values where you took the difference. That is, when you take the difference between the Y values corresponding to X values of, say, 2 and 3, you get the derivative at some X between 2 and 3. Not necessarily 2.5, but between 2 and 3.

When you continue taking differences until you get a constant, this is the equivalent of taking derivatives until you get to a constant function.

So for example, suppose the equation is y=2 x3 + 3 x - 7. (Of course the whole point is that we don't know that initially, but let's suppose that's what it is.) So as we take successive differences, we get:

Column Equation
0 y = 2 x3 + 3 x - 7
1 y' = 6 x2 + 3
2 y'' = 12 x
3 y''' = 12

Thinking backwards, then, we see that when we reach a constant, the column number must be the highest power in the original equation. Each time we take a derivative, we multiply by the exponent, so if we take derivatives all the way to a constant, we will have multiplied by all the integers from 1 to the original power, that is, by the power factorial. So when we get to a constant row, we know that the first term in the original equation must have been this constant times x to the column power divided by that power factorial, that is, if k is the constant and p is the column number, the first term must have been (k / p!) xp. In this example, the final column would be column 3 which would contain all 12's. We get (12 / 3!) x3 = (12 / 6) x3 = 2 x3. Which indeed is the first term.

If we substract this value from each of the original Y's, then we are effectively dropping the first term from the equation. If we run through the whole process again, this should find us the second term. Etc.

What Computers Are For

Of course, I don't expect you to do all this arithmetic yourself. That's what computers are for.

So I've written a little program to do the work for you.

Click here.

© 1999 by Jay Johansen


Fiaz Dec 3, 2010

Thanks for your excellent article at

I couldn't really understand why this works.. but I could follow through your argument and solve for any future such cases.

For your reference, I also happen to see a very concise and sweet method in here..

which works nicely and to the point.

The method is certainly similar to users, and again I couldn't really understand the theory behind why it works.

Thanks & Regards

Walter Jan 27, 2011

Take a look at ...

A nobody called Isaac Newton has invented this method (^_^)

Jay Johansen Feb 18, 2011

It would be easy enough to increase the number of input fields on the screen. The logic would be the same. But 15 seems like a very large number.

This program finds the simplest polynomial formula that will generate the set of numbers that you give. That is, formulas in the form a + b x + c x2 + dx3 + e x4 ... (Where x2 means "x squared", x3 means "x cubed", etc. No superscripts in text email.) The highest exponent term it can generate is one less than the number of values you entered. That is, if you enter 10 values, it could come up with a formula going up to x to the 9th power. With 15 values, it can go up to x to the 14th power. If the set of numbers you give really requires a polynomial going up to the 14th power, well, I guess it depends what you're doing, but that's a very complicated formula. If, say, you're using numbers from a physics experiment and trying to find a formula to relate them, the odds are that the real formula doesn't go to the 14th power. This program doesn't allow for experimental error, it expects all numbers to be exact. Maybe some day I'll make a version that lets you enter some sort of margin for experimental error.

Anyway, my point is, try entering the first 15 numbers from your set and see what formula you get. If it really goes up to the 14th power, you probably have a set of numbers that cannot be described by a polynomial. They may be describable by some other sort of formula, a logarithm or trig function or some such. Or they may be just a bunch of random numbers.

Azick Feb 27, 2011

Sir, I am writing from Cameroon. I write to appreciate your effort of developing a very good program, How to Find formula for a set of Numbers. For I have been searching for such a program until this day that I found this one.But Sir, you limited the program for whole numbers and fractions formula to only 15 numbers.That means only the formula for 15 numbers and not more can be obtained after clicking on poly me Sir, I also write to inquire if you have any latest update for the program especially with regard to finding the formula for more than 18 numbers or so or between 18 to 25 numbers.Thanks

Terry Apr 22, 2011

I googled and found your site tonight for solving a sequence. I had a table with 4 sets of numbers, x and y, with x values starting with 1 and ending with 4. Your method helped me find the formula, which was a 3rd degree polynomial, not fun. Well, I think I have seen this method before. Have you been told any other sources for it? I have taken History of Mathematics. Maybe it was in that class. But your method saved the day - it was the only one that showed up in the search engine.

I was helping a poor College Algebra student who was given the table and asked whether it was proportional. We should have just plotted it to see that it wasn't linear (and/or didn't go through the origin). But I got stubborn and had to find the formula. It was a good exercise. Thank you for posting it.

Have a nice weekend.

Columbus State University
Columbus, Georgia

Nick Jul 28, 2011

Very interesting work. Brilliant. Thanks for sharing. Has anyone ever discussed your method ? Has it out there before you discovered it ?

Cincinnati, Ohio

Jay Johansen Jul 29, 2011

I really need to update my page. It turns out that this technique was invented by a little-known mathematician named Isaac Newton. I guess if you're going to come in second to someone, Isaac Newton isn't a bad person for it to be. Also, he didn't create a web page to implement it. :-)

Nick Aug 7, 2011

Well, I guess you are in good company. You should create an algorithm for data analysis. Just tweak the web page code to analyze data for signals (formulas). That awesome technique has to have some commercial/scientific application. I might write some C++ code for the technique.

Chris Sep 6, 2011

I found your site and have found it immensely helpful with a project i have been working on for a while.

It is essentially the same formula program you have made, except its designed to analyse multiple columns of data to get the equation, similar to BACON1. The version im working on is also designed to calculate it in terms of other mathematical functions (such as sin, mod, log, sqrt, etc). I was wondering if you would be willing to give me a hand with it or any resources i could use for aid.

Jay Johansen Sep 8, 2011

Expanding to other types of equations is an obvious next step. It also seems like a fairly difficult next step. Do you have a plan for how to do it? You could always do it by trial and error, i.e. have a list of functions and try each in turn until you get something that seems to work. Off the top of my head I don't know what you could do that would be better, but, well, there should be something. Trial and error would make it very difficult to discover a formula like y=sin x / x + ln x - x^2.

Curtis Sep 12, 2011

I recently view your website regarding your systematic computation of polynomial formulas. One issue I wanted to mention is that it incorrectly maps all functions to polynomials. For example the function n! which is NP and cannot be mapped to a polynomial, but in your website it is mapped to a polynomial in your program. There should be a quick check in place to see if the sequence grows at a rate faster than polynomial speed (i.e. n^k as k->some constant exponent value). Another example is 2^x...

The idea of subtracting numbers in a sequence to obtain the terms has been done many times, however your website does it quite nicely! However, your algorithm is inefficience and I wanted to help you out but giving you a suggestion to improve your solution. If you can "guess" the highest order term, simply by looking at the terms and seeing how each term relates to index i... you can guess the highest power this way. Then compute f(n)/n^highest power. If this value approaches a constant, you have correctly guessed the highest power. If it approaches 0, the power you have guessed was too high (you should guess again with a lower power), and if it approaches infinite the power you guessed was too low (guess again with a higher power). You can use this information to determine whether you need to revise the power you guessed or not. MOST IMPORTANTLY, when it approaches a constant, the value that it approaches is the constant which is multiplied by the highest power (i.e. f(n)/n^2 (assuming 2 is highest power) if computing this sequence seems to approach 5, then the first term in the function is 5n^2).

This is a much more efficient algorithm. Computing this way would allow you to compute hundreds of terms instead of just 15 on your site, as long as your server speed was fast enough, which in today's standards, is definitely not a problem.

Keep up the good work and enthusiasm!

Jay Johansen Sep 13, 2011

Hmm, I don't know how you can say that my algorithm "INCORRECTLY maps all functions to polynomials". How can you say that my mapping is incorrect? It derives a polynomial that generates the given set of numbers.

Consider the series 1, 2, 6, 24. Yes, this series could be generated by the formula y=x!

This program generates the polynomial y=11/6 x^3 - 19/2 x^2 + 50/3 x -8. The first four terms of this polynomial are, in fact, 1, 2, 6, 24.

11/6 (1)^3 - 19/2 (1)^2 + 50/3 -8 = 11/6 - 19/2 + 50/3 - 8 = (11 - 57 + 100 - 48) / 6 = 1
11/6 (2)^3 - 19/2 (2)^2 + 50/3 (2) - 8 = 88 / 6 - 76/2 + 100/3 - 8 = (88 - 228 + 200 - 48) / 6 = 2

Both formulas generate the same set of numbers. Therefore, both are correct solutions to the problem. The fact that you may have come up with the sequence by using the factorial function doesn't make that the "correct answer". There's no way for the computer to know what you were thinking when you typed in the numbers.

Indeed, there are an infinite number of equations that could generate any given sequence. We could also generate this sequence with

y= (-x^4 + 32 x^3 + -149 x^2 + 250 x - 120) / 12


y = 2^x (2-x)(x-3) (x-4) / 12 + 2^x (x-1)(x-3)(x-4) / 4 + 3 cos(x-3) (x-1)(x-2)(4-x) + 24 ln(x) (x-1)(x-2)(x-3) / ln(4)

As I stated on the web page, "What this technique finds is the simplest polynomial that fits the numbers." For any given finite list of numbers, there are an infinite number of possible rules or formulas to produce that list. For every new value added to the list, we could eliminate some of these possible formulas, but there will always be an infinite number.

I absolutely agree that an algorithm that could find trig functions and exponentials and logs and so on would be cool. But to derive this from a finite set of values would not be possible with a determinitive algorithm, i.e. there would not be a single correct answer. Intuitively you would want the "simplest" answer, i.e. "3x sin(x)" should win over a ten-term polynomial. But simplicity in that sense is difficult to even define mathematically, never mind implement with an algorithm.

The 15-value limit is not imposed by the power of the computer, but was simply an arbitrary choice. The intent when I created this web page was that it would be used with empirical data. If it can't find the right equation with 15 terms, the odds are that what you are looking for is not a polynomial, but a trig or log or some other formula.

Anyway, thanks for the comments.

Curtis Sep 14, 2011

That is a great explanation and definitely makes sense.

I was rude and tactless to say "incorrectly," and also the lack in clarity is on my part. My meaning in saying incorrectly, is that such a deterministic approach lends itself only to polynomial solutions. IT IS possible to fix this and it is not difficult. If you compute the solution using the method of dividing by the greatest power, than you will have the speed to compute two functions and compare them to find which one is "simpler" i.e. less terms. The first function is a polynomial guess (which you can compute efficiently using the method in the last email) and the second function is a NP guess of fairly simplistic forms such as a^x or n!. Here is how to write the function for NP guesses.

To find 2^x functions and factorial functions, the trick is to simply try dividing by f(n-1) for all functions which grow faster than polynomial time. That will do the trick. Dividing by f(n-1) maps n! to n and a^x to a allowing you to get a quick clear solution which you can output extremely efficiently. By comparing this solution with the polynomial solution, you can output whichever has least terms with a very quick comparison.

My reason for suggesting that what you have is incorrect is based on the following. If a user inputs 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512.... up to the 15th digit, and you output a 16 term polynomial, I can't find any good argument to say that anyone realistic person would suggest that a 16 term polynomial solution is any good to them. Relative to a simple output of 2^x, it is of no value. I agree completely that you can find infinite functions which fit discrete values, NO ONE will dispute that point. But we all know a basic intuition of why we write programs... we write them to be useful, to aid us, and to solve problems. An extremely long polynomial solves the problem for a machine, but as humans, it is not useful and it does not aid us when a solution such as 2^x exists and can be obtained extremely quickly simply by checking the case when f(n)/f(n-1) and taking the limit as n->infinite. When someone enters 15 digits they are generally suggesting a pattern for a well described function, not simply an exuberant polynomial which somehow fits the digits. Its all about the point of the writing the program in the first place. If its point is just to map all discrete sets to polynomials than it is perfect. You just asked those with suggestions to comment, and I wanted to help you out by showing you a very quick adjustment that would make it cover a much greater range of functions, be more versatile, become more efficient and faster, and in the case of NP problems, give the correct answer.

Your website is awesome. I wouldn't take the time to write this if you didn't have my respect.

Vanderhoof Oct 31, 2011

I am writing you today in reference to an article you wrote, "How to Find a Formula for a Set of Numbers". I was intrigued by the idea of formulating a polynomial from a table of values and was very pleased to see that you had developed a method for this. I noticed, however, that you had not written a mathematical proof at the time (as you stated on the webpage) and I was wondering if you had written one since then or if you had been informed as to whether or not anyone else had written one. I am currently involved in the mathematics education department at the University of Central Florida and, since I plan on sharing this technique with my colleagues, I would love to have a proof to share as well (if available). Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Jay Johansen Nov 1, 2011

I'm told that my technique is essentially the same as one developed by Isaac Newton, which is called his "method of differences" or "method of divided differences". I just haven't had the time to investigate this but frankly I would have been surprised if someone hadn't figured out this basic technique before me: it's pretty obvious. (Bummer! Newton beat me by only 300 years!)

In any case, the concept behind it is this: When you take the difference between "adjacent" values, you are finding delta-y for delta-x = 1 for a series of x values. You are in effect finding the derivative. For example, say the function is actually x^2 + 1. (The whole idea is that we don't know this starting out, but let's assume this for purposes of discussion.) So our initial table would look like this:

x f(x)
1 2
2 5
3 10
4 17

Now we find the differences

x f(x) f'(x) f''(x)
1 2
2 5 2
3 10 2
4 17

The f'(x) of itself isn't much use, because we don't know what the x values are. We know that f'(x) is 3 for some value of x between 1 and 2, but we don't know what value. (In this case it's halfway between, 1.5, but in general it's not that simple.)

But when we get the f''(x) column, the f'' value is constant, so it doesn't matter what x is, it applies to all x.

So now we know that f''(x) = 2. From this we can deduce that f'(x)=2x+C1 and f(x)=x^2 + C1*x + C2.

In general if the constant term ends up as some value n, and the constant is in column p, then the high-order term is n/p! * x^p.

If we subtract x^2 from each f(x) value, we can then run through the same procedure to find C1. Then we do it all again to find C2.

I realize this is a long way from a formal mathematical proof, but that was the concept. I must admit that I'm just not quite sure how to get from where I am to a real proof. I've never really sat down to try to work it out. I'm a computer geek and not a mathematician, so I was approaching this from more of an engineering perspective: I didn't need a formal mathematical proof, just some logic that sounds plausible and that works when I try it with a variety of data. Sure, this kind of thinking often gets non-mathematicians into trouble: without a formal proof, you can't be sure that it works 100% of the time. There may be special cases. Or for that matter the cases you tried may turn out to be the small number of special cases where it works.

Hmm, just thinking about it now, it occurs to me that the casual thinking I've done about it so far has been trying to go from the differences to the polynomial. But it occurs to me that a more productive approach is probably to go from the polynomial to the differences. That is, if the high order term is ax^n, then we can readily demonstrate that the n-th derivative of f is a*n! . So all that remains to prove is that the n-th column of differences are equal to the constant term of the n-th derivative. If I just worked on this a little I might come up with an actual proof.

Chris Nov 13, 2011

I wasn't quite sure. I was thinking of having a set of functions to test in sequence (of all available data) in each possible format. There would be constants that can be adjusted later, but this stage is designed to try and discover the function for the change, then after, the constants can be adjusted to get it to line up.

It sort of is trial and error, but if a list of suitable tester functions for each element could be assembled, id imagine it could get quite close, maybe find multiple equations for the same outcomes. I recon it would be very similar to the keplar program.

Ashley Feb 10, 2012

I like your website, it's informative. I also tried to use the sequence program and got a huge string of numbers. Maybe you could help me decipher them?

Okay so I typed in a string of 'random' numbers and this is what I got ( was just looking for the next in the sequence):

Final Answer
y = -6169/3228825600 x14 +2045782776184849337/1438777253582157824 x13 +47339270785488829/285103675391207424 x12 -66956796112409307/7879453435756460032 x11 -1345146413511675721/3716083674335348736 x10 -1265383237270535869/1768146741225617408 x9 -103110904635775/1246640676310390784 x8 -12351101043369721/920856574319114240 x7 -28875337419760317/7407460916899644928 x6 +11189711754560527/563704541018865536 x5 +31419522614634823/572908877914485888 x4 -128727978105837323/829860257916322176 x3 +126147133537779719/130875669076421728 x2 +2482680522399570425/516821091708297996 x +433999830631005724/155278720400261061

Jay Johansen Feb 11, 2012

If you type in random numbers, you'll get essentially random output. Assuming the program is working this function should generate the sequence of numbers you gave. Verifying it would be a pain.

You might try it with shorter, more carefully chosen set of numbers. Like put in 1, 4, 9, 16 and see if it says this is x^2, etc.

Ashley Feb 14, 2012

Well, I took the sequence of numbers from a random number generator. Seeing how its a computer function i thought it couldn't actually be random. I guessed using your program could maybe show the pattern ? Apparently not. Is it possible to figure out how numbers are selected through a random number generator using a produced string of numbers? Just curious.

Jay Johansen Feb 14, 2012

My "function finder" wouldn't uncover the algorithm behind any computer random number generator that I know. My function finds polynomials, and computer random number functions tend to use recursive functions and twiddle bits, which would obscure any polynomial.

Yes, it is true that computer random numbers are not random in the same sense that a die roll is random. They are often called "pseudo-random".

Are you wondering how computer random number functions work in general, or how one works in particular?

If the former: The random number function used by Java is pretty typical.

Each random number is generated from the previous random number. It takes the previous number, multiplies by 25214903917 and adds 11. Then it calls another function that I don't have the source code for but I think it's just preventing getting the same number twice in a row. Each request for a random number specifies how many binary digits it wants, so it peels off the first however-many digits and that's what it returns. Then this number (the full number, not the peeled-off digits) is saved to use the next time around.

To get the first number, when you have no "previous", the calling program can set a value. Programmers sometimes do this when testing so they can get the same series of numbers for each test. Normally, though, it uses the number of nanoseconds from the current time as the starting value. I just noticed that Java carefully adds 1 to this each time you create a new random-number sequence, so if you create two random number sequences within one nanosecond they'll get different starting values.

rovingrover Mar 23, 2012

I am contacting you regarding your method of calculating differences between polynomial terms as I too have done work on this area, though with a different approach and not as in depth. I, also was not able to find any demonstration of this work in other places, though would be highly interested in finding out if you find some professional work on this topic. I am currently a high school equivalent student to give you some perspective. I think a formal would proof would be showing that the nth derivative of x^n simplifies to x!, try it for yourself.

Interestingly this may, with a little adapation, work for non integer n by means of an infinite series, [note to self gamma function?]. Your blog has just given me a little eureka moment!

Thanks for the entertaining article, and please contact me if you find a more in depth explanation of this, though I fear it may be too simplistic to be considered in great depth.

Atanas Oct 11, 2012

I remember learning this formula from a math club instructor back in high school. Then I forgot it and I needed it to solve a problem in one of my classes. I gave up on finding the formula and then today I stumbled across your website where you said you derived this yourself and you were interested in knowing if anyone else had either so I guess I'm just emailing you to say thanks for putting that up and that I have seen it before and it's probably my favorite mathematical trick so....thanks again!!

Ed Feb 1, 2013

Thanks for posting this.

I am considering the use of your Formula Generator for an certain application where the numbers inputted represent specific incremental bioenergetic microfrequencies-representative of disorder in a chaotic system.

My query:

I am trying to understand how the formula derived might be understood to represent a harmonic relationship between the individual numbers of increasing values. Should such a relationship be conceivable as such.

I am also interested in knowing which process,or variable, would bring the established formula to zero (theoretically neutralizing the entropy represented by the values)

I am obviously attempting to find a numeric value which stabilizes the disorder.

Your thoughts are very much appreciated.

Many thanks for your time,

Jay Johansen Feb 2, 2013

Short answer: This program will find the simplest POLYNOMIAL which generates the given set of data. I don't want to overstate what it does. If the "true" formula is a harmonic or trigonometric or some such, this program won't generate n^-1 or sin n terms -- it will still generate a polynomial, the polynomial that gives the best fit to your data.

People have occasionally suggested that I extend the program to handle a wider variety of functions. I agree that would be cool, but barring a brainstorm on how to do it easily, that would be a much more complicated project, one that I'm not likely to do in my spare time.

I'm happy to chat with you about how to find solutions for the more general case, but that's about all I can say.

Best of luck! :-)

Tony Jun 5, 2013

My greatest of compliments on your program. I have been using your website to introduce students to linear regression and Taylor/Maclaurin as a tutor for years now. I was wondering if you might be selling "polyme" the program as a stand-alone program that wouldn't require Internet access. If you aren't, again, my greatest of compliments and thanks for the instructive resource that I've been using all of these years.

Stephen Jul 28, 2013

I absolutely LOVE your page on a formula for any set of numbers. i've long wondered about that sort of thing and eventually i found your page after attempting to research such a thing on the internet. I know it's been several years since you made the website, look at the page I think it's been 15, but you updated it 5 years ago if I'm not mistaken. However, I'm very interested in computer science now, and I'm going to be a freshman at a university in North Carolina in the fall, so I'm wondering if there's any chance you would mind giving me access to your page, or spreadsheet, whatever it is that you used to create that program which does the math for you. I understand this is a big request, which is why I'm asking you. I've begun to try to emulate the process you describe, using my limited (though rapidly improving) knowledge of excel, but I can't even get the if-then statements to work :(

anyway, I'm hoping to hear from you soon, and have a great day and thank you for your marvelous work!

ali shahzad Oct 24, 2013

Dear Mr. Jay,

Hope you will be fine and enjoying some great work.

I would like to convey my special thanks to you for such a nice program for generating equation for numbers.

For my M.Sc Engineering in mechanical design thesis work, I have established a equation from your written online program.

This program helped me a lot.

Well done.

Jonah Dec 22, 2013

I came across your "How to Find a Formula for a Set of Numbers" webpage and was intrigued by it. I've done the same thing many times myself; in fact, in 6th grade, this is essentially what our teacher taught us to do. I'm sure you've been told this before, but do you realize that you essentially recreated Taylor Series??

It's quite cool.

Thanks for the fun!

satdeep Jan 30, 2014

I found your "How to Find a Formula for a Set of Numbers" webpage very useful. But I have a small confusion. While generating the formula, especially for your data, 2,8,9,11,20,... you came up with a step like this,
6 / 3! x n3
= 6 / 6 x n3
= n3
I don't know what 'x' and 'n' indicates. Because, in this webpage you finally ended up with the formula,
n3 - 17/2 n2 + 49/2 n - 15
But, if I use your computer program 'Poly Me', the formula comes like this,
y = +1 x3 -17/2 x2 +49/2 x -15

Please clear my confusion.

Jay Johansen Feb 2, 2014

Okay, I was inconsistent. "x" and "n" are the input variables. The letter doesn't really matter. Whether you write y=3x+5 or q=3n+5, it's the same formula.

To take that example, if I plug in x=1 I should get out y=8. If I plug in x=2 I get out y=11. Etc.

satdeep Feb 2, 2014

Thanks for clearing my doubt. I appreciate.

lalit bhardwaj Feb 20, 2014

thanx for this formula.......... pls.send all formula my mail ID . THANKU

just click this Mar 7, 2014

This site inspires me everyday, you should update it more often

Totardo Tobing Mar 19, 2014

Wow thanks... Your program works.... I wish that you write your explanation with a simpler example Sir. Just for a guy like me can follow/understand. For instance: 3,5,9,15

But anyway really thankful for this great work, thank you

Jay Johansen Mar 20, 2014

5 -> 2
9 -> 4 -> 2
15 -> 6 -> 2

So first term is 2/2! x ^2 = x^2. Subtract that from each term ...


Then run thru again ...


so second term is -1/1! x ^ 1 = -x. Subtract that from each term -- remember minus a minus is a plus.


So last term is 3/0! x^0 = 3.

Putting that together gives x^2 - x + 3.

Check it:

f(x)=x^2 - x +3


Totardo Tobing Mar 22, 2014

Lots of funn,, thank you Sirrrr, God bless

Johnd611 May 19, 2014

This website is mostly a walkby for all the info you wished about this and didnt know who to ask. Glimpse right here, and also youll undoubtedly uncover it. bcdfdeedeged

Andrew May 21, 2014

Wow! Thanks for this in-depth explanation! Really great method.

I've tried implementing this method in Python for my own interest, however I was unable to get it working correctly on the last few steps.

Is there any chance that you would be able to provide the source code to your program?

michael kors black ion May 25, 2014

Just to let you know, this post looks a little bit odd from my android phone. Who knows maybe it really is just my cell phone. Great post by the way.

Morteza Oct 17, 2014

Hi. I'd like to translate this article into Persian.
Do you allow me to do that?

All your rights will be reserved..
Answer me via Email.

Ehab saber Dec 17, 2014

what is the formula of :
19, 17, 12, 11, 19, 18, 43
in seq 1 : 7

William Bouris Apr 8, 2015

I used Poly Me, the program, and it worked wonderfully. You have a great website. Thanks, again! Bill

Caitlin Apr 28, 2015

I wanted to mention that this would not be a good method to find the formula for a sequence of real world data. Although this method would be able to fit a n^th order polynomial to the curve, and it would go exactly through all the points, it would not be much use at actually predicting other values. But for cases when you are just trying to find the next value in a sequence, this is very interesting and fine.

Jay Johansen May 1, 2015

Caitlin: Absolutely true, especially if we're talking about using my program. If you have data collected from, say, a scientific experiment, there is going to be some measurement error in there, and my program expects all the numbers to be exact. It's useful for working with MATH problems, not SCIENCE problems. This method could work for real-world data if you accepted some fudging of the numbers, like if you see a column of differences comes out to 1.9, 2.1, 1.88, and 2.02, you might way, "hmm, maybe the real number is 2" and see how it works out. I've been thinking for a long time of adding a feature to my program to allow for some error, but I've never gotten around to it.

Also, note this method will find a POLYNOMIAL, period. It wont find a trig function or a log or many other possibilities. It would take entirely different methods to find such functions.

JeremyPt Jul 9, 2015

my name is jeremy from tanzania
nice to join this forum

q point Jul 12, 2015

I like how will it is explained. Wondering if the same concept can work a set of 3 numbers to find the answer in 3 set of numbers....

Or a way to find the formula with the answer.
Or pluging in all questions with answers in pairs to better find formula.....
X-Y-Z = A-B-C \
X-Y-Z = A-B-C > (formula)
X-Y-Z = A-B-C /

Jay Johansen Jul 22, 2015

q point: I'm not sure what you mean. What is the relationship between the two sets of three numbers? Can you explain more fully?

q point Jul 23, 2015

Hey jay.....the three sets of numbers are given as a question and i input it in a special program. Then the program will just give me an output in a set of three numbers.

Input 551-69-11
Answer 534-92-105

Input 6649-13-23
Answer 2149-97-94

Input 4343-110-131
Answer 3241-95-112

Input 25651-185-2095
Answer 23228-97-124

Input 19519-50-617
Answer 18327-93-102

Input 9073-112-131
Answer 92-93-113

Input 458-38-5
Answer 341-91-99

Input 481-236-29
Answer 303-92-132

Input 302-185-23
Answer 100-93-124

Input 1769-45-59
Answer 1633-94-101

Input 791-79-11
Answer 282-91-107

Input 5767-186-211
Answer 1830-90-125

I notice that the middle number from the ANSWER is less than 99 and the third number is in the 100's.....

The three set of numbers are used to unlock cell phones. I believe that the formula uses stream cipher techniques.

My question
Is there a way to use the answer to find the formula in respect to the input question?

My example

| Input. Output | \
| Input. Output | \
| Input. Output | \
| Input. Output | / = formula
| Input. Output | /
| Input. Output | /

Use a couple of the input and outputs to find a middle point to find the formula...or plug in the technique you used above.

Samba Sep 5, 2015

my student AMRUTHA chkeced the same case with another polinomial"if (x-2)&(x-5) are two factors of a polinomial 'X cubed-aXsqured-bX+20',find the value of 'a'&'b'.in this polinomial you won't get any value of 'a'&'b'. can you find using one equation? YOUR answer will be NO.THEN think ......"

mani Oct 27, 2015

243,861,315,-what is the next numbers

okfrb Dec 5, 2015

Hondrocream – íåçàìåíèì ïðè áîëÿõ â ñóñòàâàõ.

BrendaHali Dec 12, 2015


AndriaJef Dec 14, 2015


Nick Dec 22, 2015

I am trying to use your method, or rather your calculator, to predict next year's baseball stats. Do you think it will yield useful results, or that I should look for another method? Every relevant formula in Google Sheets wants two axes, but all I have are one-dimensional lists.

Jay Johansen Dec 25, 2015

Nick: Short answer: I sincerely doubt it will work.

1. It's extremely unlikely that baseball stats follow a rigid formula. There are hundreds of factors involved, many of them very difficult to quantify objectively. I would be extremely surprised if you could come up with a formula where you plug in the year and it pops out, say, the number of home runs that were or will be hit that year. At the very least you'd have to factor in some measure of the skill levels of the players. Probably also everything from humidity on the day of the game to data about the composition of the particular ball pitched.

2. On the practical side, my program only handles functions in one variable, and makes no allowance for measurement errors in the data. It's really intended more for uses in pure math than real-world measurements. I keep saying that some day I'll add a "measurement tolerance" to it, but I haven't gotten to it.

If you actually come up with a formula that accurately predicts baseball stats in advance, I presume you can become very rich by betting on game results. Which is why people have been trying to do it for decades, and to the best of my knowledge none has succeeded.

Paul Kranz Mar 10, 2016


My series has a formula of x(X + 1)/2. It shows how many days worth of interest is paid on a line of credit. The formula works as long as the draws are averaged and I take a new draw everyday. How can I determine the number of interest-days when I skip a few days between draws (e.g. over the weekend days when I cannot access my account to take a draw)?

Paul sends...

grad student Mar 26, 2016

It is much quicker to just use Lagrange interpolation

MarcysiaaW Apr 17, 2016

Od jutra zaczynam odchudzanie, kto sie odchudza ze mna? Znalazlam w necie dobry sposob na chudniecie, wygoglujcie sobie - xxally radzi spalanie tluszczu

vetaia May 5, 2016

can u find a formula for this sequence

Williamwew May 20, 2016

Muchos Gracias for your forum post.Really thank you! Want more. Wehbe

Solomon Jun 1, 2016

Hello Jay,

Thank you for sharing this great tool. Although i have a question for you. If i have three data and trying to find a connection between these data. e.g
Temperature of a room is determined by the time the heater is turned on to the area of the room.

A = Temperature
B = Time
C = Area of the room.

I have all three values for about 50 test conditions and they all have different values. based on this can i get a code to generate a formula that will give an accurate A value when i use any value for B or C. Thank you.

Solomon Jun 1, 2016

Hello Jay,

Thank you for sharing this great tool. Although i have a question for you. If i have three data and trying to find a connection between these data. e.g
Temperature of a room is determined by the time the heater is turned on to the area of the room.

A = Temperature
B = Time
C = Area of the room.

I have all three values for about 50 test conditions and they all have different values. based on this can i get a code to generate a formula that will give an accurate A value when i use any value for B or C. Thank you.

Jay Johansen Jun 4, 2016

Solomon: My technique as I have worked it out only handles functions of one variable. I haven't pursued multiple variables. In general, I think the way you solve such a problem is by holding one variable constant, varying the other, and seeing what kind of formula you can derive. Then hold the second one constant and vary the first.

Jay Johansen Jun 4, 2016

grad student: "It is much quicker to just use Lagrange interpolation" So ... use Lagrange interpolation. I'm not familiar with the technique. Care to post a link to a page explaining how to use it?

Jay Johansen Jun 4, 2016

vetaia: Sure: y = -1/13440 x^9 +67/20160 x^8 -1247/20160 x^7 +893/1440 x^6 -20773/5760 x^5 +34909/2880 x^4 -217519/10080 x^3 +7983/560 x^2 +761/105 x -8

I'm sure you're thinking of a rule more like, "Each number occurs as many times as that number, one one, two two's, three three's, etc."

But the whole point of my article here is that you can always find a polynomial that will generate any finite series. My algorithm finds the polynomial. There are an infinite number of ways to generate any given series. The polynomial MAY be the simplest or most logical, or it may not.

Arorneonexofs Jun 29, 2016

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Áóäüòå âíèìàòåëüíû, àôåðèñò è ìîøåííèê!

a Nov 1, 2016

very useful. thanku

Jeff Smith Nov 4, 2016

This is fantastic, but what about a series of numerical values? For example, let's say I have to make a bridge out of plywood. The only samples I have are 5 feet, 6 feet, 7 feet, and 8 feet long. Now, assume that the bridge must be symmetrical, and that both using the pieces most similar in size and using the fewest amount of pieces is the best.

I want to find the best way to make a bridge 14 pieces long, 15 pieces long, 16.....50 pieces long. Each numerical value representing each bridge will look like (N1 N2 ... Nk), where k is the fewest amount of pieces.

14 pieces = 2 7' = (77)
15 pieces = 3 5' = (555)
16 pieces = 2 8' = (88)
17 pieces = 1 5', 2 6' = (656)
18 pieces = 3 6' = (666)
19 pieces = 2 6', 1 7' = (676)
20 pieces = 1 6', 2 7' = (767)
21 pieces = 3 7' = (777)

Sure, I can manually do this for up to 50 pieces, but what if I want to make a bridge 1400 pieces wide? It'd be nice to have a formula that could do this. Any ideas?

Edward Negondeni Nov 19, 2016

Hello Jay Johansen

Your program is really fantastic. It does help indeed. Can there be a way of finding a formula through this program if the given x values skip and the given y values given also skipped? Like

x:-3; 0; 3; 6; 9; 12
y: 4; 2; 0; -2; -4; -6

I struggled to get through this ordered pairs in order to find the formula. Please help!

Johnk169 Nov 23, 2016

I like what you guys are usually up too. This kind of clever work and exposure! Keep up the amazing works guys I've added you guys to my blogroll. cekgkcgebdbd

Me Nov 27, 2016

Look at the age of this thing!
Math doesn`t get old :)

Thanks for this wonderful article!

Jay Johansen Nov 30, 2016

Edward Negondeni: Sometimes, with some extra work.

Let's create a new variable, call it n. Imagine a function x=f(n), and another function y=f(n). That is, f is (1,-3), (2,0), (3,3), (4,6), (5,9), (6,12). g is (1,4), (2,2), (3,0), (4,-2), (5,-4), and (6,-6).

Run f through this method and you get x=3n-6. Run g and you get y=-2n+6.

Now you "just" need to combine those two equations to get a function that maps x to y.

In this case, we can solve f for n. n=1/3 x + 2. Then plug that into g. y=-2 (1/3 x + 2) + 6, which simplifies to y= -2/3 x + 2.

If f cannot be solved for n, it gets more complicated.

Jay Johansen Nov 30, 2016

Jeff Smith: The method described in this article isn't going to help you, as it's just not that kind of problem. It's not a polynomial. This is more like linear algebra.

I think in your examples you meant not "14 pieces", "15 pieces", etc but "14 feet", "15 feet", etc. Right? It doesn't seem to make sense otherwise. You can get 14 feet with 2 7 foot pieces, etc.

With these particular numbers, many lengths would be impossible. 9 feet, for example.

If the bridge is symmetrical, then you can have at most one length that occurs an odd number of times: one that goes in the middle.

I don't think you can solve this with a formula or equation, but you could come up with an algorithm. My thought is: take the total length. If it's odd, there must be an odd number of pieces, and the middle one must be a 5 or a 7. If it's even, we could have an odd number of pieces with the middle one having an even length, or an even number of pieces. So take all the possible values for the middle piece -- including zero. For each, divide the remaining length by 2. Find the largest multiple of 8 less than this. See if you can make up what's left with shorter pieces. If not, take the next lower multiple of 8. Etc. With a little work you could probably make it more systematic.

Dominic Jan 3, 2017

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interested hobbyist Feb 15, 2017

I'd like to first pile on my praise to your heap of praises for your clear explanation on your site. :)

I liked it so much that i tried doing an implementation in python, which worked.. but it seems to be pretty slow the more numbers i added (which is within expectations)

however it seems your implementation on your calculator differs slightly in that your subsequent column zeros get shorter and shorter. I was wondering if anything changed in between your article and your calculator program (the one that works with fractions). perhaps that implementation is a lot faster? i couldn't get it to work at a reasonable pace once i fed upwards of 10-15 numbers.

If you like, i can send you my python implementation (which is neither concise nor very pythonic) for a look.

hope to hear from you!

Jay Johansen Feb 21, 2017

You can drop one row with each iteration. If you try it manually, or have the program dump out the results, you'll see that after the first "frame", the numbers in the last column are always the same.

Regardless, I don't see why it should be slow. My PHP program runs in a fraction of a second. I frankly don't know if PHP is inherently faster than Python, but I would be surprised if it is a huge difference. If your program is taking a long time to run, I suspect you have a flaw. You are doing the same work over and over, or maybe creating and destroying too many objects, or something of that sort.

I could take a look at your Python program but I've only dabbled in Python, I don't claim to be any sort of expert.

Paul Kranz Mar 20, 2017

I gave you

n =... desired result...
1 1
2 2
3 1
4 2
5 1
6 2
7 1
8 2
9 1
10 2... etc.

You gave me "y = +2/2835 x9 -11/315 x8 +20/27 x7 -44/5 x6 +8666/135 x5 -4444/15 x4 +486536/567 x3 -468688/315 x2 +62144/45 x -510," but the answer is
"2 - (n mod 2)." What gives?

Paul sends...

Tim Apr 23, 2017

Hey Mr.Jay Johansen,pretty impressed with the work you've done specially the coding part,would like to know if you could help sharing the code as i'd need a similar one as a part of my engineering project

Nick Jun 26, 2017

Dude. So I used your method to calculate the random sequence 1,6,13,14 and managed to get it to work. Thanks. I am sure you can imagine my pleasant surprise when I got to the 6th number :)

Nick Jun 26, 2017

Scratch that. I had grabbed to wrong cell from spreadsheet :(

Yogesh Singh Jul 15, 2017

This was really fun to try out and it helped in small sets. Thanks for posting this method.. But was trying to find out relation between nearly 20000 numbers in a column.. This would increase the power so high that polynomial calculation looks would be a costly affair for the machine. Does anyone think of any other methods?

Sherman Jul 22, 2017

I like the valuable info you provide in your articles.

I will bookmark your weblog and check again here frequently.
I am quite sure I will learn many new stuff right here!
Best of luck for the next!post-788

Raj Aug 6, 2017

Does this only work for integers? I tried it for the sequence below and got 2 n^4 terms, which, according to your explanation, should not happen

1, 27, 31, 4, 57.5

Jay Johansen Aug 6, 2017

No, it should work for any real numbers.

When I enter those values I get the formula

y = +241/48 x^4 -1241/24 x^3 +8339/48 x^2 -5005/24 x +165/2

Perhaps you made an arithmetic error somewhere? You might try my on-line program. See the link at the bottom of the article.

Jay Johansen Aug 6, 2017

Yogesh: If you are looking at real-world data, just try running the algorithm against the first 10 numbers or so. If you get a formula that looks like it might be plausible, see if it works with the remaining 19,990 numbers. The method will work with 20,000 numbers, but it could result in a polynomial with 20,000 terms, which is unlikely to be useful.

elias aliyi haji Aug 8, 2017

this formula does not work for geometric sequence

elias aliyi haji Aug 8, 2017

for example can tell me a formula for the sequence below

elias aliyi haji Aug 8, 2017

for example can you tell me a formula for the sequence below

elias aliyi haji Aug 8, 2017

for example can you tell me a formula for the sequence below

Farmaciaeffed Aug 9, 2017

Farmacia online

Connor Nov 3, 2017

I tried this with the sequence 1,2,5,26,677 and did not get an answer that worked (the last column kept ending up as all zeroes). I'm not sure if I misunderstood it or what. Any advice?

Connor Nov 5, 2017

I tried this with the sequence 1,2,5,26,677 and did not get an answer that worked (the last column kept ending up as all zeroes). I'm not sure if I misunderstood it or what. Any advice?

Eilbron Dec 3, 2017

I believe there is problem with a program you wrote.
It doesn't calculate the formula properly.

Kandace Dec 14, 2017

whoah this blog is fantastic i really like reading your posts.
Keep up the great work! You know, a lot of individuals are searching round for
this information, you could help them greatly. message36

Patel urmit Mar 14, 2018

I have found formula for sequence. In this you use minus of terms. But we also use multiply of terms. Like 2 4 8 ... So in this formula is 2^n.your method not give this dividing term to next term so you give 2.

Bernadine May 20, 2018

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Again, awesome web site!146832

Alexander Ivan Sep 20, 2018

I have reviewed your site with happiness
and I have test it.
My purpose is to find the next numbers using some series
They are:
but I can get only 14th equation
I can not know this equation is correct or not
Please understand me

rehana vaidya Dec 24, 2018

hello jay. i am trying to forecast one number between 1and 80 for massachusetts lottery keno.

let me explain. a one spot wager of $20 will win you fifty back

i know its an rng
i know you have to play when its busy times

i know its a seed and algorithm. after this i am stuck. how to get one number correct? when i watch the board what am i looking for?

thanks ana

saikiran Feb 6, 2019

your program for Finding a Formula for a Set of Numbers
is not working properly. please try to fix the problem immediately.

Sajan Feb 7, 2019

Hi Jay your program for finding formula for set of numbers is not working properly.please fix it immediately and help me.

Josefine Walther Jan 19, 2020

locations of each point are used as starting values in a repeating, or iterating calculation (described in detail below). The result of each iteration is used as the starting values for the next. The values are checked during each iteration to see whether they have reached a critical "escape" condition, or "bailout". If that condition is reached, the calculation is stopped, the pixel is drawn, and the next point is examined. For some starting values, escape occurs quickly, after only a small number of iterations. For starting values very close to but not in the set, it may take hundreds or thousands of iterations to escape. For values within the Mandelbrot set, escape will never occur. The programmer or user must choose how many iterations–or how much "depth"–they wish to examine. The higher the maximal number of iterations, the more detail and subtlety emerge in the final image, but the longer time it will take to calculate the fractal image.

Patricia Feb 20, 2020

Hello, Jay, love your column; teaching myself maths through it, but the polynomial calculator no longer works: won't link with poly out, on server 404; maybe you might have a little time to check this out for us seniors! in the UK. All the best

Cecila Colleano Dec 17, 2020

Did you know contact form messages like these are in effect a highly effective way to get more web traffic, sales, video views etc. for your online business? How do we do this? Easy peasy, we craft an ad message like this one for you and we blast it out to millions contact pages on any kind of website you want. Do ads like these work well? Of course they do! You're reading this now aren't you? The awesome thing is, this doesn't cost more than $3 a day! Want to find out more? shoot us a quick email to:

Mable Haber Dec 17, 2020

Are you tired of your leads being sold to your competitors? Have you paid tons of your advertising dollars getting stuck in contracts with marketing agencies with no results? We offer exclusive, qualified leads and a money back guarantee! Let's make up for 2020 and crush 2021! We can make your phone ring with potential clients within 1 week. Call Jon at 585-437-3988 or email for more info.

James Johnson Dec 19, 2023

AI is here to change the world, and people are going crazy over it

So the question is, would you like a piece of that pie?

BrainBox - The World’s First AI App Let You Launch Your Own “ChatGPT-like” AI Chatbot with 50 stunning AI features

You can even customize this AI Chatbot with your own domain, branding and style and charge people for using it.

Forget paying huge fees for Content Writers, Programmers, Designers, Translators, Video Editors, SEO Experts, Customer Support, etc

BrainBox handles all of that for you 100%

>> Click Here To See The Live Demo & Get Full Access Before Price Increases

Use my coupon code:

To get access to BrainBox you need just 4 easy steps away

Step1: Login to BrainBox Cloud-Based App ( super-easy to navigate dashboard)

Step 2: Create- With Just One Click, Create Your Very Own ChatGPT-Like AI Chatbot( this takes just few minutes)

Step 3: Now Launch- You’re Ready To Charge Millions Of Hungry Customers For Using Your Very Own AI Chatbot.

Step 4: Start Getting Paid by your Customers and Clients

BrainBox comes with over 50 AI features that which includes ;

Write engaging, high quality content for videos, blogs, scripts, emails, newsletters, ebooks literally anything

Turn plain text into engaging, professional videos that attract thousands of free hits of traffic

Generate the best AI designs that put 99% of graphic designers to shame, in just seconds

Design salespages, sales funnels, fully functional blogs

Proofread your writing without paying anything

Translate your writing to over 50 different languages and profit

That’s just a tiny fraction of all the features that BrainBox has to offer…

Using BrainBox will give you full control and cut down your expenses on hiring freelancers that give you low service .

>> Get Unlimited Access to BrainBox AI Technology

And to make this a no-brainer, the first 25 people will get full access to my 100 bonuses.

PS: If you act now, you will instantly receive [bonuses] worth over $14,659.44... This bonus is designed specifically to help you get 10x the results, in half the time required

>>Click here to secure your access to BrainBox today



Chase Richards Jan 22, 2024

How does pulling in 3.5K+ a day sound?

That’s what Chris is making with his 10 AI apps…

Now you can get these SAME 10 AI apps…

…his most profitable AI Apps…

Along with case studies for making 120 to 5K/ day…

Wait… what?

Find out more >>

He’s including resell rights too?

This is vintage and cutting edge AI, like always…

…full of awesome…

Imagine having the power (and the resell rights) to these:

VidGPT - create AI videos, with voice-overs, royalty-free images, videos & text-slides right from your browser and much more… easily worth the price of admission alone…

Passive GPT MultiModal ChatGPT - Give Chat-GPT "ears" + plug it into ANY audio source or YouTube video - for an unlimited stream of content from other people's videos…

Infinite AI - Build Unique AI Software - Create your own unique, sellable, password-protected software apps, powered by Chat-GPT! This is the SAME tech he used to build my 1k selling "AI Commissions" app!

And that’s just THREE of the 10 AI apps you’ll pick up today… with QuickStart Guide, training… piles and piles of training videos so you’ll have everything you need…

…to be an AI Wizard… if you want…

In the meantime, you can get ALL of these amazing apps for a ONE time fee, 96% off…

…but hurry, this is a VERY limited time offer...

Get this and watch your profits explode in 2024… >>

To Your Success,

John Wellson Jan 25, 2024

Audiobooks is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis…

Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive.

But I have got good news for you…

Meet Vox AI

The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any "Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF" into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices & 80 Languages…

>> Click Here To See The Live Demo:

With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command & turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc

...Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell & Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

>> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation:

Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot.

You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps & start your audiobook empire:

Step 1: Login - Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App

Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast

Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users.

Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done

It is as simple as that.

>> Get Lifetime Access Here:

With Vox AI, you can…

Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes

Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track…

Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording

Choose From 660 Real Human Voices

Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages

Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier

We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us.

Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User

Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe)

No Complicated Setup - Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes

…All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee

>> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now):

Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

Fair Warning - Go In Now To Avoid Paying Monthly Fee Later



David Quillson Jan 28, 2024, “Tell” THIS to Chat-GPT... For $440 Days

You're just one "copy-and-paste"...

From being a $1,000/hour software engineer - with Chat-GPT.

That way you can make APPS like a Silicon valley nerd…

While getting paid like a Wall Street banker!

It’s all because of a weird “app-building” AI this guy just released.

See the DEMO here:


See, I already knew that this guy Chris made $100K so far this year.

And I knew he made that money selling apps.

But… Chris is an expert builder of tools.

So.. I just assumed he hired a $10k developer.

But.. actually Chris has been harboring a SECRET.

It turns out he no longer hires developers.

Instead, he uses a CUSTOM Chat-Gpt “App Builder”.

A NEW “AI ALIEN TECH” that BUILDS his apps for him!

It’s bizarre and actually very simple:

1. Enter the name of your app
2. Enter a few settings
3. Deploy your app (no hosting required).

I wouldn’t have believed it myself, but…

On THIS page Chris shows REAL proof of FOUR apps he built this way.


And get this.. They made him over $100k!

So.. want to join him? Then good news…

All you need to do, is open the software..

Either choose one of the pre-made app templates…

Or build your own UNIQUE, 100% CUSTOM AND NEW APP - from scratch.

Click ONCE to run the CUSTOM app-building AI…

And your brand new cloud-based app is complete!

Then, you could be making commissions, every day of 2023!

Just like the ClickBank super affiliate who built this...

He's been making HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS with this in 2023.

See how he did it, with this method here:


Today this new app opens to the public...

So YOU can do this from your browser…

Without writing a single thing, or needing any techie skills whatsoever!

All you need is the AI.. the desire to become an AI software owner…

And this very strange new "Done For You" addon for Chat-GPT

(that way you can run your OWN custom commission-getting AI model in your browser)

So… are you in?

OK, great...

Click here now


But do it RIGHT NOW, as the price increases in the next minutes (and every hour after that)

149 N West Ave, Jackson, MI 49205

To Avoid Future Marketing, Messege your domain name to Here:

Steve Talker Feb 7, 2024

Hi ,

Today’s the day.

The replay of the most popular webinar I’ve ever hosted is coming offline in just a few hours.

What Joel and Adam are sharing here is truly GROUNDBREAKING.

If you want a quick and easy way to setup a passive income stream online,

then you HAVE to check it out before it’s taken down:

>> Watch it here:

I’m floored at the vast amount of positive feedback I’ve gotten about this webinar.

I’m so glad I was able to bring it to you and I really hope you don’t miss out on watching the replay.

Here’s a quick recap of everything you’re going to discover in this revolutionary presentation:

How to use their PROVEN solution to quickly launch a ‘crypto profit machine’ in 2023 that makes money every day and runs on total autopilot.

How this system makes money whether crypto is going up or down so you can enjoy consistent, predictable profits without any stress or worry.

Multiple examples of REAL CAMPAIGNS that ‘run silently in the background’ 24 hours a day and are banking up to $4,000 PER WEEK in profit.

The secret technology that makes this all possible and how you can get your first PROFITABLE campaign up and running in *60 minutes or less.*

A behind-the-scenes look at their latest campaign, which generated $8,803 in the first two weeks and is on track to make over $100,000 this year completely HANDS-FREE.

Mind-blowing success stories from their most successful students who have used this method to launch life-changing passive income streams.

Why ANYONE can and should do this - you don't need any previous experience or know ANYTHING about crypto investing or trading

Plus, how their BRAND NEW, Premium Trade Alerts are winning a whopping 84% of the time and how even complete beginners are transforming modest investments into MASSIVE RETURNS virtually overnight.

>> Watch the replay in full here --

Again, the webinar replay comes down TONIGHT so be sure to watch it before then. They don’t share this info often so this is a rare treat. Be sure to check it out.

149 N West Ave, Jackson, MI 49205

To Avoid Future Marketing, Messege your domain name Here:

Albert Neistat Feb 15, 2024

Hello, I made a free marketing video for your website, Is this a good place to send it?

Reply to

To unsubscribe reply with the word unsubscribe in the subject. Apr 11, 2024

in quam quam autem maxime voluptatibus quibusdam. vero eaque sit animi consequatur ratione. cupiditate quae deleniti eos voluptas nostrum sequi distinctio. esse quo facilis pariatur ullam eos iste nob

David Sebastian Apr 19, 2024

Please have whoever is in charge of the business call me at their earliest convenience regarding a pending Utility Audit.
I need to validate specific details that may uncover hidden errors in the utility bill that could warrant substantial refunds.

Thank you!

David Sebastian
Utility Audit Advisor
Direct: (833) 302-1808 ext. 740 May 10, 2024

asperiores similique velit rerum id. et iusto ab deserunt dolorem consequatur minima repudiandae aliquam recusandae deserunt aut. qui sapiente eaque totam ut mollitia voluptate voluptate assumenda.

Cyrus Sandoval May 18, 2024


I just found your website. I really like the clean design and usability of it. It’s really nice.

This is Cyrus. I work as a Social Media Management specialist. We specialized in continuously updating the social media handles of brands over the last several years using eye catching images and engaging captions. By doing this routine, it builds trust when people see that you have an updated social media profiles. Trust builds confidence for buyers. And when they are confident, they are likely to convert into clients.

I'd be happy to give you a free 7 days trial of our service. A total of 7 free social media posts for 10 days content calendar.

I would love the chance to discuss how we can contribute to the growth of through effective social media management. Are you available for a quick conversation to explore this further? I’d be delighted to get in touch.

All the best,
Cyrus Sandoval
Social Media Management Specialist

Waganabe Reck Jul 10, 2024


I just came across your website. I really like the great design and usability of it. It’s really nice.

I have an irresistible offer for you.

This is Waganabe.

I have a Linkedin upgrade service. I specialized in upgrading anyone's Linkedin account to Premium Business with subscription period of 12 months.

The price of this upgrade service is only $99.99 for 12 months subscription. That's only $8.33/month. You don't need to pay the standard price of $59.99/month.

You can read more here:

Looking forward to upgrading your account.

Note: You must not have an active subscription to get upgraded.

All the best,
Waganabe Reck
Linkedin Premium Upgrader specialist

Joe Klein Oct 9, 2024


I wanted to let you know that the International Trade Council is rolling out ADAMftd, a new tool designed to assist businesses with compliance and international laws like KYC (Know Your Customer), AML (Anti-Money Laundering), and Supply Chain Transparency.

ADAMftd uses official company records and customs data to help businesses stay compliant while also providing:

• KYC & AML compliance – Ensure your partners meet international standards.

• Global market research – Identify trustworthy buyers and partners worldwide.

• Product regulations – Access real-time legal requirements for your products.

We’re offering pre-subscriptions to a select group of test users. Please take a moment to explore and let us know your thoughts.

Best regards,


Jonathan Cook Oct 18, 2024


I hope you are doing well. I'd love to tell you about an incredible offer to give your brand the visibility it needs!

We’re offering a unique service to feature your business on leading news sites, such as affiliates of FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, and over 300+ other news platforms. This is a great way to boost your credibility and attract exposure to a large audience.

For only $79, you can get your company featured across these major platforms. Picture the results this could have on your brand!

If you’re interested, simply reply to this email and we will get in touch to kick things off.

Warm Regards,

If you no longer want receiving messages from this address in the future, kindly reply back to this message with the phrase: "No, thank you".

Binil Muthu Oct 27, 2024


At Brownsofts, we offer a range of services to help elevate your business:

Video Editing & Animation
Website Design & Development
Graphic Design
SEO & Content Writing
Digital Marketing
Admin Support Services
Email/Chat Customer Support
We'd love to discuss how we can help you reach your marketing goals. Share the details of your project, and we'll tailor a solution just for you.

Best regards,
Binil Muthu
CEO, Brownsofts LLC

Angus Levie Dec 2, 2024

Hi friend,

i want to ask u if u need loan , i can give u up to 100k without any questions, fees start from 2%.
u can take for long and short term, if u need please contact me

My Whatsapp: +353877761357
My phone: +17852122012
My email:

Tung Tim Y Dec 9, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

Tung Tim Y Dec 9, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

No Reply Dec 13, 2024

Hello! Are you looking to elevate your online business with a professional website or a powerful eCommerce store? You're in the right place! With over 12 years of experience in web development and digital marketing, I specialize in creating custom solutions that not only look great but also drive results.

Whether you need a WordPress site, a Shopify store, or a responsive mobile-friendly website, I’m here to make it happen. My expertise includes full-stack development, payment gateway integration, speed optimization, and troubleshooting to ensure your website runs smoothly.

Here’s what I can do for you:

✨ Shopify Store Development
✨ WordPress/WooCommerce Website Design & Development
✨ Custom Development & Full-Stack Solutions
✨ Creative Graphic Design
✨ Social Media Marketing
✨ Lead Generation & Email Marketing
✨ SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

From designing and developing custom websites to optimizing your online presence for the best results, I’m here to help your business grow and succeed. Ready to take your business to the next level? Let’s collaborate!

Feel free to send me an email at:

Angus Levie Dec 13, 2024

Hi friend,

i want to ask u if u need loan , i can give u up to 100k without any questions, fees start from 2%.
u can take for long and short term, if u need please contact me

My Whatsapp: +353877761357
My phone: +17852122012
My email:

Tung Tim Y Dec 15, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

Tung Tim Y Dec 16, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

Tung Tim Y Dec 17, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

Tung Tim Y Dec 19, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

Tung Tim Y Dec 21, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

Tung Tim Y Dec 26, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

No Reply Dec 27, 2024

Subject: IT Specialist Looking for Full-Time Remote Role with Your Company

Dear [Sir/Madam],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Shaheen Iqbal, a dedicated professional from Pakistan with an MCS in Computer Science. Over the years, I have built a strong foundation in IT and mastered several programming languages, allowing me to excel in a broad range of technical and creative tasks.

With 12 years of freelancing experience, I have developed expertise in website management, social media marketing, graphic design, video editing, Microsoft Office tasks, email management, live chat query handling, data analysis, and more. I am highly skilled at managing multiple projects simultaneously and handling diverse responsibilities with precision.

I am now seeking a full-time remote position and believe your company offers the ideal environment for my skills and aspirations. I am flexible and can work across any time zone, ensuring seamless communication and efficient project delivery.

In addition to my technical skills, I am confident that I can help your company grow by enhancing your online presence, improving operational workflows, and providing innovative solutions. I am fluent in English, Urdu, and Punjabi, and for any written communication in other languages, I can easily use Google Translate to ensure clear and accurate communication. I would be thrilled to contribute to your team and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can add value to your organization.

Please feel free to reach out to me via email at for further communication.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,
Shaheen Iqbal

Tung Tim Y Dec 30, 2024

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

Angus Levie Dec 30, 2024

Hi friend,

i want to ask u if u need loan , i can give u up to 100k without any questions, fees start from 2%.
u can take for long and short term, if u need please contact me

My Whatsapp: +353877761357
My phone: +17852122012
My email:

Tung Tim Y Jan 7, 2025

Hi, I was trying to do it in javascript but it could not get the right result.
any help?

No Reply Jan 13, 2025


I hope you're doing well!

Do you need a new e commerce store or want to upgrade, repair, or redesign your existing one? Look no further! We specialize in creating, enhancing, and transforming online stores using WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify .

Here’s how we can help:

Custom E commerce Website Development : Create a store that’s visually appealing, responsive, and tailored to your brand.
Upgrades and Repairs : Enhance functionality, improve performance, and fix any issues with your current store.
Redesign Services : Give your store a modern, professional look to boost user engagement and sales.
Secure Payment Integration : Provide customers with a seamless and safe checkout experience.
Easy to Use Features : Streamlined product browsing, inventory management, and order tracking.

Why Choose Us?

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15 Years of Experience : Expertise in creating and improving online stores.
Tailored Solutions : We design and develop to fit your unique business needs.
Support You Can Trust : Reliable ongoing support to keep your store running smoothly.

Whether you're starting fresh or revamping your store, we provide everything you need to succeed in the competitive e commerce space.

Contact us today at to discuss your project or schedule a consultation. Let’s work together to bring your e commerce vision to life!

Best regards,
Business Development Executive

Sue Jan 24, 2025

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