Radiometric dating supposedly proves that the Earth is billions of years old. The theory behind radiometric dating sounds very convincing. But does it actually work in practice? When someone tells us that a certain rock is a billion years old, how can we confirm this? No one was there to see it, right?
A recent letter-writer says that radiometric dating is proven because many different methods all give the same results. This would be interesting if true, but it simply isn't. Many different methods have been proposed to estimate the age of the earth, and they give results ranging from billions of years (e.g. radiometric methods), to a million or so (e.g. influx of salts into the oceans), to thousands (e.g. decay of the Earth's magnetic field).
One researcher, Dr. David Plaisted, searched the technical journals for studies that compared the results of different dating methods on specific samples. He found only one such study, comparing Potassium-Argon to Rubidium-Strontium, and, he writes, "the results were not good". He cautiously concludes, "[A]n assumption of agreement appears to be without support so far."
There are many examples of disagreement.
Potassium-Argon tests on a lava flow from Rangitoto volcano in New Zealand dated it at 400,000 years. Buried in the lava flow are trees trunks, which were carbon-14 dated to 225 years.
Five samples from a lava flow in Washington state were dated by Potassium-Argon, giving ages ranging from 340,000 to 2.8 million years. That's quite a range! Another dating method gave an even younger age: Eyewitnesses watched that lava flow being formed when Mt. St. Helens erupted in 1980.
Lava flows from Hualalai Volcano in Hawaii were dated at 140 million to 2.96 billion years. In fact Hualalai erupted in 1801.
In some cases the evolutionists offer explanations of what went wrong. They say the lava from Hualalai was under water for many years, which caused certain chemical and physical effects that contaminated the sample. Maybe so. But are they then telling us that all the other sites that have been dated to such long ages were never, ever, in all those supposed billions of years, ever under water or otherwise contaminated?
If when you CAN corroborate the evidence, someone is repeatedly proven to be wrong, perhaps you should be cautious about taking their word for it in cases where there is no way to test their claims.
© 2008 by Jay Johansen
Mike Durbin Mar 18, 2014
I need a little more info. about Hualalai volcano, Hawaii, and Rangitoto volcano, New Zealand... what laboratories did
the rock dating and who was involved? Can you help me?
Jay Johansen Mar 18, 2014
Hualalai: I got this information from "Scientific Creationism", by Henry Morris, page 147. He cites J. G. Funkhouser and JJ Naughton, Journal of Geophysical Research, July 15, 1968, p 4606. I have not read the original journal article. I don't think Funkhouser and Naughton are creationists -- Morris is citing their data, not their conclusions.
Rangitoto: I don't recall where I got that information originally, but a little Internet search turns up a better source than what I likely had to start with: "Age of the Auckland Volcanic Field", by Jan Lindsay and Graham Leonard, School of Environment & Institute of Earth Science and Engineering, The University of Auckland. They cite a large number of researchers and labs as their sources -- they apparently did a bunch of research and collected a large number of data points. See the charts on page 55 and following. They show C-14 dates for materials found within the lava flows ranging from 159 to 1114 years. Then they have K-Ar dates on the lava flows themselves of 146,000 to 465,000. (The discrepancy within each set of dates is not quite as large as those numbers may indicate: there were two separate eruptions which, based on the C-14, they conclude happened ca 225 years ago and 600 years ago.) Note that this study is by no means attempting to discredit radiometric dating and there's no indication that the authors are creationists: the facts I'm citing are side notes to their analysis. In the main text of the article they state: "[A]attempts to date the lava using K-Ar have been unsuccessful due to excess Ar". In other words, we tried to date it using K-Ar, but the answer didn't come out right, so we're ignoring it.
Mike Durbin Mar 22, 2014
Thanks Jay for the response. I bought the 35 pages submitted by Ian McDougall, H.A. Polach, and J.J. Stipp, about the Auckland volcanic field. (Not cheap.) I'm putting a little T.V. program together about the age of the earth so i want to see these papers for myself so i don't end up with egg on my face. The "ABSTRACT" states the findings the same way you do.
I can't find much of anything, "on either side", about the 1997 argon-argon dating method article, by Robert Sanders, Berkeley Geochronology Center, or much of anything about the
argon-argon method itself. Why is that?
Note: If you want a copy of the ABSTRACT or the 35 pages i will send them to you. Thanks.
Jay Johansen Mar 23, 2014
I wrote the original article here as a letter to the editor to my local paper, so it's much more terse than I would have liked, not giving any citations, etc. Yes, I understand you wanting to have primary sources to avoid being embarrassed. (Hey, I just gave a lecture on Canaanite religion at a Bible conference, not likely there would be any pro-Canaanites in the audience to argue with me, but I still went back to primary sources and I was rather uncomfortable with the fact that I didn't have primary sources for a couple of important points.) Anyway, I've seen a fair number of articles in the creationist press on radiometric dating anomalies. Specifically on Ar-Ar dating? I can't think of any, but I haven't been keeping a catalog. I can't think of any rebuttals from the evolutionist side on any of this. I've seen a few comments here and there to the effect of "well of course there are experimental errors here and there, so what?", frankly, I couldn't give you citations for those. Whether I'm just not paying attention to the evolutionist literature, they don't have a rebuttal, they see it as a non-issue not worth rebutting, etc, I can't say.
Mike Durbin Apr 1, 2014
Jay, I found a few Ar-Ar articles, "anomalies". I was surprised to read the official statement, "radiometric dating
is a experimental discipline".
Putting a warning label on radiometric dating should have been done 70 years ago. Keep up the good work.
Chris Falter Jun 23, 2015
@Mike Durbin - Appreciate your paying attention to the original studies. According to Brent Dalrymple of TalkOrigins, the Hualalei study dated xenoliths that were carried by the lava flow, rather than the lava itself.
Assuming Dalrymple is correct, the Hualalei study should *NOT* be cited as demonstrating the inaccuracy of K-Ar dating.
But of course, I haven't spent the money to read the original study. Since you have, Mike, would you be so kind as to check its methodology to see whether Dalrymple is correct about the xenoliths?
Chris Falter Jun 23, 2015
@Jay - Regarding the "Age of the Auckland Volcanic Field" study: we can conclude that K-Ar dating could be off by up to 400,000 years or so due to the presence of Ar at the time of formation. So if K-Ar dating shows that a rock is 1.0 billion years old, we should subtract 400,000 years and say the rock is 999,600,000 years old instead. I can agree with that.
We are dealing with the precision of the instrument here.
* You cannot use a physician's scale to weigh a postage stamp, but you can use it to weigh a human.
* You cannot use a radar gun to measure the speed of a snail, but you can use it to measure the speed of a thrown pitch.
* You cannot use K-Ar dating to measure the age of a rock that is 100,000 years old, but you can use it to measure a geological formation that is a billion years old.
Jay Johansen Jul 7, 2015
Chris Falter: I certainly agree with the general principle behind what you say. I think both creation-leaning and evolution-leaning physicists cringe when they hear people say that Carbon-14 dating proves that the Earth is billions of years old, as C-14 is useless for such large ages. To borrow your analogy, it's like using a postal scale to weigh Rocky Mountains.
But I don't think your point is relevant here. Yes, K-Ar has a half-life of a little over a billion years, so you might think that the greatest accuracy would be in dating samples 1 billion years old: you'd have 50% parent and 50% daughter element, and measurement errors would be minimized. But in practice K-Ar is a very complex dating method. K-40 has three different decay modes, so there are multiple daughter products to deal with. Labs rarely measure the K-40 directly because it is such a small portion of the total sample compared to the K-39 and K-41 -- about 0.01%. According to, K-Ar has been used to date samples from 10,000 to 3 billion years old. Other sources I've seen give a much narrower range, typically a lower limit of 100,000 to 200,000 years and an upper limit of millions or tens of millions. Either way, 400,000 is safely within that range.
The Lindsay/Leonard study that I quote in this article gives the margin of error on their 100,000+ year samples of generally 2 - 3%, like on the 465,000 year age they give the margin of error as +/- 11,000 years. When they give K-Ar dates less than 100,000 years their margin of error is often very high compared to the estimated age, but at no point do they concede a margin of error of 400,000 years. The highest I could find is 40,000, an order of magnitude difference.
That is, evolutionary physicists routinely claim that K-Ar is a reliable method for dating samples considerably younger than 400,000 years (and older, but that's not the issue here). If your claim is that the evolutionists who date these samples and publish the results are seriously confused about when the method is useful and the accuracy of the ages they publish ... well, hmmm, you're starting to sound like one of us crazy creationists. :-) Jun 10, 2017
There are well over forty different radiometric dating methods, and scores of other methods such as tree rings and ice cores.
Jay Johansen Jun 18, 2017
Sure. Many methods of dating the age of the Earth or of some particular fossil or geologic formation have been proposed.
And that's an important point. Most of these methods give ages much younger than the radiometric methods.
For example, the amount of salt in the oceans is increasing, as erosion and other factors constantly add salt while processes to remove salt are much slower, giving a net postive influx. If the oceans started out with no salts at all, then to reach present levels at present rates would take about 62 million years. So that's the maximum possible age of the oceans.
The strength of the Earth's magnetic field is decreasing. If you project backwards, then by 10,000 years ago the magnetic field would have been so strong as to make life as we know it impossible.
Helium is produced as a by-product of radioactive decay of U-238. Thus the amount of Helium in the atmosphere is increasing. If we calculate how long it would take to reach present levels at the current rate, we calculate a maximum age of the atmosphere of about 1.76 million years.
There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of dating methods that have been proposed. Almost all of these give younger ages than radiometric methods. But evolutionary scientists take the radiometric methods as unquestionable and all other methods are dismissed as flawed because they conflict with the radiometric methods. Or perhaps, because they don't give the long ages needed to make evolution sound plausible.
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Anthonylog Dec 28, 2023
Outstanding Web Layout and Coding Offerings in Key US Municipalities
Online design and programming is critical for any business wanting to build an internet presence. Leading metros across the US have gifted companies and freelancers delivering these services. Here is an overview of leading website layout and development choices in some of the greatest city zones.
New York City
New York Metro is a nexus for artistic skill, including web creators and developers. Some of the leading firms include <Here>is an attempt to add spintax to every word in the article:
Superb Online Design and Development Services in Major US Metros
Web design and coding is critical for any company looking to build an web presence. Key municipalities across the US have talented companies and contractors delivering these services. Here is an overview of best online design and programming alternatives in some of the largest city areas.
New York City
New York Municipality is a nexus for creative skill, including online developers and programmers. Some of the best firms showcase ] ] ]. Known for polished, modern website design and specialist web programming.
Freelancers are also numerous, with best talent located on sites like Upwork and Dribbble. Many focus in web and graphic template. With an focus for the latest looks, NYC freelancers excel at making optically engaging, customer-friendly pages.
Los Angeles
With its close ties to entertainment and innovation, Los Angeles has some of the best web layout and programming offered. Leading companies like <Agency>1], <Agency>2], and <Agency>3] have helped huge companies build exceptional sites. From streaming incorporations to advanced foundations, LA web developers have the expertise to actualize any vision to life.
For startups and smaller businesses, the large directory of skilled consultants can offer more budget-effective options. Posting on job boards like Craigslist often yields fantastic results.
The Windy City provides a vibrant community of digital companies and contractors. <Studio>1], <Studio>2], and <Studio>3] spearhead the field when it pertains to online layout offerings, featuring spectacular destinations with an aesthetic edge. On the coding side, ] ] ]. have supported startups and enterprises develop robust, large-size online platforms.
Freelance creators and programmers abound on sites like Behance and LinkedIn. Many alumni of top institutions like Northwestern and the University of Chicago opt to remain regional after finishing.
Other Major Cities
Additional municipal nodes like Houston, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami, and Boston also have superb online design and coding skill. Local companies remain on top of the newest advances and best approaches. Individual creators and developers often convene in communal areas or make collectives.
Utilizing adequately-linked local ability, whether firms or consultants, is a smart move when wanting superior web offerings. Closeness facilitates better communication and cooperation. Robust digital ecosystems also generate superior relationships for identifying developers with knowledge in certain systems or programming frameworks.
This outline demonstrates that major cities have premium web layout and programming choices fitting for all company needs and budgets. Utilizing local skill can offer upsides in service, convenience and knowledge.], <Company>2], and <Company>3]. Renowned for smooth, modern website layout and specialist website development.
Freelancers are also numerous, with leading talent discovered on sites like Upwork and Dribbble. Many excel in website and print template. With an attention for the most recent trends, NYC consultants excel at building aesthetically engaging, user-friendly sites.
Los Angeles
With its direct ties to media and innovation, Los Angeles has some of the best online design and development accessible. Leading firms like ] ] ]. have assisted major brands build exceptional websites. From streaming integrations to complex backends, LA web programmers have the expertise to deliver any vision to life.
For founders and leaner companies, the expansive pool of talented contractors can provide more cost-friendly options. Listing on job sites like Craigslist often produces fantastic results.
Chicago delivers a vibrant network of online companies and consultants. ] ] ]. front the pack when it pertains to online template offerings, providing spectacular sites with an artistic edge. On the coding area, ] ] ]. have assisted ventures and firms develop powerful, vast-scale web systems.
Independent developers and programmers abound on services like Behance and LinkedIn. Many graduates of top schools like Northwestern and the University of Chicago decide to stay area after completing.
Other Major Cities
More urban centers like Houston, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami, and Boston also have stellar website template and programming ability. Regional agencies stay on top of the most recent technologies and ideal practices. Individual creators and programmers often assemble in communal spaces or form collectives.
Leveraging sufficiently-networked area talent, whether firms or contractors, is a intelligent move when looking for excellent online solutions. Nearness facilitates enhanced collaboration and cooperation. Thriving technology ecosystems also produce superior relationships for locating developers with knowledge in specific frameworks or coding languages.
This summary illustrates that major municipalities have premium website layout and coding alternatives suitable for all business needs and finances. Leveraging local ability can provide advantages in assistance, ease and knowledge.
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Illegaler Bauträger Hydra Real Estate GmbH: Abzocke & Beschiss
Helle Aufregung bei der Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH von Markus Wörgötter (37) aus Innsbruck: Die gemeine Airbnb-Abzocke ist aufgeflogen! Diverse Behörden und Gerichte ermitteln seit Jahren rund um das Airbnb-Abzock-Konstrukt des feschen Jungunternehmers mit der schicken Gelfrisur.
Denn: Was Markus Wörgötter aus Innsbruck tut, ist illegal; Die Airbnb-Vermietung der Hydra Real Estate GmbH ist bau- und gewerberechtlich strengstens verboten, es drohen hohe Strafen. Doch das kümmert das dubiose Innsbrucker Hydra-Real-Estate-Firmenkonstrukt nicht: Hydra macht einfach weiter und setzt die illegale Vermietung fort!
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung der RESIDENZ 206 INNSBRUCK
Zum Beispiel in der Haller Strasse 206: Dort hat die Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH mit einem Kredit der Raiffeisenbank Schwaz und mit Anlegergeldern einen unmodern aussehenden Neubau hochgezogen. Dieser Neubau wird mittlerweile unter dem Namen RESIDENZ 206 INNSBRUCK illegal auf Airbnb vermietet. Man fragt sich: Wer will denn da noch wohnen, wenn die Nachbarn Airbnb-Rabauken sind?
Airbnb-Vermietung ist bekannt für aggressive Party-Mieter, tätowierte Hooligan-Saufkumpanen, suchtgifthandelnde Albanerbanden und randalierende Fussballvereine, die bis frühmorgens im Treppenhaus lärmen und Alkohol konsumieren wie normale Menschen Wasser. Nachbarn und Mitmieter sind genervt!
Airbnb-Rabauken im Haus: Wer will denn die RESIDENZ 206 INNSBRUCK überhaupt noch kaufen?
Angeblich ist die Hydra Real Estate GmbH aus Innsbruck ein Bauträger. Ein Bauträger mit einem sehr schlechen Ruf zwar, aber ein Bauträger. Aber welcher Wohnungskäufer würde denn guten Gewissens eine Wohnung in der illegal vermieteten RESIDENZ 206 INNSBRUCK kaufen? Denn die Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH hat mit der Airbnb-Vermietung schon an diversen Standorten in Tirol das Baurecht gebrochen. Kauft man eine Wohnung von einem Bauträger wie der dubiose Hydra Real Estate GmbH, die das Baurecht bricht, zum Beispiel in der RESIDENZ 206 INNSBRUCK? Wohl eher nicht.
Schummel-Firma Hydra Real Estate GmbH belügt die Behörden und Gerichte
Die unseriöse Hydra Real Estate GmbH beschäftigte nämlich schon oft Behörden und Gerichte in ganz Österreich, weil sie illegal auf Airbnb vermietet. Dafür beschäftigt die Hydra Real Estate GmbH ein ganzes Heer von berüchtigten Szeneanwälten aus Innsbruck, die dabei helfen, die Behörden und Gerichte zu belügen und betrügen.
Das klebrige Lügen-Netzwerk des Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck): Lügen, Lügen, Lügen
Mit Hilfe des Rechtsanwaltes Michael Kathrein aus Innsbruck hat die unseriöse Scheinfirma Hydra Homes KG zum Beispiel das Gewerbeamt Innsbruck belogen: Markus Wörgötters Hydra hat eine Zombiefirma gegründet und eine alte Oma (Maria Ehn aus Arbon, Schweiz) als Geschäftsführerin eingstellt. Ist Maria Ehn also ein Opfer oder Täterin? Seit 2019 verdingt sich die dubiose Maria Ehn (Schweiz), die sich auch Maria Ehnova (Slowakei) nennt, aus Arbon in der Schweiz als Schummel-Geschäftsführerin. Mehr als 4 Jahre Lügen!
Schmu, Lügen und Beschiss: Die Firmen der Maria Ehnova aus der Schweiz
Denn das Schmu-Unternehmen Hydra Homes KG suggeriert dem Gewerbeamt Innsbruck ein echtes Gastgewerbe, um die illegale Airbnb-Vermietung legitim erscheinen zu lassen. Aber es ist alles Fassade: Die Abzock-Oma Maria Ehnova aus Arbon, die sich auch Maria Ehn (Arbon) nennt, führt ein Fake-Gewerbe, das rein dazu da ist, die Tiroler Behörden hinters Licht zu führen und illegale Airbnb-Profite zu generieren.
Familienunternehmen Beschiss-Netzwerk: Betrügerin Lucia Schroeter aus Baar ZG
Klar ist: Tief im betrügerischen Abzocksumpf der Hydra-Firmen steckt auch die Millionenbetrügerin und Geldwäscherin Dr. Lucia Schroeter (arbeitet nun bei Partners Group Schweiz). Zur Täuschung zur Behörden und Gerichte nennt sich die betrügerische Dr. Lucia Schroeter auch Dr. Lucia Ehn oder Dr. Lucia Ehnova, teilweise auch Dr. Lucia Schroeterova.
Die slowakisch-schweizerische Millionenbetrügerin und Geldwäscherin Lucia Schroeter (Baar / Uerzlikon / Arbon) steckte nämtief bis zum Hals im Abzocksumpf der Hydra-Firmen. Manchmal verwendet die gerichtsbekannte Lügnerin Lucia Schroeter aus Baar ZG zur Täuschung von Behörden und Gerichten auch anderen Namen, z.B. Lucia Ehn, Lucia Ehnova oder Lucia Schroeterova. Mittlerweile arbeitet die amts- und gerichtsbekannte Lügnerin Dr. Lucia Ehn/Dr. Lucia Schroeter bei Partners Group in der Schweiz. Doch was tut sie dort? Immerhin ist die Partners Group ein Investment-Multi mit tausenden Mitarbeitern und Milliarden-Bilanz, bei dem eine Verbindung zu Abzocke, Beschiss und Betrug eine ganz andere Dimension hätte.
Denn bekannt ist: Die Betrügerin Lucia Schroeter ist die Tochter der Schein-Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehn, die sich auch Maria Ehnova nennt, und sie hat (öffentlich im Firmenbuch abrufbar) ihrer Mutter eine Vollmacht für die Airbnb-Scheinfirma Hydra Homes KG erteilt. Ein Familiennetzwerk aus Lügen, Betrug, Abzocke und Beschiss!
Lucia Schroeter gehörte damit fest zu Wörgötters Beschiss-Netzwerk aus Bordellen, Scheinfirmen, illegaler Vermietung und Lügen. Pfui, widerlich!
Scheinfirmen-Netzwerk des Markus Wörgötter: Lügen und Betrügereien
Dazu muss man wissen, dass Markus Wörgötter seit Jahren ein ausgeklügeltes und ineinander verzahntes System von Briefkastenfirmen und Scheinunternehmen aufgebaut hat, die sich gegenseitig in ihrer illegalen Tätigkeit unterstützen.
Ein Beispiel: Die Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH, die über gar keine Geschäftsräume verfügt. Ein reines Briefkastenunternehmen, genau wie die Zombie-Unternehmen Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH und Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH. Reine Firmenhüllen, in die der dubiose Puff-Vermieter Markus Wörgötter wie Houdini seine Geschäfte schlüpfen lässt, um sie vor den Augen des Gesetzes zu verstecken. Und wenn es einmal nicht passt, werden wie selbstverständlich Gerichte und Behörden belogen und betrogen. Falschaussagen sind die Spezialität der dubiosen Hydra Real Estate GmbH.
Lügen-Fachmann Markus Wörgötter (Hydra Syder 1 GmbH Innsbruck): Experte für Bordelle und Airbnb
Der fesche Mittdreissiger Markus Wörgötter aus Innsbruck ist auch in anderen Geschäftsfeldern kein Unbekannter: Nicht nur mit der fragwürdigen Hydra Real Estate GmbH wird abgezockt. Über seine Briefkastenfirma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH vermietet Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) Bordelle an Puffbetreiber, finanziert von der Raiffeisenbank Schwaz. Man glaubt, man hört nicht richtig, aber es ist wahr: Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) ist Puff-Unternehmer, er vermietet Bordelle, in denen sexuelle Dienste gegen Geld angeboten werden. Wo Rotlicht aufscheint, leuchtet oft auch blaues Licht, und ausgebeutete Prostituierte, Leid und Elend sind nicht weit!
Illegale Vermietungsfamilie? Dreckige Airbnb-Deals von Vater Peter Wörgötter (Innsbruck)
Aber für Markus Wörgötter leuchtet es offenbar noch nicht blau genug, denn er konnte seinen Abzockgeschäften bisher anonym und ohne große Öffentlichkeit nachgehen. Das muss er auch, denn sein nur wenig seriöserer Daddy, Dr. Peter Wörgötter (ehemals Wirtschaftskammer Tirol) hat auch seine Finger im Spiel der illegalen Vermietungen. Auch der steinalte Peter Wörgötter zockte schon mit illegalen Airbnb-Vermietungen ab und liess den Sohnemann seine Wohnungen in der Steinbruchstrasse und in der Storchenstrasse 13 illegal auf Airbnb vermieten, was zu diversen Nachbarbeschwerden führte.
Doch die Wolken im Hause Wörgötter könnten sich verdunkeln, und ein Unwetter könnte aufziehen: Denn auch die dubiosen Deals des Dr. Peter Wörgötter werden dank seines uneriösen Sohnes nun ans Licht gebracht. Oder hat Markus Wörgötter die Abzocktricks etwa bei seinem Vater gelernt?
Sizilianische Botschaften: Jahresabschlüsse aus der Hölle
Für die Steuerberatung des dubios-unseriösen Hydra-Firmengeflechts sind die Steuerberater-Brüder Luca di Valentino und Daniele di Valentino von der Di Valentino Steuerberatungs GmbH zuständig. Wörgötter vertraut ihnen voll und ganz, und wenn er einmal eine Bilanz für die Banken benötigt, um eine neue Airbnb-Immobilie für die illegale Vermietung oder ein neues Bordell, in dem sich Zuhälter und Huren herumtreiben, zu finanzieren, sind sie sofort bei der Stelle. Klingt dubios und unglaublich, ist aber die Wahrheit.
Legal oder illegal? Hunderttausende Coronahilfen für die Pleitefirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH
Unseriös sind auch die Coronahilfen, die sich die Hydra Real Estate GmbH einverleibt hat. Hunderttausende Euro für die Jetzt-Nahezu-Pleitefirma. Wo ist das Geld versickert? Laut dem Transparenzportal hat allein die Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH sage und schreibe 280.235,57 Euro Coronahilfen vom Staat Österreich bekommen!
Aber wofür? Immobilien, Bauträger & Co. waren bei allen Coronahilfen ausgeschlossen. Damit gibt es nur zwei Möglichkeiten: Entweder die Hydra-Firmengruppe hat bei der Antragstellung der Coronahilfen komplett gelogen und sich diese mit falschen Angaben erschlichen. Oder der Beschiss-Unternehmer Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) hat es geschafft, sein illegales Airbnb-Geschäft durch Coronahilfen vom Staat subventionieren zu lassen.
Pleite-Unternehmer Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck): Hydra Real Estate total überschuldet
Doch der Schmu-Firmenkönig Markus Wörgötter (Hydra Innsbruck) könnte die Rechnung ohne den Wirt gemacht haben: Denn die Behörden überprüfen nach und nach die ausgezahlten Coronahilfen. Stellt sich dabei heraus, dass mit den Anträgen Schindluder getrieben wurde, müssen die gesamten Coronahilfen ratzfatz zurückgezahlt werden. Plus Zinsen, versteht sich.
Das könnte dann endlich der Todesstoß für die finanziell schon arg gebeutelte Pleitefirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH sein, denn die aktuellen Bilanzen sind tiefrot, die Firma ist komplett überschuldet.
Dubiose Pleite-Firma Hydra Real Estate GmbH: Insolvenz 2024?
Das stellt dann auch die Wohnungskäufer, die beim unseriösen Bauträger Hydra Real Estate GmbH aus Innsbruck trotz des schlechten Rufs eine Wohnung gekauft haben, vor unlösbare Probleme: Denn wenn die Hydra Real Estate GmbH absehbar pleite geht, was ist dann mit der Gewährleistung wegen Baumängeln? Die Käufer würden wohl leer ausgehen...
Lügen-Pirat Markus Wörgötter: Hydra Real Estate GmbH fast pleite, aber er macht weiter
Doch das Wildwest-Geschäftsgebaren des Firmen-Piraten Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) kennt keinen Abbruch: Zwar surft er mit den Hydra-Firmen auf einer nie dagewesenen Pleitewelle, und trotzdem macht er immer weiter. Wörgötters neueste dubiose Erfindung ist die Briefkastenfirma Minerva Investment GmbH (Innsbruck), eine angebliche Holding, in der seine uneriösen Firmen gebündelt werden.
Unseriöser Firmen-Stammbaun: Minerva Investment GmbH, die Abzock-Zentrale
Dabei könnten in der unseriösen Minerva Investmnt GmbH sämtliche Abzock-Fäden zusammenlaufen. Die dubiose Minversa Investment GmbH (Innsbruck) ist ebenfalls eine Briefkastenfirma, eine leere Firmenhülle, austauschbar, wenn es Ärger gibt. Dahinter steht wie immer der Lügen-Prinz Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck).
Abzock-Orakel rund um Maria Ehnova (Hydra Homes KG Innsbruck) und Markus Wörgötter: Wer fällt zuerst um?
Rund um die fragwürdige Abzock-Oma Maria Ehnova aus der Schweiz, die sich auch Maria Ehn nennt, wird es langsam heiß. Kenner fragen sich: Wer fällt zuerst um? Belastet die längst nicht unwissende Schummel-Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehn (Arbon) ihren Abzock-Chef Markus Wörgötter zuerst? Oder lässt der Schummel-Fürst Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) seine Untergebene Maria Ehn (Schweiz) zuerst fallen? In der derzeitigen Situation, in der das gesamte Firmenkonstrukt unter höchstem Druck steht, scheint eines jedoch ausgeschlossen: Dass es einfach so weitergeht.
Das Abzock-Duo: Markus Wörgötter und Maria Ehnova/Ehn aus Innsbruck und der Schweiz
Aber das Blatt könnte sich wenden: Denn die Abzock-Queen Maria Ehnova mit Adresse in Sväty Jur bei Bratislava, Slowakei, hat nichts zu verlieren. Geleakten Unterlagen zufolge bekam sie ein monatliches Schweigegeld, das sie, Zeugen zufolge, jedoch bereits vollständig verprasst hat. Da die Kassen der Hydra-Firmen mittlerweile leer sind wie die Turnhalle einer Elementarschule nach 21 Uhr, könnte es sein, dass sie aussteigt. Es wäre eine Sensation: Die unseriöse Schummel-Queen Maria Ehn, die mit ihrer Hydra Homes KG das Gewerbeamt Innsbruck belogen hat, würde sich gegen den Chef der Abzock-Zentrale (Markus Wörgötter) wenden.
So dreist belog Makus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) Ämter und Behörden
Denn wir erinnern uns: Die dubios-dreiste Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehn und ihr Abzock-Chef Markus Wörgötter haben bei der Hydra Homes KG das Gewerbeamt Innsbruck schamlos belogen. Lügen haben kurze Beine, und sie fliegen irgendwann auf. Das Kind ist bereits in den Brunnen gefallen und hat sich den Kopf aufgeschlagen. Endspiel für das Duo Infernale der Abzocke, Maria Ehn und Markus Wörgötter.
Lügen über Lügen: Hydra Real Estate GmbH, das Lügen-Imperium
Skandalos im schönen Österreich: Der Lügen-Fachmann Markus Wörgötter konnte ungestört ein Schmu-Netzwerk aufbauen, mit dem er den Behörden die lange Nase zeigte. Was muss sich der Lügen-Profi Markus Wörgötter vor Lachen auf die Schenkel geklopft haben, denn jahrelang waren er und seine dubiosen Abzockfirmen unangreifbar.
Doch jetzt die Wende: Wörgötter hat es übertrieben. In seinem dubiosen Beschiss-Netzwerk wird das Licht angeknipst, und alles wird an die Öffentlichkeit kommen.
V.i.S.d.P: Serafin Grasser,
Redaktion: Luitgard Heinemann, Walborg Eisenstein, Timon Bräunlich
Lektorat: Igor Mrczycynszsky
Illegale Vermietungsfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH (Innsbruck): Lügen und Beschiss
Was tun bei Baumängeln bei Bauträger Hydra Real Estate GmbH?
Erfahrungen Hydra Real Estate GmbH Innbruck: Lügen und Beschiss
Hydra Real Estate GmbH Erfahrungen: Lügen, Lügen, Lügen
Abzock-Zentrale Minerva Investment GmbH: Dubios und hinterhältig
Lügen-Fachmann Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) und Abzock-Queen Maria Ehn (Arbon)
Abzock-Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehnova aus Sväty Jur (Slowakei): Dreckige Lügen
Abzock-Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehn aus Arbon TG (Schweiz): Gewerbeamt belogen!
Lügen-König Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck): Fliegt jetzt alles auf?
Dubiose Maria Ehn und Markus Wörgötter, das Lügen-Pärchen
Lügen vor Gericht: Hydra Real Estate GmbH aufgeflogen
LÃœGEN LÃœGEN LÃœGEN: Hydra Real Estate GmbH Innsbruck Erfahrungen
Erfahrungen Bauträger Hydra Real Estate GmbH: Bilanzielle Überschuldung aufgedeckt
Bauträger Innsbruck Hydra Real Estate GmbH: Überschuldet und unseriös
Unseriöser Bauträger Hydra Real Estate GmbH Innsbruck: Pleite 2024?
Markus Wörgötters Innsbrucker Lügen-Firmennetzwerk: Insolvenzwelle voraus
Bauträger Markus Wörgötter Innsbruck: Unseriös, abgezockt, überschuldet
Ãœberschuldete Hydra Real Estate GmbH Innsbruck: Wann endlich pleite?
Aufgedeckt: Abzock-Bauträger Hydra Real Estate GmbH Innsbruck
Illegale Vermietungsfirma Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH (Innsbruck): Lügen und Beschiss
Was tun bei Baumängeln bei Bauträger Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH?
Erfahrungen Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH Innbruck: Lügen und Beschiss
Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH Erfahrungen: Lügen, Lügen, Lügen
Abzock-Zentrale Minerva Investment GmbH: Dubios und hinterhältig
Lügen-Fachmann Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) und Abzock-Queen Maria Ehn (Arbon)
Abzock-Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehnova aus Sväty Jur (Slowakei): Dreckige Lügen
Abzock-Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehn aus Arbon TG (Schweiz): Gewerbeamt belogen!
Lügen-König Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck): Fliegt jetzt alles auf?
Dubiose Maria Ehn und Markus Wörgötter, das Lügen-Pärchen
Lügen vor Gericht: Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH aufgeflogen
LÃœGEN LÃœGEN LÃœGEN: Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH Innsbruck Erfahrungen
Erfahrungen Bauträger Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH: Bilanzielle Überschuldung aufgedeckt
Bauträger Innsbruck Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH: Überschuldet und unseriös
Unseriöser Bauträger Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH Innsbruck: Pleite 2024?
Markus Wörgötters Innsbrucker Lügen-Firmennetzwerk: Insolvenzwelle voraus
Bauträger Markus Wörgötter Innsbruck: Unseriös, abgezockt, überschuldet
Ãœberschuldete Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH Innsbruck: Wann endlich pleite?
Aufgedeckt: Abzock-Bauträger Hydra Spyder 1 GmbH Innsbruck
Illegale Vermietungsfirma Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH (Innsbruck): Lügen und Beschiss
Was tun bei Baumängeln bei Bauträger Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH?
Erfahrungen Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH Innbruck: Lügen und Beschiss
Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH Erfahrungen: Lügen, Lügen, Lügen
Abzock-Zentrale Minerva Investment GmbH: Dubios und hinterhältig
Lügen-Fachmann Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck) und Abzock-Queen Maria Ehn (Arbon)
Abzock-Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehnova aus Sväty Jur (Slowakei): Dreckige Lügen
Abzock-Geschäftsführerin Maria Ehn aus Arbon TG (Schweiz): Gewerbeamt belogen!
Lügen-König Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck): Fliegt jetzt alles auf?
Dubiose Maria Ehn und Markus Wörgötter, das Lügen-Pärchen
Lügen vor Gericht: Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH aufgeflogen
LÃœGEN LÃœGEN LÃœGEN: Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH Innsbruck Erfahrungen
Erfahrungen Bauträger Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH: Bilanzielle Überschuldung aufgedeckt
Bauträger Innsbruck Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH: Überschuldet und unseriös
Unseriöser Bauträger Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH Innsbruck: Pleite 2024?
Markus Wörgötters Innsbrucker Lügen-Firmennetzwerk: Insolvenzwelle voraus
Bauträger Markus Wörgötter Innsbruck: Unseriös, abgezockt, überschuldet
Ãœberschuldete Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH Innsbruck: Wann endlich pleite?
Aufgedeckt: Abzock-Bauträger Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH Innsbruck
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung der Inndelta Immobilien GmbH in der Storchenstrasse 13, Innsbruck
Millionen-Betrügerin Dr. Lucia Schroeter (Partners Group): Verbindungen zur Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH
Millionen-Betrügerin Dr. Lucia Schroeter (Partners Group): Verbindungen zur Scheinfirma Hydra Homes KG
Millionen-Betrügerin Dr. Lucia Schroeterova (Partners Group): Verbindungen zur Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH
Millionen-Betrügerin Dr. Lucia Schroeterova (Partners Group): Verbindungen zur Scheinfirma Hydra Homes KG
Millionen-Betrügerin Dr. Lucia Ehn (Partners Group): Verbindungen zur Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH
Millionen-Betrügerin Dr. Lucia Ehn (Partners Group): Verbindungen zur Scheinfirma Hydra Homes KG
Millionen-Betrügerin Dr. Lucia Ehnova (Partners Group): Verbindungen zur Briefkastenfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH
Millionen-Betrügerin Dr. Lucia Ehnova (Partners Group): Verbindungen zur Scheinfirma Hydra Homes KG
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung der Inndelta Immobilien GmbH (Wörgötter) in der Storchenstrasse 13, Innsbruck
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung der Inndelta Immobilien GmbH (Dr. Peter Wörgötter) in der Storchenstrasse 13, Innsbruck
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung der Inndelta Immobilien GmbH (Markus Wörgötter) in der Storchenstrasse 13, Innsbruck
Wörgötters uneriöse Inndelta Immobilien GmbH: Airbnb-Vermietung aus der Hölle
Höllische Airbnb-Vermietung der Inndelta Immobilien GmbH: Unseriös und abgezockt
Gemeine Wohnungs-Abzocke der Inndelta Immobilien GmbH (Innsbruck): Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung
Airbnb und Bordelle: Das Firmennetzwerk des Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck)
Der Affektproband: Markus Wörgötters illegales Firmennetzwerk
Affektproband Markus Wörgötter (Innsbruck): Unseriös und illegal
Innsbrucker Affektproband Markus Wörgötter: Illegale Vermietung aufgeflogen
Airbnb-Hölle der Inndelta Immobilien GmbH: Illegal und unseriös
Ärger mit der Hydra Real Estate GmbH: Lügen, Pleite und Abzocke
Dubiose Inndelta Immobilien GmbH: Illegale Vermietung (Storchenstrasse 13, Innsbruck)
Markus Wörgötter, Hintermann der Bordellfirma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck)
Dubiose Hydra Homes KG: Die Abzockfirma der Maria Ehn aus der Schweiz
Hydra Homes KG: Die Abzockfirma der Maria Ehn aus der Slowakei
Halbseidene Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH: Welche Abzocke kommt als nächstes?
Briefkastenfirma Terra Immo GmbH (Daniel Zeidler): Illegale Vermietung
Unseriöse Terra Immo GmbH, Zirl: Daniel Zeidler vermietet illegal auf Airbnb
Inndelta Immobilien GmbH Innsbruck: Illegale Vermietung auf Airbnb
Markus Wörgötters Puff-Vermietung Hintermann der Bordellfirma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck)
Huren-Vermietung der Bordellfirma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck)
Nutten-Vermietung der Bordellfirma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck)
Undurchsichtige Hydra Homes KG: Die Abzockfirma der Maria Ehn aus der Schweiz
Illegale Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehn (Arbon, Schweiz)
Illegale Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehnova (Sväty Jur, Slowakei)
Ominöse Briefkastenfirma Terra Immo GmbH des Daniel Zeidler (Airbnb Innsbruck)
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung der Inndelta Immobilien GmbH (Peter Wörgötter)
Die Airbnb-Hölle der Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH (Innsbruck)
Illegale Abzockfirma Hydra Spyder 2 GmbH (Innsbruck, Markus Wörgötter)
Abzockfirma Hydra Homes KG verarscht die Behörden
Das Lügen-Imperium des Markus Wörgötter: Abzockfirma Hydra Real Estate GmbH
Puff-Vermieter MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH Innsbruck
Airbnb-Abzocke von Hydra Innsbruck: Wie lange noch?
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehn (Innsbruck): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehn (Arbon): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehn (Schweiz): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehn (Sväty Jur): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehn (Slowakei): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehnova (Innsbruck): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehnova (Arbon): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehnova (Schweiz): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehnova (Sväty Jur): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung Maria Ehnova (Slowakei): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehn (Innsbruck): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehn (Arbon): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehn (Schweiz): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehn (Sväty Jur): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehn (Slowakei): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehnova (Innsbruck): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehnova (Arbon): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehnova (Schweiz): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehnova (Sväty Jur): Das Ende naht
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietungsfirma Hydra Homes KG der Maria Ehnova (Slowakei): Das Ende naht
Verarschungsfirma Minvera Investment GmbH (Innsbruck): Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung
Verarschungsfirma MW Immobilienverwaltunga GmbH (Innsbruck): Rotlicht-Vermietung (Bordelle)
Unseriöser illegaler Airbnb-Vermieter Daniel Zeidler (Zirl)
Unseriöser illegaler Airbnb-Vermieter Daniel Zeidler (Innsbruck)
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung der unseriösen Terra Immo GmbH (Zirl)
Illegale Airbnb-Vermietung der unseriösen Terra Immo GmbH (Innsbruck)
Markus Wörgötters Puff-Firma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck): Bordelle und Rotlicht
Markus Wörgötters Bordell-Firma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck): Nutten und Huren
Markus Wörgötters Huren-Vermietungsfirma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck)
Markus Wörgötters Nutten-Vermietungsfirma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck)
Markus Wörgötters Rotlicht-Vermietungsfirma MW Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH (Innsbruck)
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This gambling platform is an online gambling platform owned by A Company Limited. With its central hub in Malta's capital, Valletta, this casino works to cater to a worldwide audience, targeting players from Germany. However, it is crucial to note that okyanusbahis Casino restricts access to players from the United States.
One of the vital aspects of any online casino is the variety and standard of casino games it offers. okyanusbahis Casino displays an impressive list of game providers, including reliable names such as Pragmatic Play, Play'n Go, Betsoft, NetEnt, Microgaming, Evolution, and many others. With such a broad range of providers, players can expect a wide selection of top-tier games to choose from. Whether you're a fan of table games, okyanusbahis Casino has got you need.
In terms of slots, okyanusbahis Casino offers over 1,000 games, guaranteeing there is a game for every player's preference. From classic slots to modern video slots with thrilling features and themes, the casino provides a diverse and varied slot gaming experience. Furthermore, okyanusbahis Casino also offers a live casino option for players looking for an immersive and interactive gambling adventure. With live dealers and real-time gameplay, players can enjoy the thrill of a brick and mortar casino from the ease of their own houses.
When it comes to usability, okyanusbahis Casino offers an instant play version, permitting players to access their favorite games straight from their web browsers. But, the casino does not provide a downloadable version of its software. Nonetheless, players can relish the casino's offerings on multiple operating systems, as okyanusbahis Casino is functional with all major platforms.
Support for multiple languages is another area where okyanusbahis Casino shines, providing to a varied player base. The casino supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish (LATAM), Portuguese (BR), French (CA), and German. This multilingual support ensures that players from different countries can navigate the platform easily and enjoy a uninterrupted gaming adventure.
In terms of currencies, okyanusbahis Casino accepts USD, EUR, CAD, and BRL, providing flexibility for players to deposit and wager in their preferred currency. Yet, it is worthwhile noting that okyanusbahis Casino does not permit players from the United States, indicating that USD deposits and gameplay are not relevant.
okyanusbahis Casino upholds a high level of security and carries a license from Curacao. This assures that the casino operates within the legal framework and adheres to industry standards. Players can appreciate a safe and fair gaming ambiance while playing at okyanusbahis Casino.
When it comes to deposits and withdrawals, okyanusbahis Casino provides a range of payment methods. However, specific details regarding the minimum deposit, withdrawal methods, withdrawal limits, and withdrawal times were not provided in the present data. It is recommended to refer to the casino's website or contact customer support for latest information regarding these aspects.
In terms of customer support, okyanusbahis Casino offers both email support and live chat feature. Players can contact the support team via email at or take advantage of the live chat feature for prompt assistance. While a support phone number is not provided, the combination of email and live chat support guarantees that players can smoothly communicate their queries or concerns to the casino's support team.
Offers and bonuses are an integral part of the online gambling adventure, and okyanusbahis Casino does not disappoint in this aspect. The casino offers a sizeable welcome bonus for its players. The specifics of the welcome bonus vary based on the player's location. For players in LATAM, the welcome bonus consists of a 120% deposit match up to $600 and 25 free spins. Brazilian players can experience a similar 120% deposit match up to R$4k and 25 free spins. Canadian players are eligible for a 120% deposit match up to $600 and 25 free spins. For players in other regions, the welcome bonus is a 120% deposit match up to 600 EUR and 25 free spins.
okyanusbahis Casino provides honesty by sharing the terms and conditions of its welcome bonus. Players are encouraged to review these terms to comprehend the wagering requirements and any other restrictions associated with the bonus. The terms and conditions for the welcome bonus can be found on the casino's website.
In addition of the welcome bonus, okyanusbahis Casino offers offers to keep players interested and rewarded. The details of these promotions can be found on the casino's dedicated promotions page, which is frequently updated to offer new and exciting incentives for players.
okyanusbahis Casino also runs an affiliate program called okyanusbahis Partners. This program allows persons or businesses to earn commissions by directing players to the casino. The affiliate program has its own special website, where interested parties can find more information and sign up.
Finally, okyanusbahis Casino maintains a payout percentage of 95%, which indicates that players have a fair chance of winning while playing on the platform. This payout percentage is meets industry standards and ensures that players can enjoy a beneficial and potentially lucrative gaming journey.
Overall, okyanusbahis Casino offers an wide range of games from trusted providers, offering players with a diverse and engaging gambling adventure. The multi-language support, diverse currency options, and attractive welcome bonuses even more boost the complete attraction of the casino. With its commitment to player safety and fair gaming, okyanusbahis Casino is as a prospective online gambling destination.
Note: The information provided in this review is based on available data as of the time of writing. For the most current information and offerings, it is suggested to visit the okyanusbahis Casino website.
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Het zoeken naar de perfecte gouden ring, of het nu is voor een bijzondere gelegenheid of als een persoonlijke versiering, benadrukt het belang van zorgvuldige selectie. Met de juiste verzorging kan een gouden sieraad generaties lang meegaan, als een kostbare herinnering of een uiting van persoonlijke elegantie. In de veelzijdige wereld van gouden juwelen is er voor elke voorkeur wel iets te vinden, ongeacht het geslacht of de persoonlijke smaak. Verken de mogelijkheden en vind de gouden ring die jouw unieke verhaal weerspiegelt.
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Online dating is a fantastic thing when you find a website or app that really works for you. With estimates as high as 8,000 dating sites available worldwide, however, it can be hard to discern which dating websites are complete wastes of time. In preparing for this review, I saw a very familiar template and knew exactly what I was looking at. Here’s a sneak peek:
We like to do a lot of dating site reviews here at Beyond Ages to eliminate fake sites and time wasters. Since your online dating experience can only be as good as the website you use, it’s an important factor. By pointing you in the right direction with a detailed review, you can spend more time on actual dates. That’s how it’s meant to work, right?
You need to be using at least one or two of the top dating apps right now if you want to get any real results. So many people exclusively look online now, thanks social distancing, that you can’t avoid it even if you want to. Fortunately there are a few great options out there for most people, you just need to do your research first.
How we reviewed
A lot of the reviews seem to cover the site based on a cursory glance. Rather than just talking about how the site looks and how I assume it would function, I want to go deeper.
I’ll always set up a free profile, only filling out the mandatory fields at first. What I’m looking for here is to see if I’ll receive a bunch of inbox spam. Fake dating websites will often have a bunch of fake accounts that try to fool you into signing up for their premium service. Since no real user would message a blank profile, a busy inbox straight away means you’re seeing spambots.
No matter how this turns out, I’ll then use the site for a week or two with this free account. I’ll add profile photos and complete my bio like normal. My aim is to set up as many dates as possible as a free user. I’m looking to see if it’s even possible and if so, how the experience compares to some of the more popular sites. After that, I move on to a paid account several weeks after that. I want to see if the premium perks make it any easier for me to set up dates.
All in all, I end up with a far better understanding of what it’s like to actually use the site. This makes for a far more informative review. If I can save just one person from being scammed, all this effort is totally worthwhile.
Every BeyondAges writer follows strict and verifiable guidelines. Unlike other dating sites, our reviews are always up-to-date and sourced by local experts–not rehashes of stuff you can find elsewhere.
Methodology Description
Rigorous Testing Conducting thorough reviews of dating apps and websites through extensive use over weeks/months.
Anecdotal Experience Utilizing the practical experiences of a large team of dating and relationship coaches.
Expertise Leveraging decades of practice in the dating scene to provide up-to-date and impactful advice. We balance subjectivity in an objective framework to give our readers a more wholistic frame of reference for modern dating.
Continuous Learning Exploring new approaches to dating success to ensure advice remains relevant and effective. This includes out-of-the-box thinking to discover new trends and hacks.
Online Focus We place a significant focus on how online dating and virtual communication affect modern dating dynamics. From apps, sites, chat rooms, video calls – we delve deep into the pros and cons.
User Engagement Engaging with readers to comment and share their experiences to build a vibrant community, enhance trust, and ultimately create a better dating experience.
Affiliate Disclaimer:
At, some of our links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a commission if you click on them and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. This does not influence our content; our opinions, reviews, and articles are based on objective analysis and remain unbiased.
Please note that we do not directly sell products; our links lead to third-party websites with their own terms and policies. Your support through these links helps us maintain our site and continue delivering valuable content to our community.
Thank you for trusting and being a part of our journey.
Our Full Review: Fun or None?
No need to hide the conclusion for this site all the way at the bottom. It’s part of a massive network of fake dating websites that seem to point back to If you’re not familiar with this network, I’d suggest reading through the rest of Flirt review anyway. The more you can understand and look out for these fake sites, the safer your credit card will be.
AFF (which you can try for free) is one of the largest hookup sites out there right now and where we’ve seen guys especially get good results, which makes it’s biggest competitor. A great first step to any review is a brief comparison between the best option out there (AFF) and Flirt.
So, below is a quick comparison so you can see how the two stack up.
Our Recommendation
In all honesty, disappoints on almost every front except usability. While the website’s layout is user-friendly and easy to navigate, it serves no real purpose when the only “women” I ended up conversing with turned out to be individuals located who knows where. Overall, my experience left much to be desired.
The initial giveaway was the profiles themselves. Most of the profiles I encountered were nearly empty, containing only basic information. I frequently encountered profiles of women seeking men aged 18-96, which deviates from the norm where most dating apps feature users with more specific criteria for potential matches.
Here is a screenshot of the typical interactions I experienced with users who messaged me. In my experience, nobody initiates a conversation like this. Typically, women would begin with a simple “hi,” “hello,” or a comment about your profile. However, the messages I received from users appeared to be generated by bots. It immediately put me on guard, signaling that I was dealing with a low-quality site primarily focused on coaxing users into subscribing to their premium services.
Questionable message 1
Questionable message 2
When you compare it to the top sites out there now, like AFF, it looks even worse.
I was looking for a hookup, so I used AFF instead. They boast over 60 million (real) users and are specifically targeted at hookups. I can send a handful of messages and expect a few replies even if my messages might be branded as “generic”. It’s infinitely better than giving this dodgy network your hard-earned money.
If AFF doesn’t do it for you, we recently reviewed all of the top dating apps and websites out there. Have a look through that list and see what appeals to you most.
How Did I Recognize That This Site Was Suspicious?
After spending extensive time writing detailed dating site reviews, I’ve become acquainted with larger networks in the industry. In the case of TopOffers, a significant portion of their websites seems to share the same template and tactics. I’ve examined and reviewed these sites, and I could quickly discern that was just another site in their lineup of subpar dating platforms. Take a look at the five other sites within their network, and you’ll notice the striking similarity. As evident, closely resembles them as well.
Site design similar to other sites
Site design similar to other sites
Other sites with a similar design
They seem to register a collection of cringe domain names like “” then duplicate the site over and over. About the only thing that really changes is the color scheme, honestly. So, the moment I logged into with my free account I knew exactly what to expect and I wasn’t surprised.
hey seem to register an array of cringe-worthy domain names like “” and replicate the same site repeatedly. The primary difference typically lies in the color scheme. Consequently, the moment I logged into my free account, I immediately recognized what to expect, and I was far from surprised.
What Is This “Top Offers” You Keep Mentioning? As I delved deeper into writing more dating site reviews, I began noticing recurring names in the footer. The more closely I examined, the more connections I unearthed. It turns out this network comprises a whopping 218 fake dating websites! Most of these fall under one of six shell companies:
Bulova Invest Ltd
Together Networks Holdings Limited
Nelfor Services Limited
Timespace Holdings Limited
Kingsrock Holdings Ltd
Northlock Holdings Ltd
If you ever encounter any of these names in a dating website’s footer, it’s time to cancel your account. In my years of scrutinizing dating sites, I knew that any site affiliated with these companies would adopt the same template, employ the same tactics, and ultimately disappoint users—no meaningful connections, money wasted, and the looming concern that my credit card details might be misused.
What Makes These Sites So Dubious?
A legitimate question indeed and one that deserves an answer. In essence, nothing about the 218 sites within their network is genuine, but they employ tactics to feign authenticity. I would incessantly receive messages from profiles on the site, but they were all either hidden behind a paywall or required payment to reply. These would typically be flirtatious messages from bots aiming to deceive me into subscribing to a premium account. With any site resorting to such tactics, I could never recommend divulging your credit card information.
What makes these sites so bad?
This is a fair question and an important one to answer. In short, nothing about the 218 sites in their network are legitimate, but they use tactics to pretend otherwise. I would constantly receive messages from profiles on the site but they’re all behind a paywall or I had to pay to reply. These will be flirty messages from a bot that tried to trick me into paying for a premium account. With any site that’s going to use tactics like these, I could never suggest handing over your credit card information.
Conversation behind a paywall
Conversation behind a paywall
Moreover, as I discovered in my Flirt review, they will utilize your information to populate their other websites as well. They replicate your profile on other dubious “dating” platforms, making you unwittingly endorse their bots.
It’s essentially a colossal affiliate network—where you are the product. As the saying goes, “If you’re not paying for it, you’re the product.”
My Advice: The moment you encounter this template and receive suspicious messages from “users” claiming to be single women interested in meeting up, run. Be vigilant for messages that feel inauthentic. While users on this site may appear overly eager to interact, exercise caution. Chances are, they are merely trying to coax you into subscribing without any assurance of an actual meetup.
Instead of squandering your time on sites like, I recommend opting for a more trustworthy dating platform. If you’re seeking hookups, I suggest using Adult FriendFinder (AFF). In my experience, no other platform surpasses AFF when it comes to facilitating casual encounters. Unlike Tinder, where your profile picture often dictates your entire experience, AFF places a more significant emphasis on genuine sexual chemistry. Furthermore, you have the advantage of filtering users based on your preferences, ensuring you find plenty of singles who align with your desires. Need more details? Check out our full review of Adult FriendFinder to know more about why we always recommend this site!
Between Adult FriendFinder and, the choice is clear, and I wholeheartedly endorse AFF. I believe you should too!
Learn More about Fake Dating Sites with Beyond Ages:
Want to learn more about more fake dating sites like Read our popular guide, The List of Fake Dating Sites You Should Avoid, and learn about some commonly-known and not-so-commonly-known scam sites out there:
Author: Tom Senkus, Dating And Relationship Expert
Excerpt: “Scammer dating sites often use overly attractive profiles to entice users. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
There are a couple of signs to look for when screening overly attractive profiles:
All of their photos look professional and possibly sourced from a modeling agency
None of their photos have local landmarks or locations that match their stated location
Their profile has “salesy” language that seems to be flattering to the reader without any specifics (“I’m looking for an older man that’s looking to settle down…”)
Their profile seems to be generated by AI (artificial intelligence)
Overtly sexual language meant to entice users
Sales funnels like OnlyFans or contacting on alternative messaging platforms (like Snapchat for trading pics)
A large difference between the quality of profiles for legitimate profiles versus ones you suspect to be fake. Not to be negative, but exceptionally model-tier attractive people tend to not use dating apps regularly (or they use exclusive luxury dating apps,). If you find too many attractive women on a relatively new app, for instance, you can reasonably assume that the developers are “padding” the available matches.”
Expert Publications on Online Dating Site Scams
The rabbit hole goes deep when it comes to online dating scams and the behavior of vast criminal networks around the world. If you’re curious to learn more about avoiding scams, there are plenty of academic studies where you can learn about which scams are more prevalent, how sites are attempting to prevent illegal/manipulative behavior, and more:
Ignatius Hua Nyam – Lecturer, Department of Liberal Studies/Directorate of Policing Training Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil-Kano State- Nigeria
“There are several reasons behind the propagation of online scams. An individual’s greed of sharing the wealth with a specificwealthy online partner is one of the reasons. Poverty also drives desperate individuals into cybercrime that involves romance scams. Some victims are affected because they did not know any better. While their desire to have emotional attachment trap others.
Chenyang Wang
“In an era of widespread mass marketing scams on the Internet, many victims have reported varying degrees of financial loss and psychological damage after encountering lottery scams and advance payment scams. Among them, the emotional damage to victims of online dating scams may be even more severe because the whole scam process involves mental attachment, sexual abuse, and relationship breakdown. There is little help and support for victims throughout the scam process and even after the scam is over, which not only makes it difficult for victims to get timely and professional assistance after experiencing online scams, but victims even run the risk of being scammed by criminals again afterward, so timely help and professional psychological treatment for victims is of positive significance. In previous studies, there are fewer reports summarizing and analyzing the psychological conditions of victims.”
Fangzhou Wang, Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Texas at Arlington
“Our observations indicate that scammers not only diversify their approaches to prompt more responses, such as appealing to their romantic relationships, asking for identifying information and requesting victims switch to private chat platforms, but they also use several techniques for getting victims to overcome their misgivings about sending the scammers more money. For example, scammers subtly persuade victims to see themselves as holding more power in the interaction than they do.”
What’s your experience been like using Flirt? Comment below and share your experience with the BeyondAges community.
Pros and cons
No matter how dubious a site may be, there are usually some redeeming aspects. In the case of, however, the “positives” come off as thinly veiled criticisms:
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ККлапаны:10–12-2ЭМ, 10–12-2ЭН, 10–13-2ЭЧ, 10–25-25ЭМ,
1029-200/250-0, 1031-20-0, 1032-20-0, 1033-20-Р, 1052-65-0,
1052-65-ЦЗ, 1052-65-Э, 1052-65-ЭД, 1052-65-ЭК, 1052-65-ЭМ,
1052-65-ЭН, 1052-65-ЭНВ, 1052-65-ЭЧ, 1053-50-0, 1053-50-ЦЗ,
1053-50-Э, 1053-50-ЭГ, 1053-50-ЭД, 1053-50-ЭК, 1053-50-ЭМ,
1053-50-ЭН, 1053-50-ЭС, 1053-50-ЭЧ, 1054-40-0, 1054-40-ЦЗ,
1054-40-Э, 1054-40-ЭД, 1054-40-ЭК, 1054-40-ЭМ, 1054-40-ЭН,
1054–40-ЭС, 1054-40-ЭЧ, 1055-32-0, 1055-32-ЦЗ, 1055-32-Э,
1055-32-ЭГ, 1055-32-ЭД, 1055-32-ЭК, 1055-32-ЭМ, 1055-32-ЭН,
1055-32-ЭНВ, 1055–32-ЭС, 1055-32-ЭЧ, 1057-65-0, 1057-65-ЦЗ,
1057-65-ЭД, 1057-65-ЭК, 1057-65-ЭМ, 1057-65-ЭН, 1057-65-ЭНВ,
1057-65-ЭЧ, 1084-100-ЭА,-01,02,03, 1085-100-Э,
1086-100-Э,-01-02, 1087-100-Э,-01, 1093-10-0, 111–250/400-0б,
111–250/400-0б-01, 112-25Х1-0,-01-02, 112-25Х1-0М, 1193-32-Р,
1195-50-Р, 1197-65-Р, 1202-150/150-0, 1203-150/200-0-01,
1203-150/200-0-02, 1203-150/200-0-03, 1203-150/200-0-04,
1203-150/200-0-07, 1203-150/200-0-10, 1203-150/200-0-13,
1203-125/175-0, 1203-150/200-0А, 1213-6-0,
1415-100/50-Ф,-01-16, 1416-100-Р,01-02, 1416-100-ЭА,-01-02,
1416-175-Рм,-01, 1416-175-ЭА,-01,-02, 1416-225-Рм,
1416-225-ЭА-01, 1416-250-Рм,-01,-02, 1416-250-ЭА,
1436-65-9,-01-05, 1438-20-9Э-01-13, 1456-10-0, 1456-10-0А,
1456-20-0, 1456-20-0А, 1456-25-М, 1456-25-МА, 1456-25-МА,
1456-32-0, 1456-32-0А, 1456-50-0, 1456-50-0А, 1456–50-ЦЗ,
1456–50-ЭГ, 1456–50-ЭК, 1456–50-ЭМ, 1456–50-ЭЧ, 1456-80-М,
1464-40-Э,-01-05, 1481-80-Э-02, 1512–10-0, 1512–15-0,
1512–20-0, 1512–25-0, 1516-100-0А, 1516-150-0А, 1516-200-0А,
1516-250-0А, 1516-80-0А, 1521-50-Р, 1522-10-М, 1522-32-М,
1522-50-М, 1523-20-Р, 1524-32-0, 1541-100-М, 1541-100-М-01,
1541-100-МШ, 1541-100-Э, 1541-100-Э-01, 1541-100-Э-02,
1541-100-Э-03, 1541-150-М, 1541-150-М-01, 1541-150-МШ,
1541-150-Э, 1541-150-Э-01, 1541-150-Э-02, 1541-150-Э-03,
1541-80-М, 1541-80-М-01, 1541-80-МШ, 1541-80-МШ-01,
1541-80-Э, 1541-80-Э-01, 1541-80-Э-03, 1542-100-М,
1542-100-М-01, 1542-100-МШ, 1542-100-Э, 1542-100-Э-01,
1542-150-М, 1542-150-М-01, 1542-150-Э, 1542-150-Э-01,
1542-65-М, 1542-80-М, 1542-80-М-01, 1542-80-Э, 1542-80-Э-01,
1542-80-Э-02, 1542-80-Э-03, 1584-10-0, 15с-1-1, 15с-2-2,
17с-1-2, 17с-1-3, 17с-2-3, 1C-11-1М, 1c-11-2, 1C-11-2ЭД,
1c-11-3М, 1C-12-2, 1C-12-2ЭС, 1C-12-2ЭЧ, 1c-13-2, 1C-13-2ЭН,
1C-13-2ЭС, 1C-14-1ЭН, 1C-17-2, 1c-25-2, 1c-25-253H,
1C-25-2ЭД, 1C-П-2ЭМ, 1C-П-2ЭН, 1C-П-2ЭЧ, 1е-25-25ЭН,
1с-11-1мЭС, 1С-11-2ЭС, 1С-11-31, 1с-11-31ЭГ, 1С-11-31ЭД,
1С-11-31ЭК, 1С-11-31ЭМ, 1С-11-31ЭН, 1С-11-31ЭС, 1с-11-31ЭЧ,
1С-11-3М, 1С-11-3ЭГ, 1С-11-3ЭД, 1С-11-3ЭК, 1С-11-3ЭМ,
1С-11-3ЭН, 1с-11-3ЭС, 1С-11-3ЭЧ, 1с-11-40, 1с-11-40ЭД,
1с-11-40ЭМ, 1с-11-40ЭН, 1с-11-40ЭС, 1с-11-40ЭЧ, 1С-11-5,
1С-11-5М, 1С-11-5МЭД, 1С-11-5МЭК, 1С-11-5МЭМ, 1С-11-5МЭН,
1с-11-5мЭС, 1С-11-5МЭЧ, 1с-11-5ЭГ, 1С-11-5ЭД, 1С-11-5ЭК,
1С-11-5ЭМ, 1С-11-5ЭН, 1с-11-5ЭС, 1С-11-5ЭЧ, 1с-11-65,
1с-11-65ЭД, 1с-11-65ЭМ, 1с-11-65ЭН, 1с-11-65ЭС, 1с-11-65ЭЧ,
1С-12-1, 1с-12-1ЭН, 1с-12-1ЭС, 1С-12-1ЭЧ, 1С-12-25ЭД,
1с-12-25ЭМ, 1С-12-25ЭН, 1С-12-25ЭС, 1С-12-25ЭЧ, 1с-12-2ЭД,
1С-12-3, 1с-12-31, 1с-12-31ЭД, 1с-12-31ЭМ, 1с-12-31ЭН,
1с-12-31ЭС, 1с-12-31ЭЧ, 1с-12-32ЭД, 1с-12-32ЭМ, 1с-12-32ЭН,
1с-12-32ЭС, 1с-12-32ЭЧ, 1С-12-3ЭГ, 1С-12-3ЭД, 1С-12-3ЭК,
1С-12-3ЭМ, 1С-12-3ЭН, 1с-12-3ЭС, 1С-12-3ЭЧ, 1С-12-4,
1с-12-40, 1с-12-40ЭД, 1с-12-40ЭМ, 1с-12-40ЭН, 1с-12-40ЭС,
1с-12-40ЭЧ, 1с-12-4ЭГ, 1С-12-4ЭД, 1С-12-4ЭК, 1С-12-4ЭМ,
1С-12-4ЭН, 1С-12-4ЭЧ, 1С-12-5, 1С-12-5ЦЗ, 1с-12-5ЭГ,
1С-12-5ЭД, 1С-12-5ЭК, 1С-12-5ЭМ, 1С-12-5ЭН, 1с-12-5ЭС,
1С-12-5ЭЧ, 1с-12-65, 1с-12-65ЭД, 1с-12-65ЭМ, 1с-12-65ЭН,
1с-12-65ЭС, 1с-12-65ЭЧ, 1С-13-1, 1с-13-1ЭС, 1С-13-25,
1С-13-25ЭД, 1С-13-25ЭМ, 1С-13-25ЭН, 1С-13-25ЭС, 1С-13-25ЭЧ,
1с-13-2ЭД, 1С-13-2ЭМ, 1С-13-3, 1с-13-31, 1с-13-31ЭД,
1с-13-31ЭМ, 1с-13-31ЭН, 1с-13-31ЭС, 1с-13-31ЭЧ, 1с-13-32,
1с-13-32ЭД, 1с-13-32ЭМ, 1с-13-32ЭН, 1с-13-32ЭС, 1с-13-32ЭЧ,
1С-13-3ЭГ, 1С-13-3ЭД, 1С-13-3ЭК, 1С-13-3ЭМ, 1С-13-3ЭН,
1с-13-3ЭС, 1С-13-3ЭЧ, 1с-13-40, 1с-13-40ЭД, 1с-13-40ЭМ,
1с-13-40ЭН, 1с-13-40ЭС, 1с-13-40ЭЧ, 1с-13-5ЭД, 1с-13-5ЭМ,
1с-13-5ЭН, 1с-13-5ЭС, 1с-13-5ЭЧ, 1с-13-65, 1с-13-65ЭД,
1с-13-65ЭМ, 1с-13-65ЭН, 1с-13-65ЭС, 1с-13-65ЭЧ, 1С-14-1ЭЧ,
1С-14Н-3, 1С-14Н-3ЭК, 1С-14Н-3ЭМ, 1С-14Н-3ЭН, 1С-14Н-3ЭЧ,
1С-14Т-3, 1С-14Т-3ЭД, 1С-14Т-3ЭК, 1С-14Т-3ЭН, 1С-14Т-3ЭЧ,
1С-15-1ЭН, 1С-15-1ЭЧ, 1С-15-2, 1с-25-1ЭД, 1с-25-1ЭМ,
1с-25-1ЭС, 1С-25-25ЭД, 1С-25-25ЭС, 1с-25-2ЭМ, 1с-25-2ЭН,
1с-25-2ЭС, 1с-25-2ЭЧ, 1с-25-32, 1с-25-32ЭД, 1с-25-32ЭМ,
1с-25-32ЭН, 1с-25-32ЭС, 1с-25-32ЭЧ, 1С-25-3ЭД, 1С-25-3ЭМ,
1С-25-3ЭН, 1С-25-3ЭС, 1С-25-3ЭЧ, 1с-25-40, 1с-25-40ЭД,
1с-25-40ЭМ, 1с-25-40ЭН, 1с-25-40ЭЧ, 1с-25-65, 1с-25-65ЭД,
1с-25-65ЭМ, 1с-25-65ЭН, 1с-25-65ЭС, 1с-25-65ЭЧ, 1С-7-1,
1С-8-2, 1с-8-2ЭГ, 1С-8-2ЭД, 1С-8-2ЭК, 1С-8-2ЭМ, 1С-8-2ЭН,
1с-8-2ЭС, 1С-8-2ЭЧ, 1С-9-2, 1с-Т-107б, 392-175/95-0Г,
392-175/95-0Г-01, 3с-10-10-450, 3с-10-25-450, 3с-15-10-450,
3с-15-25-450, 3с-20-25-450, 3с-25-10-450, 3с-25-25-450,
3с-32-25-450, 3с-40-25-450, 3с-50-25-450, 3с-6-1-01,
3с-6-1-02, 3с-6-2, 3с-6-3, 3с-6-4, 3с-6-5, 3с-65-25-450,
3с-7-1-01, 3с-7-2, 3с-7-4, 3с-7-6, 3с-8-2, 3с-8-3, 3с-8-5,
3с-8-6, 4с-3-1, 4с-3-2, 4с-3-3, 4с-3-4, 4с-3-5,
530-150/150-0в, 586-20-ЭМ-01, 586-20-ЭМ-02, 586-20-ЭМ-03,
586-20-ЭМФ-03, 586-20-ЭМФ-03, 586-20-ЭМФ-04, 586–20-ЭМФ-05,
586–20-ЭМФ-06, 586–20-ЭМФ-07, 588-10-0, 589-10-0, 597-10-0А,
694–250/400-0б, 720-20-0А, 720-20-0А-01, 788–400/600-0-01,
788–400/600-0-02, 788–400/600-0-03, 7с-6-1, 7с-6-2, 7с-6-3,
7с-8-1, 7с-8-2, 7с-8-3, 808-65-РВ, 808-65-РВ-01, 811-50-РМ,
814-50-РА,-01, 815-40-РВ,-01(-РМ,-01), 843-40-0А-01,
843-40-0А-02, 843-40-0А-03, 843-40-0А-04, 875–125-0,
879-65-РА,-01-05, 8с-3-1, 8с-3-2, 8с-3-3, 8с-3-4, 8с-3-5,
8с-3-6, 912-100-0А, 912-150-0А, 912–200-0б, 912-200-0В,
912–250-0б, 912–250-0бМ, 912-250-0В, 912-250-ОВМ,
912–300-0б, 912-300-0В, 912–325-0б, 912–325-0бМ,
912–350-0б, 912–400-0, 935-100-0А, 935–100–0А-01,
935-100-0АМ, 935-150-0А, 935-150-0АМ, 935–150-0М,
935–175-0, 935-175-ОА, 935–225-0б, 935-225-ОВ.-ОВШ,
935–250-0б, 935-250-ОВ,-ОВШ, 950-100/150-Э,
950-100/150-Э-01, 950-150/250-Э, 950-150/250-Э-01,
950-150/250-Э-02, 950-200/250-Э, 976-175-ЭБ,
976-250-ЭБ,-01, 976-65-М, 976-65-М-01, 976-65-Э,
977-175-Э, 992-250-ЭБ, 993-100-ЭМ,-01, 998-20-0,
998-20-Г, 998-20-Э, 998-20-ЭГ, 998-20-ЭД, 998-20-ЭК,
998-20-ЭМ, 998-20-ЭН, 998–20-ЭС, 998-20-ЭЧ, 999-20-06,
999-20-0, 999-20-Г, 999-20-Э, 999-20-ЭГ, 999-20-ЭД,
999-20-ЭК, 999-20-ЭМ, 999-20-ЭН, 999-20-ЭС, 999-20-ЭЧ,
Т-131МС, Т-132МС, Т-31МС-1, Т-31МС-2, Т-31МС-3, Т-32МС-1,
Т-32МС-2, Т-32МС-3, 1052–65-ЭГ, 1052–65-ЭС, 1057–65-Э,
1057–65-ЭГ, 1057–65-ЭС, 1456–50-ЭД, 1456–50-ЭН, 1456–80-К3,
Задвижки: 1010–200-КЗ, 1010–200-ЦЗ, 1010–200-Э,
1010–200-ЭД, 1010–200-ЭМ, 1010–200-ЭН, 1010–200-ЭС,
1012-150-КЗ, 1012-150-ЦЗ, 1012-150-Э, 1012–150-ЭГ,
1012–150-ЭД, 1012–150-ЭК, 1012-150-ЭМ, 1012–150-ЭМ,
1012–150-ЭН, 1012–150-ЭС, 1012–150-ЭЧ, 1012-175-КЗ,
1012-175-ЦЗ, 1012-175-Э, 1012–175-ЭГ, 1012–175-ЭД,
1012–175-ЭК, 1012-175-ЭМ, 1012-175-ЭН, 1012–175-ЭС,
1012–175-ЭЧ, 1012-225-КЗ, 1012-225-ЦЗ, 1012-225-Э,
1012-225-ЭГ, 1012–225-ЭД, 1012-225-ЭМ, 1012–225-ЭН,
1012–225-ЭС, 1013-175-КЗ, 1013-175-КЗ-01, 1013-175-ЦЗ,
1013-175-ЦЗ-01, 1013–175-Э, 1013–175-Э-01, 1013–175-ЭГ,
1013–175-ЭД, 1013–175-ЭД-01, 1013–175-ЭК, 1013–175-ЭК-01,
1013-175-ЭМ,-01, 1013-175-ЭН, 1013-175-ЭН-01, 1013–175-ЭС,
1013–175-ЭС-01, 1013–175-ЭЧ, 1013–175-ЭЧ-01, 1013-200-КЗ,
1013-200-ЦЗ, 1013–200-ЭД, 1013–200-ЭК, 1013-200-ЭМ,
1013–200-ЭМ, 1013-200-ЭН, 1013–200-ЭН, 1013–200-ЭС,
1013–200-ЭЧ, 1015-150-КЗ, 1015-150-ЦЗ, 1015–150-Э,
1015–150-ЭГ, 1015–150-ЭД, 1015-150-ЭК, 1015-150-ЭМ,
1015–150-ЭН, 1015–150-ЭС, 1015–150-ЭЧ, 1016-250-КЗ,
1016-250-М, 1016-250-ЦЗ, 1016–250-ЭГ, 1016–250-ЭД,
1016–250-ЭК, 1016-250-ЭМ, 1016–250-ЭМ, 1016–250-ЭН,
1016–250-ЭС, 1016–250-ЭЧ, 1017–250-КЗ, 1017-250-ЦЗ,
1017–250-ЭГ, 1017–250-ЭД, 1017-250-ЭК, 1017-250-ЭМ,
1017–250-ЭН, 1017–250-ЭС, 1017–250-ЭЧ, 1120-100-КЗ,-01,
1120-100-М, 1120-100-М-01, 1120-100-ЦЗ, 1120-100-ЦЗ-01,
1120-100-Э, 1120–100-Э-01, 1120–100-ЭГ, 1120–100-ЭГ-01,
1120–100-ЭД, 1120–100-ЭД-01, 1120-100-ЭК, 1120–100-ЭК,
1120-100-ЭК-01, 1120-100-ЭМ, 1120-100-ЭМ-01, 1120-100-ЭН-01,
1120–100-ЭС, 1120–100-ЭС-01, 1120–100-ЭЧ, 1120–100-ЭЧ-01,
1123-100-КЗ, 1123-100-КЗ-01, 1123-100-М, 1123-100-М-01,
1123-100-Ц3-01, 1123-100-ЦЗ, 1123–100-ЦЗ-01, 1123–100-Э,
1123–100-Э-01, 1123–100-ЭГ, 1123–100-ЭГ-01, 1123–100-ЭД,
1123–100-ЭД-01, 1123–100-ЭК, 1123–100-ЭК-01, 1123-100-ЭМ,
1123-100-ЭН, 1123-100-ЭН-01, 1123–100-ЭС, 1123–100-ЭС-01,
1123–100-ЭЧ, 1123–100-ЭЧ-01, 1126-150-КЗ, 1126–150-КЗБ,
1126-150-М, 1126–150-МБ, 1126-150-ЦЗ, 1126–150-Э,
1126–150-ЭГ, 1126–150-ЭД, 1126–150-ЭК, 1126-150-ЭМ,
1126–150-ЭМ, 1126–150-ЭН, 1156–125-КЗ, 1156-125-КЗА,
1156–125-М, 1156-125-ЦЗА, 1156–125-Э, 1156–125-ЭГ,
1156–125-ЭД, 1156-125-ЭК, 1156–125-ЭМ, 1156–125-ЭН,
1156–125-ЭС, 1156–125-ЭЧ, 1156–150-КЗ, 1156–150-М,
1156–150-ЦЗ, 1156-150-ЦЗА, 1156–150-Э, 1156–150-ЭГ,
1156–150-ЭД, 1156–150-ЭК, 1156-150-ЭМ, 1156-150-ЭН,
1156–150-ЭС, 1156–150-ЭЧ, 1511-100-КЗА,-КЗБ, 1511-100-МА,
1511-100-ЦЗА-ЦЗБ, 1511–100-ЭГ, 1511–100-ЭД, 1511–100-ЭМ,
1511-100-ЭМА,-ЭМБ, 1511–100-ЭС, 1511–100-ЭЧ, 1511-150-КЗА,
1511-150-МА,-МБ, 1511-150-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–150-ЭГ,
1511–150-ЭД, 1511-150-ЭМА,-ЭМБ, 1511–150-ЭН, 1511–150-ЭС,
1511–150-ЭЧ, 1511-200-КЗА,-КЗБ, 1511-200-МА,-МБ,
1511-200-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–200-ЭГ, 1511–200-ЭД, 1511-200-ЭМА,
1511-200-ЭНБ, 1511–200-ЭС, 1511–200-ЭЧ, 1511–250-КЗ,
1511-250-ЦЗА-ЦЗБ, 1511–250-ЭГ, 1511–250-ЭД, 1511-250-ЭМБ,
1511–250-ЭН, 1511–250-ЭС, 1511–250-ЭЧ, 1511-300-КЗА,-КЗБ,
1511-300-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–300-ЭГ, 1511–300-ЭД, 1511–300-ЭМ,
1511-300-ЭНА,-ЭНБ, 1511–300-ЭС, 1511–300-ЭЧ, 1511–80-КЗ,
1511-80-МА-МБ, 1511–80-ЦЗ, 1511–80-ЭГ, 1511–80-ЭД,
1511–80-ЭК, 1511-80-ЭМБ, 1511–80-ЭН, 1511–80-ЭС,
1511–80-ЭЧ, 1533–350-КЗ, 1533–350-ЦЗ, 1533–350-ЭД,
1533–350-ЭМ, 1533–350-ЭН, 1533–350-ЭС, 1533–350-ЭЧ,
2с-25–1Н, 2с-25-2, 2с-25-6ЭГ, 2с-25-6ЭД, 2с-25-6ЭК,
2с-25-6ЭМ, 2с-25-6ЭН, 2с-26-1, 2с-26–2Н, 2с-26–3Н,
2с-26–4 Н, 2с-26–5 Н, 2с-26-6, 2с-27-1, 2с-27-1ЭГ,
2с-27-1ЭД, 2с-27-1ЭК, 2с-27-1ЭМ, 2с-27-1ЭН, 2с-27-1ЭС,
2с-27-1ЭЧ, 2с-27–2Н, 2с-27-2Э, 2с-27-2ЭГ, 2с-27-2ЭД,
2с-27-2ЭК, 2с-27-2ЭМ, 2с-27-2ЭН, 2с-27-2ЭС, 2с-27-2ЭЧ,
2с-27-3Э, 2с-27-3ЭГ, 2с-27-3ЭД, 2с-27-3ЭК, 2с-27-3ЭМ,
2с-27-3ЭН, 2с-27-3ЭС, 2с-27-3ЭЧ, 2с-27–4 Н, 2с-27-4Э,
2с-27-4ЭГ, 2с-27-4ЭД, 2с-27-4ЭК, 2с-27-4ЭМ, 2с-27-4ЭН,
2с-27-4ЭС, 2с-27-4ЭЧ, 2с-27–5 Н, 2с-27-6, 2с-28-1,
2с-28–2Н, 2с-28–4Н, 2с-28–5 Н, 2с-28-6, 2с-29-1, 2с-29–3Н,
2с-29–4Н, 2с-29–5 Н, 2с-29-6, 2с-30-1, 2с-30-1ЭГ,
2с-30-1-ЭД, 2с-30-1-ЭК, 2с-30-1-ЭМ, 2с-30-1-ЭН, 2с-30-1ЭЧ,
2с-30-1-ЭЧ, 2с-30-2, 2с-30-2ЭГ, 2с-30-2ЭД, 2с-30-2ЭК,
2с-30-2ЭМ, 2с-30-2ЭН, 2с-30-2ЭЧ, 2с-31-1, 2с-31-1Э,
2с-31-1ЭД, 2с-31-1ЭМ, 2с-31-1ЭН, 2с-31-1ЭС, 2с-31-2,
2с-31-2Э, 2с-31-2ЭМ, 2с-31-2ЭН, 2с-31-2ЭС, 2с-33-1ЭГ,
2с-33-1ЭД, 2с-33-1ЭК, 2с-33-1ЭМ, 2с-33-1ЭН, 2с-33-1ЭЧ,
2с-33-2ЭД, 2с-33-2ЭК, 2с-33-2ЭМ, 2с-33-2ЭН, 2с-33-2ЭЧ,
2с-34-1Э, 2с-34-1ЭД, 2с-34-1ЭМ, 2с-34-1ЭН, 2с-34-1ЭС,
2с-34-1ЭЧ, 2с-34-2Э, 2с-34-2ЭС, 2с-350-10-450-КЗ,
2с-350-10-450-ЦЗ, 2с-350-10-450-ЭД, 2с-350-10-450-ЭМ,
2с-350-10-450-ЭН, 2с-350-10-450-ЭС, 2с-35-2,
2с-400-10-450-КЗ, 2с-400-10-450-ЦЗ, 2с-400-10-450-ЭД,
2с-400-10-450-ЭМ, 2с-400-10-450-ЭН, 2с-400-10-450-ЭС,
2с-450-10-450-КЗ, 2с-450-10-450-ЦЗ, 2с-450-10-450-ЭД,
2с-450-10-450-ЭМ, 2с-450-10-450-ЭН, 2с-450-10-450-ЭС,
2с-Э-1, 2С-Э-2, 2с-Э-4, 2с-Э-5, 2с-ЭГ-1, 2с-ЭГ-2, 2с-ЭГ-3,
2с-ЭГ-4, 2с-ЭГ-5 Н, 2с-ЭГ-5, 2с-ЭГ-6, 2с-ЭД-1, 2с-ЭД-2,
2с-ЭД-3, 2с-ЭД-4, 2с-ЭД-5 Н, 2с-ЭД-5, 2с-ЭД-6, 2с-ЭК-1,
2с-ЭК-2, 2с-ЭК-3, 2с-ЭК-4, 2с-ЭК-5 Н, 2с-ЭК-5, 2с-ЭК-6,
2с-ЭМ-1, 2с-ЭМ-2, 2с-ЭМ-3, 2с-ЭМ-4, 2с-ЭМ-5 Н, 2с-ЭМ-5,
2с-ЭМ-6, 2с-ЭН-1, 2с-ЭН-2, 2с-ЭН-3, 2с-ЭН-4, 2с-ЭН-5 Н,
2с-ЭН-5, 2с-ЭН-6, 2с-ЭС-1, 2с-ЭС-2, 2с-ЭС-3, 2с-ЭС-4,
2с-ЭС-5, 2с-ЭЧ-1, 2с-ЭЧ-2, 2с-ЭЧ-3, 2с-ЭЧ-4, 2с-ЭЧ-5,
511–100-ЭН, 850–350-КЗ, 850–350-ЦЗ, 850–350-Э, 850–350-ЭГ,
850–350-ЭД, 850–350-ЭК, 850–350-ЭМ, 850–350-ЭН, 850–350-ЭС,
850–350-ЭЧ, 850–400-КЗ, 850–400-ЦЗ, 850–400-Э, 850–400-ЭГ,
850–400-ЭД, 850–400-ЭК, 850–400-ЭМ, 850–400-ЭН, 850–400-ЭС,
850–450-КЗ, 850–450-ЦЗ, 850–450-Э, 850–450-ЭГ, 850–450-ЭД,
850–450-ЭК, 850–450-ЭМ, 850–450-ЭН, 850–450-ЭС, 850–450-ЭЧ,
880–150-КЗ, 880–150-ЦЗ, 880-150-ЦЗП, 880–150-Э, 880–150-ЭГ,
880–150-ЭД, 880–150-ЭК, 880–150-ЭМ, 880-150-ЭМП, 880–150-ЭН,
880-150-ЭНП, 880–150-ЭС, 880–150-ЭЧ, 880–200-КЗ,
880-200-КЗП, 880–200-ЦЗ, 880-200-ЦЗП, 880–200-Э, 880–200-ЭГ,
880–200-ЭД, 880–200-ЭМ, 880–200-ЭН, 880-200-ЭНП, 880–200-ЭС,
880-250-КЗП, 880-250-ЦЗП, 880–250-ЭГ, 880–250-ЭД,
880-250-ЭМП, 880-250-ЭП, 880–250-ЭС, 880–300-КЗ, 880–300-ЦЗ,
880-300-ЭА, 880–300-ЭГ, 880–300-ЭД, 880–300-ЭС, 880–325-ЭД,
880–325-ЭЛХМ, 880–325-ЭМ, 880–325-ЭТ, 880–350-ЭД,
880–350-ЭЛ, 880–350-ЭМ, 880–350-ЭТ, 880–400-ЭА, 880–400-ЭД,
880–400-ЭМ, 880–400-ЭТ, 881–100-КЗ, 881-100-КЗП, 881–100-ЦЗ,
881–100-Э, 881–100-ЭГ, 881–100-ЭД, 881–100-ЭК, 881–100-ЭМ,
881–100-ЭН, 881-100-ЭНП, 881–100-ЭС, 881–100-ЭЧ, 881–150-КЗ,
881-150-КЗП, 881–150-ЦЗ, 881-150-ЦЗП, 881–150-Э, 881–150-ЭГ,
881–150-ЭД, 881–150-ЭМ, 881-150-ЭМП, 881–150-ЭН,
881-150-ЭНП, 881–150-ЭС, 881–200-КЗ, 881-200-ЦЗП,
881–200-ЭГ, 881–200-ЭД, 881-200-ЭМП, 881-200-ЭП, 881–200-ЭС,
881–250-Э, 881–250-ЭД, 881–250-ЭМ, 881–250-ЭТ, 882-250-КЗП,
882-250-ЦЗП,-ЦЗШ, 882–250-ЭГ, 882–250-ЭД, 882-250-ЭМП,
882–250-ЭН, 882-250-ЭНП,-ЭНШ, 882–250-ЭС, 882–300-КЗ,
882-300-КЗП, 882–300-ЦЗ, 882–300-ЭГ, 882–300-ЭД, 882–300-ЭМ,
882-300-ЭНП, 882–300-ЭС, 883–175-КЗ-01, 883–175-КЗ-02,
883–175-ЦЗ-01, 883–175-ЦЗ-02, 883–175-Э-01, 883–175-Э-02,
883–175-ЭД-01, 883–175-ЭД-02, 883–175-ЭМ-01, 883–175-ЭМ-02,
883–175-ЭН-01, 883–175-ЭН-02, 883–175-ЭС-01, 883–175-ЭС-02,
883–175-ЭЧ-01, 883–175-ЭЧ-02, 883–200-КЗ, 883–200-ЦЗ,
883–200-Э, 883–200-ЭД, 883–200-ЭМ, 883–200-ЭН, 883–200-ЭС,
883-250-КЗП-01,-02, 883-250-ЦЗП-01,-02, 883–250-ЭГ,
883–250-ЭГ-01, 883–250-ЭГ-02, 883–250-ЭД, 883–250-ЭД-01,
883–250-ЭД-02, 883-250-ЭМП-01,-02, 883-250-ЭП-01,
883–250-ЭС, 883–250-ЭС-01, 883–250-ЭС-02, 883–300-КЗ,
883–300-ЦЗ, 883-300-ЦЗП, 883–300-ЭГ, 883–300-ЭД,
883-300-ЭМП, 883-300-ЭП, 883–300-ЭС, 884–200-Г, 884–200-КЗ,
884-200-ЦЗП, 884–200-ЭГ, 884–200-ЭД, 884–200-ЭМ,
884-200-ЭНП, 884–200-ЭС, 884–250-Г, 884–250-КЗ, 884–250-ЦЗ,
884–250-ЭГ, 884–250-ЭД, 884–250-ЭМ, 884-250-ЭНП, 884–250-ЭС,
884–325-КЗ, 884–325-ЦЗ, 884–325-Э, 884–325-ЭГ, 884–325-ЭД,
884–325-ЭМ, 884–325-ЭС, 885-225-КЗП, 885-225-ЦЗП,
885–225-ЭГ, 885–225-ЭД, 885-225-ЭМП, 885-225-ЭНП,
885–225-ЭС, 887-100-ЦЗП, 887–150-КЗ, 887–150-ЦЗ, 887–150-Э,
887–150-ЭД, 887–150-ЭМ, 887–150-ЭН, 887–150-ЭС, 887–150-ЭЧ,
Затворы: 12с-1, 12с-1-1, 12с-2-5, 12с-3-1, 12с-3-2, 12с-3-3,
12с-3-4, 12с-4-2Э, 12с-4-3Э, 12с-4-4Э, 12с-5-5, 12с-8-10,
12с-8-11, 12с-8-12, 12с-8-13, 12с-8-14, 12с-8-15, 12с-8-4,
12с-8-5, 12с-8-6, 12с-8-7, 12с-8-8, 12с-8-9,
Электроприводы: 1280-КЭ-0, 768-Э-0а, 768-Э-0а-01,
792-Э-06-01, 792-Э-0-II, 792-Э-0А, 792-Э-0А-01, 792-Э-0а-04,
792-Э-0б, 792-ЭР-0А, 792-ЭР-0А-01, 792-ЭР-0АI, 793-Э-0,
793-Э-0а-04, 793-ЭР-0, 793-ЭР-0-02, 793-ЭР-0-04, 793-ЭР-0A,
793-ЭР-0A-I, 793-ЭР-0A-II, 793-ЭР-0I, 793-ЭР-0I-01,
793-ЭР-0-II, 794-Э-0а, 794-ЭР-0а, 794-ЭР-0аI, 795-Э-0,
795-Э-0-01, 795-Э-0-II, 795-Э-0-II-01, 795-Э-0-V, 795-ЭР-0,
795-ЭР-0-I, 795-ЭР-0-V, 797-Э-0, 797-ЭР-0, 798-Э-0,
798-Э-0-01, 821-КЭ-0а, 821-Э-0а, 821-ЭР-0б, 822-КЭ-0,
822-КЭР-0, 822-Э-0а, 822-Э-0а-01, 822-Э-0б, 822-Э-0б-01,
822-ЭР-0а, 822-ЭР-0а-01, 823-Э-0, 823-ЭР-0-03, 823-ЭР-0III,
823-ЭР-0-IIа, 823-ЭР-0-IV, 824-КЭ-0-01, 824-КЭ-0-02,
824-КЭ-0-03, 824-КЭ-0-04, 824-Э-0а, 824-ЭР-0а, 824-ЭР-0аI,
825-КЭ-0, 825-КЭР-0, 825-Э-0, 825-Э-0-01, 825-Э-0-I,
854-Э-0, 876-КЭР-0, 876-Э-0, 876-Э-0-02, 876-Э-0-04,
876-Э-0-07, 876-Э-0-08, 882-КЭ-0, 882-КЭ-0-01, 882-КЭ-0-02,
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ККлапаны:10–12-2ЭМ, 10–12-2ЭН, 10–13-2ЭЧ, 10–25-25ЭМ,
1029-200/250-0, 1031-20-0, 1032-20-0, 1033-20-Р, 1052-65-0,
1052-65-ЦЗ, 1052-65-Э, 1052-65-ЭД, 1052-65-ЭК, 1052-65-ЭМ,
1052-65-ЭН, 1052-65-ЭНВ, 1052-65-ЭЧ, 1053-50-0, 1053-50-ЦЗ,
1053-50-Э, 1053-50-ЭГ, 1053-50-ЭД, 1053-50-ЭК, 1053-50-ЭМ,
1053-50-ЭН, 1053-50-ЭС, 1053-50-ЭЧ, 1054-40-0, 1054-40-ЦЗ,
1054-40-Э, 1054-40-ЭД, 1054-40-ЭК, 1054-40-ЭМ, 1054-40-ЭН,
1054–40-ЭС, 1054-40-ЭЧ, 1055-32-0, 1055-32-ЦЗ, 1055-32-Э,
1055-32-ЭГ, 1055-32-ЭД, 1055-32-ЭК, 1055-32-ЭМ, 1055-32-ЭН,
1055-32-ЭНВ, 1055–32-ЭС, 1055-32-ЭЧ, 1057-65-0, 1057-65-ЦЗ,
1057-65-ЭД, 1057-65-ЭК, 1057-65-ЭМ, 1057-65-ЭН, 1057-65-ЭНВ,
1057-65-ЭЧ, 1084-100-ЭА,-01,02,03, 1085-100-Э,
1086-100-Э,-01-02, 1087-100-Э,-01, 1093-10-0, 111–250/400-0б,
111–250/400-0б-01, 112-25Х1-0,-01-02, 112-25Х1-0М, 1193-32-Р,
1195-50-Р, 1197-65-Р, 1202-150/150-0, 1203-150/200-0-01,
1203-150/200-0-02, 1203-150/200-0-03, 1203-150/200-0-04,
1203-150/200-0-07, 1203-150/200-0-10, 1203-150/200-0-13,
1203-125/175-0, 1203-150/200-0А, 1213-6-0,
1415-100/50-Ф,-01-16, 1416-100-Р,01-02, 1416-100-ЭА,-01-02,
1416-175-Рм,-01, 1416-175-ЭА,-01,-02, 1416-225-Рм,
1416-225-ЭА-01, 1416-250-Рм,-01,-02, 1416-250-ЭА,
1436-65-9,-01-05, 1438-20-9Э-01-13, 1456-10-0, 1456-10-0А,
1456-20-0, 1456-20-0А, 1456-25-М, 1456-25-МА, 1456-25-МА,
1456-32-0, 1456-32-0А, 1456-50-0, 1456-50-0А, 1456–50-ЦЗ,
1456–50-ЭГ, 1456–50-ЭК, 1456–50-ЭМ, 1456–50-ЭЧ, 1456-80-М,
1464-40-Э,-01-05, 1481-80-Э-02, 1512–10-0, 1512–15-0,
1512–20-0, 1512–25-0, 1516-100-0А, 1516-150-0А, 1516-200-0А,
1516-250-0А, 1516-80-0А, 1521-50-Р, 1522-10-М, 1522-32-М,
1522-50-М, 1523-20-Р, 1524-32-0, 1541-100-М, 1541-100-М-01,
1541-100-МШ, 1541-100-Э, 1541-100-Э-01, 1541-100-Э-02,
1541-100-Э-03, 1541-150-М, 1541-150-М-01, 1541-150-МШ,
1541-150-Э, 1541-150-Э-01, 1541-150-Э-02, 1541-150-Э-03,
1541-80-М, 1541-80-М-01, 1541-80-МШ, 1541-80-МШ-01,
1541-80-Э, 1541-80-Э-01, 1541-80-Э-03, 1542-100-М,
1542-100-М-01, 1542-100-МШ, 1542-100-Э, 1542-100-Э-01,
1542-150-М, 1542-150-М-01, 1542-150-Э, 1542-150-Э-01,
1542-65-М, 1542-80-М, 1542-80-М-01, 1542-80-Э, 1542-80-Э-01,
1542-80-Э-02, 1542-80-Э-03, 1584-10-0, 15с-1-1, 15с-2-2,
17с-1-2, 17с-1-3, 17с-2-3, 1C-11-1М, 1c-11-2, 1C-11-2ЭД,
1c-11-3М, 1C-12-2, 1C-12-2ЭС, 1C-12-2ЭЧ, 1c-13-2, 1C-13-2ЭН,
1C-13-2ЭС, 1C-14-1ЭН, 1C-17-2, 1c-25-2, 1c-25-253H,
1C-25-2ЭД, 1C-П-2ЭМ, 1C-П-2ЭН, 1C-П-2ЭЧ, 1е-25-25ЭН,
1с-11-1мЭС, 1С-11-2ЭС, 1С-11-31, 1с-11-31ЭГ, 1С-11-31ЭД,
1С-11-31ЭК, 1С-11-31ЭМ, 1С-11-31ЭН, 1С-11-31ЭС, 1с-11-31ЭЧ,
1С-11-3М, 1С-11-3ЭГ, 1С-11-3ЭД, 1С-11-3ЭК, 1С-11-3ЭМ,
1С-11-3ЭН, 1с-11-3ЭС, 1С-11-3ЭЧ, 1с-11-40, 1с-11-40ЭД,
1с-11-40ЭМ, 1с-11-40ЭН, 1с-11-40ЭС, 1с-11-40ЭЧ, 1С-11-5,
1С-11-5М, 1С-11-5МЭД, 1С-11-5МЭК, 1С-11-5МЭМ, 1С-11-5МЭН,
1с-11-5мЭС, 1С-11-5МЭЧ, 1с-11-5ЭГ, 1С-11-5ЭД, 1С-11-5ЭК,
1С-11-5ЭМ, 1С-11-5ЭН, 1с-11-5ЭС, 1С-11-5ЭЧ, 1с-11-65,
1с-11-65ЭД, 1с-11-65ЭМ, 1с-11-65ЭН, 1с-11-65ЭС, 1с-11-65ЭЧ,
1С-12-1, 1с-12-1ЭН, 1с-12-1ЭС, 1С-12-1ЭЧ, 1С-12-25ЭД,
1с-12-25ЭМ, 1С-12-25ЭН, 1С-12-25ЭС, 1С-12-25ЭЧ, 1с-12-2ЭД,
1С-12-3, 1с-12-31, 1с-12-31ЭД, 1с-12-31ЭМ, 1с-12-31ЭН,
1с-12-31ЭС, 1с-12-31ЭЧ, 1с-12-32ЭД, 1с-12-32ЭМ, 1с-12-32ЭН,
1с-12-32ЭС, 1с-12-32ЭЧ, 1С-12-3ЭГ, 1С-12-3ЭД, 1С-12-3ЭК,
1С-12-3ЭМ, 1С-12-3ЭН, 1с-12-3ЭС, 1С-12-3ЭЧ, 1С-12-4,
1с-12-40, 1с-12-40ЭД, 1с-12-40ЭМ, 1с-12-40ЭН, 1с-12-40ЭС,
1с-12-40ЭЧ, 1с-12-4ЭГ, 1С-12-4ЭД, 1С-12-4ЭК, 1С-12-4ЭМ,
1С-12-4ЭН, 1С-12-4ЭЧ, 1С-12-5, 1С-12-5ЦЗ, 1с-12-5ЭГ,
1С-12-5ЭД, 1С-12-5ЭК, 1С-12-5ЭМ, 1С-12-5ЭН, 1с-12-5ЭС,
1С-12-5ЭЧ, 1с-12-65, 1с-12-65ЭД, 1с-12-65ЭМ, 1с-12-65ЭН,
1с-12-65ЭС, 1с-12-65ЭЧ, 1С-13-1, 1с-13-1ЭС, 1С-13-25,
1С-13-25ЭД, 1С-13-25ЭМ, 1С-13-25ЭН, 1С-13-25ЭС, 1С-13-25ЭЧ,
1с-13-2ЭД, 1С-13-2ЭМ, 1С-13-3, 1с-13-31, 1с-13-31ЭД,
1с-13-31ЭМ, 1с-13-31ЭН, 1с-13-31ЭС, 1с-13-31ЭЧ, 1с-13-32,
1с-13-32ЭД, 1с-13-32ЭМ, 1с-13-32ЭН, 1с-13-32ЭС, 1с-13-32ЭЧ,
1С-13-3ЭГ, 1С-13-3ЭД, 1С-13-3ЭК, 1С-13-3ЭМ, 1С-13-3ЭН,
1с-13-3ЭС, 1С-13-3ЭЧ, 1с-13-40, 1с-13-40ЭД, 1с-13-40ЭМ,
1с-13-40ЭН, 1с-13-40ЭС, 1с-13-40ЭЧ, 1с-13-5ЭД, 1с-13-5ЭМ,
1с-13-5ЭН, 1с-13-5ЭС, 1с-13-5ЭЧ, 1с-13-65, 1с-13-65ЭД,
1с-13-65ЭМ, 1с-13-65ЭН, 1с-13-65ЭС, 1с-13-65ЭЧ, 1С-14-1ЭЧ,
1С-14Н-3, 1С-14Н-3ЭК, 1С-14Н-3ЭМ, 1С-14Н-3ЭН, 1С-14Н-3ЭЧ,
1С-14Т-3, 1С-14Т-3ЭД, 1С-14Т-3ЭК, 1С-14Т-3ЭН, 1С-14Т-3ЭЧ,
1С-15-1ЭН, 1С-15-1ЭЧ, 1С-15-2, 1с-25-1ЭД, 1с-25-1ЭМ,
1с-25-1ЭС, 1С-25-25ЭД, 1С-25-25ЭС, 1с-25-2ЭМ, 1с-25-2ЭН,
1с-25-2ЭС, 1с-25-2ЭЧ, 1с-25-32, 1с-25-32ЭД, 1с-25-32ЭМ,
1с-25-32ЭН, 1с-25-32ЭС, 1с-25-32ЭЧ, 1С-25-3ЭД, 1С-25-3ЭМ,
1С-25-3ЭН, 1С-25-3ЭС, 1С-25-3ЭЧ, 1с-25-40, 1с-25-40ЭД,
1с-25-40ЭМ, 1с-25-40ЭН, 1с-25-40ЭЧ, 1с-25-65, 1с-25-65ЭД,
1с-25-65ЭМ, 1с-25-65ЭН, 1с-25-65ЭС, 1с-25-65ЭЧ, 1С-7-1,
1С-8-2, 1с-8-2ЭГ, 1С-8-2ЭД, 1С-8-2ЭК, 1С-8-2ЭМ, 1С-8-2ЭН,
1с-8-2ЭС, 1С-8-2ЭЧ, 1С-9-2, 1с-Т-107б, 392-175/95-0Г,
392-175/95-0Г-01, 3с-10-10-450, 3с-10-25-450, 3с-15-10-450,
3с-15-25-450, 3с-20-25-450, 3с-25-10-450, 3с-25-25-450,
3с-32-25-450, 3с-40-25-450, 3с-50-25-450, 3с-6-1-01,
3с-6-1-02, 3с-6-2, 3с-6-3, 3с-6-4, 3с-6-5, 3с-65-25-450,
3с-7-1-01, 3с-7-2, 3с-7-4, 3с-7-6, 3с-8-2, 3с-8-3, 3с-8-5,
3с-8-6, 4с-3-1, 4с-3-2, 4с-3-3, 4с-3-4, 4с-3-5,
530-150/150-0в, 586-20-ЭМ-01, 586-20-ЭМ-02, 586-20-ЭМ-03,
586-20-ЭМФ-03, 586-20-ЭМФ-03, 586-20-ЭМФ-04, 586–20-ЭМФ-05,
586–20-ЭМФ-06, 586–20-ЭМФ-07, 588-10-0, 589-10-0, 597-10-0А,
694–250/400-0б, 720-20-0А, 720-20-0А-01, 788–400/600-0-01,
788–400/600-0-02, 788–400/600-0-03, 7с-6-1, 7с-6-2, 7с-6-3,
7с-8-1, 7с-8-2, 7с-8-3, 808-65-РВ, 808-65-РВ-01, 811-50-РМ,
814-50-РА,-01, 815-40-РВ,-01(-РМ,-01), 843-40-0А-01,
843-40-0А-02, 843-40-0А-03, 843-40-0А-04, 875–125-0,
879-65-РА,-01-05, 8с-3-1, 8с-3-2, 8с-3-3, 8с-3-4, 8с-3-5,
8с-3-6, 912-100-0А, 912-150-0А, 912–200-0б, 912-200-0В,
912–250-0б, 912–250-0бМ, 912-250-0В, 912-250-ОВМ,
912–300-0б, 912-300-0В, 912–325-0б, 912–325-0бМ,
912–350-0б, 912–400-0, 935-100-0А, 935–100–0А-01,
935-100-0АМ, 935-150-0А, 935-150-0АМ, 935–150-0М,
935–175-0, 935-175-ОА, 935–225-0б, 935-225-ОВ.-ОВШ,
935–250-0б, 935-250-ОВ,-ОВШ, 950-100/150-Э,
950-100/150-Э-01, 950-150/250-Э, 950-150/250-Э-01,
950-150/250-Э-02, 950-200/250-Э, 976-175-ЭБ,
976-250-ЭБ,-01, 976-65-М, 976-65-М-01, 976-65-Э,
977-175-Э, 992-250-ЭБ, 993-100-ЭМ,-01, 998-20-0,
998-20-Г, 998-20-Э, 998-20-ЭГ, 998-20-ЭД, 998-20-ЭК,
998-20-ЭМ, 998-20-ЭН, 998–20-ЭС, 998-20-ЭЧ, 999-20-06,
999-20-0, 999-20-Г, 999-20-Э, 999-20-ЭГ, 999-20-ЭД,
999-20-ЭК, 999-20-ЭМ, 999-20-ЭН, 999-20-ЭС, 999-20-ЭЧ,
Т-131МС, Т-132МС, Т-31МС-1, Т-31МС-2, Т-31МС-3, Т-32МС-1,
Т-32МС-2, Т-32МС-3, 1052–65-ЭГ, 1052–65-ЭС, 1057–65-Э,
1057–65-ЭГ, 1057–65-ЭС, 1456–50-ЭД, 1456–50-ЭН, 1456–80-К3,
Задвижки: 1010–200-КЗ, 1010–200-ЦЗ, 1010–200-Э,
1010–200-ЭД, 1010–200-ЭМ, 1010–200-ЭН, 1010–200-ЭС,
1012-150-КЗ, 1012-150-ЦЗ, 1012-150-Э, 1012–150-ЭГ,
1012–150-ЭД, 1012–150-ЭК, 1012-150-ЭМ, 1012–150-ЭМ,
1012–150-ЭН, 1012–150-ЭС, 1012–150-ЭЧ, 1012-175-КЗ,
1012-175-ЦЗ, 1012-175-Э, 1012–175-ЭГ, 1012–175-ЭД,
1012–175-ЭК, 1012-175-ЭМ, 1012-175-ЭН, 1012–175-ЭС,
1012–175-ЭЧ, 1012-225-КЗ, 1012-225-ЦЗ, 1012-225-Э,
1012-225-ЭГ, 1012–225-ЭД, 1012-225-ЭМ, 1012–225-ЭН,
1012–225-ЭС, 1013-175-КЗ, 1013-175-КЗ-01, 1013-175-ЦЗ,
1013-175-ЦЗ-01, 1013–175-Э, 1013–175-Э-01, 1013–175-ЭГ,
1013–175-ЭД, 1013–175-ЭД-01, 1013–175-ЭК, 1013–175-ЭК-01,
1013-175-ЭМ,-01, 1013-175-ЭН, 1013-175-ЭН-01, 1013–175-ЭС,
1013–175-ЭС-01, 1013–175-ЭЧ, 1013–175-ЭЧ-01, 1013-200-КЗ,
1013-200-ЦЗ, 1013–200-ЭД, 1013–200-ЭК, 1013-200-ЭМ,
1013–200-ЭМ, 1013-200-ЭН, 1013–200-ЭН, 1013–200-ЭС,
1013–200-ЭЧ, 1015-150-КЗ, 1015-150-ЦЗ, 1015–150-Э,
1015–150-ЭГ, 1015–150-ЭД, 1015-150-ЭК, 1015-150-ЭМ,
1015–150-ЭН, 1015–150-ЭС, 1015–150-ЭЧ, 1016-250-КЗ,
1016-250-М, 1016-250-ЦЗ, 1016–250-ЭГ, 1016–250-ЭД,
1016–250-ЭК, 1016-250-ЭМ, 1016–250-ЭМ, 1016–250-ЭН,
1016–250-ЭС, 1016–250-ЭЧ, 1017–250-КЗ, 1017-250-ЦЗ,
1017–250-ЭГ, 1017–250-ЭД, 1017-250-ЭК, 1017-250-ЭМ,
1017–250-ЭН, 1017–250-ЭС, 1017–250-ЭЧ, 1120-100-КЗ,-01,
1120-100-М, 1120-100-М-01, 1120-100-ЦЗ, 1120-100-ЦЗ-01,
1120-100-Э, 1120–100-Э-01, 1120–100-ЭГ, 1120–100-ЭГ-01,
1120–100-ЭД, 1120–100-ЭД-01, 1120-100-ЭК, 1120–100-ЭК,
1120-100-ЭК-01, 1120-100-ЭМ, 1120-100-ЭМ-01, 1120-100-ЭН-01,
1120–100-ЭС, 1120–100-ЭС-01, 1120–100-ЭЧ, 1120–100-ЭЧ-01,
1123-100-КЗ, 1123-100-КЗ-01, 1123-100-М, 1123-100-М-01,
1123-100-Ц3-01, 1123-100-ЦЗ, 1123–100-ЦЗ-01, 1123–100-Э,
1123–100-Э-01, 1123–100-ЭГ, 1123–100-ЭГ-01, 1123–100-ЭД,
1123–100-ЭД-01, 1123–100-ЭК, 1123–100-ЭК-01, 1123-100-ЭМ,
1123-100-ЭН, 1123-100-ЭН-01, 1123–100-ЭС, 1123–100-ЭС-01,
1123–100-ЭЧ, 1123–100-ЭЧ-01, 1126-150-КЗ, 1126–150-КЗБ,
1126-150-М, 1126–150-МБ, 1126-150-ЦЗ, 1126–150-Э,
1126–150-ЭГ, 1126–150-ЭД, 1126–150-ЭК, 1126-150-ЭМ,
1126–150-ЭМ, 1126–150-ЭН, 1156–125-КЗ, 1156-125-КЗА,
1156–125-М, 1156-125-ЦЗА, 1156–125-Э, 1156–125-ЭГ,
1156–125-ЭД, 1156-125-ЭК, 1156–125-ЭМ, 1156–125-ЭН,
1156–125-ЭС, 1156–125-ЭЧ, 1156–150-КЗ, 1156–150-М,
1156–150-ЦЗ, 1156-150-ЦЗА, 1156–150-Э, 1156–150-ЭГ,
1156–150-ЭД, 1156–150-ЭК, 1156-150-ЭМ, 1156-150-ЭН,
1156–150-ЭС, 1156–150-ЭЧ, 1511-100-КЗА,-КЗБ, 1511-100-МА,
1511-100-ЦЗА-ЦЗБ, 1511–100-ЭГ, 1511–100-ЭД, 1511–100-ЭМ,
1511-100-ЭМА,-ЭМБ, 1511–100-ЭС, 1511–100-ЭЧ, 1511-150-КЗА,
1511-150-МА,-МБ, 1511-150-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–150-ЭГ,
1511–150-ЭД, 1511-150-ЭМА,-ЭМБ, 1511–150-ЭН, 1511–150-ЭС,
1511–150-ЭЧ, 1511-200-КЗА,-КЗБ, 1511-200-МА,-МБ,
1511-200-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–200-ЭГ, 1511–200-ЭД, 1511-200-ЭМА,
1511-200-ЭНБ, 1511–200-ЭС, 1511–200-ЭЧ, 1511–250-КЗ,
1511-250-ЦЗА-ЦЗБ, 1511–250-ЭГ, 1511–250-ЭД, 1511-250-ЭМБ,
1511–250-ЭН, 1511–250-ЭС, 1511–250-ЭЧ, 1511-300-КЗА,-КЗБ,
1511-300-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–300-ЭГ, 1511–300-ЭД, 1511–300-ЭМ,
1511-300-ЭНА,-ЭНБ, 1511–300-ЭС, 1511–300-ЭЧ, 1511–80-КЗ,
1511-80-МА-МБ, 1511–80-ЦЗ, 1511–80-ЭГ, 1511–80-ЭД,
1511–80-ЭК, 1511-80-ЭМБ, 1511–80-ЭН, 1511–80-ЭС,
1511–80-ЭЧ, 1533–350-КЗ, 1533–350-ЦЗ, 1533–350-ЭД,
1533–350-ЭМ, 1533–350-ЭН, 1533–350-ЭС, 1533–350-ЭЧ,
2с-25–1Н, 2с-25-2, 2с-25-6ЭГ, 2с-25-6ЭД, 2с-25-6ЭК,
2с-25-6ЭМ, 2с-25-6ЭН, 2с-26-1, 2с-26–2Н, 2с-26–3Н,
2с-26–4 Н, 2с-26–5 Н, 2с-26-6, 2с-27-1, 2с-27-1ЭГ,
2с-27-1ЭД, 2с-27-1ЭК, 2с-27-1ЭМ, 2с-27-1ЭН, 2с-27-1ЭС,
2с-27-1ЭЧ, 2с-27–2Н, 2с-27-2Э, 2с-27-2ЭГ, 2с-27-2ЭД,
2с-27-2ЭК, 2с-27-2ЭМ, 2с-27-2ЭН, 2с-27-2ЭС, 2с-27-2ЭЧ,
2с-27-3Э, 2с-27-3ЭГ, 2с-27-3ЭД, 2с-27-3ЭК, 2с-27-3ЭМ,
2с-27-3ЭН, 2с-27-3ЭС, 2с-27-3ЭЧ, 2с-27–4 Н, 2с-27-4Э,
2с-27-4ЭГ, 2с-27-4ЭД, 2с-27-4ЭК, 2с-27-4ЭМ, 2с-27-4ЭН,
2с-27-4ЭС, 2с-27-4ЭЧ, 2с-27–5 Н, 2с-27-6, 2с-28-1,
2с-28–2Н, 2с-28–4Н, 2с-28–5 Н, 2с-28-6, 2с-29-1, 2с-29–3Н,
2с-29–4Н, 2с-29–5 Н, 2с-29-6, 2с-30-1, 2с-30-1ЭГ,
2с-30-1-ЭД, 2с-30-1-ЭК, 2с-30-1-ЭМ, 2с-30-1-ЭН, 2с-30-1ЭЧ,
2с-30-1-ЭЧ, 2с-30-2, 2с-30-2ЭГ, 2с-30-2ЭД, 2с-30-2ЭК,
2с-30-2ЭМ, 2с-30-2ЭН, 2с-30-2ЭЧ, 2с-31-1, 2с-31-1Э,
2с-31-1ЭД, 2с-31-1ЭМ, 2с-31-1ЭН, 2с-31-1ЭС, 2с-31-2,
2с-31-2Э, 2с-31-2ЭМ, 2с-31-2ЭН, 2с-31-2ЭС, 2с-33-1ЭГ,
2с-33-1ЭД, 2с-33-1ЭК, 2с-33-1ЭМ, 2с-33-1ЭН, 2с-33-1ЭЧ,
2с-33-2ЭД, 2с-33-2ЭК, 2с-33-2ЭМ, 2с-33-2ЭН, 2с-33-2ЭЧ,
2с-34-1Э, 2с-34-1ЭД, 2с-34-1ЭМ, 2с-34-1ЭН, 2с-34-1ЭС,
2с-34-1ЭЧ, 2с-34-2Э, 2с-34-2ЭС, 2с-350-10-450-КЗ,
2с-350-10-450-ЦЗ, 2с-350-10-450-ЭД, 2с-350-10-450-ЭМ,
2с-350-10-450-ЭН, 2с-350-10-450-ЭС, 2с-35-2,
2с-400-10-450-КЗ, 2с-400-10-450-ЦЗ, 2с-400-10-450-ЭД,
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ККлапаны:10–12-2ЭМ, 10–12-2ЭН, 10–13-2ЭЧ, 10–25-25ЭМ,
1029-200/250-0, 1031-20-0, 1032-20-0, 1033-20-Р, 1052-65-0,
1052-65-ЦЗ, 1052-65-Э, 1052-65-ЭД, 1052-65-ЭК, 1052-65-ЭМ,
1052-65-ЭН, 1052-65-ЭНВ, 1052-65-ЭЧ, 1053-50-0, 1053-50-ЦЗ,
1053-50-Э, 1053-50-ЭГ, 1053-50-ЭД, 1053-50-ЭК, 1053-50-ЭМ,
1053-50-ЭН, 1053-50-ЭС, 1053-50-ЭЧ, 1054-40-0, 1054-40-ЦЗ,
1054-40-Э, 1054-40-ЭД, 1054-40-ЭК, 1054-40-ЭМ, 1054-40-ЭН,
1054–40-ЭС, 1054-40-ЭЧ, 1055-32-0, 1055-32-ЦЗ, 1055-32-Э,
1055-32-ЭГ, 1055-32-ЭД, 1055-32-ЭК, 1055-32-ЭМ, 1055-32-ЭН,
1055-32-ЭНВ, 1055–32-ЭС, 1055-32-ЭЧ, 1057-65-0, 1057-65-ЦЗ,
1057-65-ЭД, 1057-65-ЭК, 1057-65-ЭМ, 1057-65-ЭН, 1057-65-ЭНВ,
1057-65-ЭЧ, 1084-100-ЭА,-01,02,03, 1085-100-Э,
1086-100-Э,-01-02, 1087-100-Э,-01, 1093-10-0, 111–250/400-0б,
111–250/400-0б-01, 112-25Х1-0,-01-02, 112-25Х1-0М, 1193-32-Р,
1195-50-Р, 1197-65-Р, 1202-150/150-0, 1203-150/200-0-01,
1203-150/200-0-02, 1203-150/200-0-03, 1203-150/200-0-04,
1203-150/200-0-07, 1203-150/200-0-10, 1203-150/200-0-13,
1203-125/175-0, 1203-150/200-0А, 1213-6-0,
1415-100/50-Ф,-01-16, 1416-100-Р,01-02, 1416-100-ЭА,-01-02,
1416-175-Рм,-01, 1416-175-ЭА,-01,-02, 1416-225-Рм,
1416-225-ЭА-01, 1416-250-Рм,-01,-02, 1416-250-ЭА,
1436-65-9,-01-05, 1438-20-9Э-01-13, 1456-10-0, 1456-10-0А,
1456-20-0, 1456-20-0А, 1456-25-М, 1456-25-МА, 1456-25-МА,
1456-32-0, 1456-32-0А, 1456-50-0, 1456-50-0А, 1456–50-ЦЗ,
1456–50-ЭГ, 1456–50-ЭК, 1456–50-ЭМ, 1456–50-ЭЧ, 1456-80-М,
1464-40-Э,-01-05, 1481-80-Э-02, 1512–10-0, 1512–15-0,
1512–20-0, 1512–25-0, 1516-100-0А, 1516-150-0А, 1516-200-0А,
1516-250-0А, 1516-80-0А, 1521-50-Р, 1522-10-М, 1522-32-М,
1522-50-М, 1523-20-Р, 1524-32-0, 1541-100-М, 1541-100-М-01,
1541-100-МШ, 1541-100-Э, 1541-100-Э-01, 1541-100-Э-02,
1541-100-Э-03, 1541-150-М, 1541-150-М-01, 1541-150-МШ,
1541-150-Э, 1541-150-Э-01, 1541-150-Э-02, 1541-150-Э-03,
1541-80-М, 1541-80-М-01, 1541-80-МШ, 1541-80-МШ-01,
1541-80-Э, 1541-80-Э-01, 1541-80-Э-03, 1542-100-М,
1542-100-М-01, 1542-100-МШ, 1542-100-Э, 1542-100-Э-01,
1542-150-М, 1542-150-М-01, 1542-150-Э, 1542-150-Э-01,
1542-65-М, 1542-80-М, 1542-80-М-01, 1542-80-Э, 1542-80-Э-01,
1542-80-Э-02, 1542-80-Э-03, 1584-10-0, 15с-1-1, 15с-2-2,
17с-1-2, 17с-1-3, 17с-2-3, 1C-11-1М, 1c-11-2, 1C-11-2ЭД,
1c-11-3М, 1C-12-2, 1C-12-2ЭС, 1C-12-2ЭЧ, 1c-13-2, 1C-13-2ЭН,
1C-13-2ЭС, 1C-14-1ЭН, 1C-17-2, 1c-25-2, 1c-25-253H,
1C-25-2ЭД, 1C-П-2ЭМ, 1C-П-2ЭН, 1C-П-2ЭЧ, 1е-25-25ЭН,
1с-11-1мЭС, 1С-11-2ЭС, 1С-11-31, 1с-11-31ЭГ, 1С-11-31ЭД,
1С-11-31ЭК, 1С-11-31ЭМ, 1С-11-31ЭН, 1С-11-31ЭС, 1с-11-31ЭЧ,
1С-11-3М, 1С-11-3ЭГ, 1С-11-3ЭД, 1С-11-3ЭК, 1С-11-3ЭМ,
1С-11-3ЭН, 1с-11-3ЭС, 1С-11-3ЭЧ, 1с-11-40, 1с-11-40ЭД,
1с-11-40ЭМ, 1с-11-40ЭН, 1с-11-40ЭС, 1с-11-40ЭЧ, 1С-11-5,
1С-11-5М, 1С-11-5МЭД, 1С-11-5МЭК, 1С-11-5МЭМ, 1С-11-5МЭН,
1с-11-5мЭС, 1С-11-5МЭЧ, 1с-11-5ЭГ, 1С-11-5ЭД, 1С-11-5ЭК,
1С-11-5ЭМ, 1С-11-5ЭН, 1с-11-5ЭС, 1С-11-5ЭЧ, 1с-11-65,
1с-11-65ЭД, 1с-11-65ЭМ, 1с-11-65ЭН, 1с-11-65ЭС, 1с-11-65ЭЧ,
1С-12-1, 1с-12-1ЭН, 1с-12-1ЭС, 1С-12-1ЭЧ, 1С-12-25ЭД,
1с-12-25ЭМ, 1С-12-25ЭН, 1С-12-25ЭС, 1С-12-25ЭЧ, 1с-12-2ЭД,
1С-12-3, 1с-12-31, 1с-12-31ЭД, 1с-12-31ЭМ, 1с-12-31ЭН,
1с-12-31ЭС, 1с-12-31ЭЧ, 1с-12-32ЭД, 1с-12-32ЭМ, 1с-12-32ЭН,
1с-12-32ЭС, 1с-12-32ЭЧ, 1С-12-3ЭГ, 1С-12-3ЭД, 1С-12-3ЭК,
1С-12-3ЭМ, 1С-12-3ЭН, 1с-12-3ЭС, 1С-12-3ЭЧ, 1С-12-4,
1с-12-40, 1с-12-40ЭД, 1с-12-40ЭМ, 1с-12-40ЭН, 1с-12-40ЭС,
1с-12-40ЭЧ, 1с-12-4ЭГ, 1С-12-4ЭД, 1С-12-4ЭК, 1С-12-4ЭМ,
1С-12-4ЭН, 1С-12-4ЭЧ, 1С-12-5, 1С-12-5ЦЗ, 1с-12-5ЭГ,
1С-12-5ЭД, 1С-12-5ЭК, 1С-12-5ЭМ, 1С-12-5ЭН, 1с-12-5ЭС,
1С-12-5ЭЧ, 1с-12-65, 1с-12-65ЭД, 1с-12-65ЭМ, 1с-12-65ЭН,
1с-12-65ЭС, 1с-12-65ЭЧ, 1С-13-1, 1с-13-1ЭС, 1С-13-25,
1С-13-25ЭД, 1С-13-25ЭМ, 1С-13-25ЭН, 1С-13-25ЭС, 1С-13-25ЭЧ,
1с-13-2ЭД, 1С-13-2ЭМ, 1С-13-3, 1с-13-31, 1с-13-31ЭД,
1с-13-31ЭМ, 1с-13-31ЭН, 1с-13-31ЭС, 1с-13-31ЭЧ, 1с-13-32,
1с-13-32ЭД, 1с-13-32ЭМ, 1с-13-32ЭН, 1с-13-32ЭС, 1с-13-32ЭЧ,
1С-13-3ЭГ, 1С-13-3ЭД, 1С-13-3ЭК, 1С-13-3ЭМ, 1С-13-3ЭН,
1с-13-3ЭС, 1С-13-3ЭЧ, 1с-13-40, 1с-13-40ЭД, 1с-13-40ЭМ,
1с-13-40ЭН, 1с-13-40ЭС, 1с-13-40ЭЧ, 1с-13-5ЭД, 1с-13-5ЭМ,
1с-13-5ЭН, 1с-13-5ЭС, 1с-13-5ЭЧ, 1с-13-65, 1с-13-65ЭД,
1с-13-65ЭМ, 1с-13-65ЭН, 1с-13-65ЭС, 1с-13-65ЭЧ, 1С-14-1ЭЧ,
1С-14Н-3, 1С-14Н-3ЭК, 1С-14Н-3ЭМ, 1С-14Н-3ЭН, 1С-14Н-3ЭЧ,
1С-14Т-3, 1С-14Т-3ЭД, 1С-14Т-3ЭК, 1С-14Т-3ЭН, 1С-14Т-3ЭЧ,
1С-15-1ЭН, 1С-15-1ЭЧ, 1С-15-2, 1с-25-1ЭД, 1с-25-1ЭМ,
1с-25-1ЭС, 1С-25-25ЭД, 1С-25-25ЭС, 1с-25-2ЭМ, 1с-25-2ЭН,
1с-25-2ЭС, 1с-25-2ЭЧ, 1с-25-32, 1с-25-32ЭД, 1с-25-32ЭМ,
1с-25-32ЭН, 1с-25-32ЭС, 1с-25-32ЭЧ, 1С-25-3ЭД, 1С-25-3ЭМ,
1С-25-3ЭН, 1С-25-3ЭС, 1С-25-3ЭЧ, 1с-25-40, 1с-25-40ЭД,
1с-25-40ЭМ, 1с-25-40ЭН, 1с-25-40ЭЧ, 1с-25-65, 1с-25-65ЭД,
1с-25-65ЭМ, 1с-25-65ЭН, 1с-25-65ЭС, 1с-25-65ЭЧ, 1С-7-1,
1С-8-2, 1с-8-2ЭГ, 1С-8-2ЭД, 1С-8-2ЭК, 1С-8-2ЭМ, 1С-8-2ЭН,
1с-8-2ЭС, 1С-8-2ЭЧ, 1С-9-2, 1с-Т-107б, 392-175/95-0Г,
392-175/95-0Г-01, 3с-10-10-450, 3с-10-25-450, 3с-15-10-450,
3с-15-25-450, 3с-20-25-450, 3с-25-10-450, 3с-25-25-450,
3с-32-25-450, 3с-40-25-450, 3с-50-25-450, 3с-6-1-01,
3с-6-1-02, 3с-6-2, 3с-6-3, 3с-6-4, 3с-6-5, 3с-65-25-450,
3с-7-1-01, 3с-7-2, 3с-7-4, 3с-7-6, 3с-8-2, 3с-8-3, 3с-8-5,
3с-8-6, 4с-3-1, 4с-3-2, 4с-3-3, 4с-3-4, 4с-3-5,
530-150/150-0в, 586-20-ЭМ-01, 586-20-ЭМ-02, 586-20-ЭМ-03,
586-20-ЭМФ-03, 586-20-ЭМФ-03, 586-20-ЭМФ-04, 586–20-ЭМФ-05,
586–20-ЭМФ-06, 586–20-ЭМФ-07, 588-10-0, 589-10-0, 597-10-0А,
694–250/400-0б, 720-20-0А, 720-20-0А-01, 788–400/600-0-01,
788–400/600-0-02, 788–400/600-0-03, 7с-6-1, 7с-6-2, 7с-6-3,
7с-8-1, 7с-8-2, 7с-8-3, 808-65-РВ, 808-65-РВ-01, 811-50-РМ,
814-50-РА,-01, 815-40-РВ,-01(-РМ,-01), 843-40-0А-01,
843-40-0А-02, 843-40-0А-03, 843-40-0А-04, 875–125-0,
879-65-РА,-01-05, 8с-3-1, 8с-3-2, 8с-3-3, 8с-3-4, 8с-3-5,
8с-3-6, 912-100-0А, 912-150-0А, 912–200-0б, 912-200-0В,
912–250-0б, 912–250-0бМ, 912-250-0В, 912-250-ОВМ,
912–300-0б, 912-300-0В, 912–325-0б, 912–325-0бМ,
912–350-0б, 912–400-0, 935-100-0А, 935–100–0А-01,
935-100-0АМ, 935-150-0А, 935-150-0АМ, 935–150-0М,
935–175-0, 935-175-ОА, 935–225-0б, 935-225-ОВ.-ОВШ,
935–250-0б, 935-250-ОВ,-ОВШ, 950-100/150-Э,
950-100/150-Э-01, 950-150/250-Э, 950-150/250-Э-01,
950-150/250-Э-02, 950-200/250-Э, 976-175-ЭБ,
976-250-ЭБ,-01, 976-65-М, 976-65-М-01, 976-65-Э,
977-175-Э, 992-250-ЭБ, 993-100-ЭМ,-01, 998-20-0,
998-20-Г, 998-20-Э, 998-20-ЭГ, 998-20-ЭД, 998-20-ЭК,
998-20-ЭМ, 998-20-ЭН, 998–20-ЭС, 998-20-ЭЧ, 999-20-06,
999-20-0, 999-20-Г, 999-20-Э, 999-20-ЭГ, 999-20-ЭД,
999-20-ЭК, 999-20-ЭМ, 999-20-ЭН, 999-20-ЭС, 999-20-ЭЧ,
Т-131МС, Т-132МС, Т-31МС-1, Т-31МС-2, Т-31МС-3, Т-32МС-1,
Т-32МС-2, Т-32МС-3, 1052–65-ЭГ, 1052–65-ЭС, 1057–65-Э,
1057–65-ЭГ, 1057–65-ЭС, 1456–50-ЭД, 1456–50-ЭН, 1456–80-К3,
Задвижки: 1010–200-КЗ, 1010–200-ЦЗ, 1010–200-Э,
1010–200-ЭД, 1010–200-ЭМ, 1010–200-ЭН, 1010–200-ЭС,
1012-150-КЗ, 1012-150-ЦЗ, 1012-150-Э, 1012–150-ЭГ,
1012–150-ЭД, 1012–150-ЭК, 1012-150-ЭМ, 1012–150-ЭМ,
1012–150-ЭН, 1012–150-ЭС, 1012–150-ЭЧ, 1012-175-КЗ,
1012-175-ЦЗ, 1012-175-Э, 1012–175-ЭГ, 1012–175-ЭД,
1012–175-ЭК, 1012-175-ЭМ, 1012-175-ЭН, 1012–175-ЭС,
1012–175-ЭЧ, 1012-225-КЗ, 1012-225-ЦЗ, 1012-225-Э,
1012-225-ЭГ, 1012–225-ЭД, 1012-225-ЭМ, 1012–225-ЭН,
1012–225-ЭС, 1013-175-КЗ, 1013-175-КЗ-01, 1013-175-ЦЗ,
1013-175-ЦЗ-01, 1013–175-Э, 1013–175-Э-01, 1013–175-ЭГ,
1013–175-ЭД, 1013–175-ЭД-01, 1013–175-ЭК, 1013–175-ЭК-01,
1013-175-ЭМ,-01, 1013-175-ЭН, 1013-175-ЭН-01, 1013–175-ЭС,
1013–175-ЭС-01, 1013–175-ЭЧ, 1013–175-ЭЧ-01, 1013-200-КЗ,
1013-200-ЦЗ, 1013–200-ЭД, 1013–200-ЭК, 1013-200-ЭМ,
1013–200-ЭМ, 1013-200-ЭН, 1013–200-ЭН, 1013–200-ЭС,
1013–200-ЭЧ, 1015-150-КЗ, 1015-150-ЦЗ, 1015–150-Э,
1015–150-ЭГ, 1015–150-ЭД, 1015-150-ЭК, 1015-150-ЭМ,
1015–150-ЭН, 1015–150-ЭС, 1015–150-ЭЧ, 1016-250-КЗ,
1016-250-М, 1016-250-ЦЗ, 1016–250-ЭГ, 1016–250-ЭД,
1016–250-ЭК, 1016-250-ЭМ, 1016–250-ЭМ, 1016–250-ЭН,
1016–250-ЭС, 1016–250-ЭЧ, 1017–250-КЗ, 1017-250-ЦЗ,
1017–250-ЭГ, 1017–250-ЭД, 1017-250-ЭК, 1017-250-ЭМ,
1017–250-ЭН, 1017–250-ЭС, 1017–250-ЭЧ, 1120-100-КЗ,-01,
1120-100-М, 1120-100-М-01, 1120-100-ЦЗ, 1120-100-ЦЗ-01,
1120-100-Э, 1120–100-Э-01, 1120–100-ЭГ, 1120–100-ЭГ-01,
1120–100-ЭД, 1120–100-ЭД-01, 1120-100-ЭК, 1120–100-ЭК,
1120-100-ЭК-01, 1120-100-ЭМ, 1120-100-ЭМ-01, 1120-100-ЭН-01,
1120–100-ЭС, 1120–100-ЭС-01, 1120–100-ЭЧ, 1120–100-ЭЧ-01,
1123-100-КЗ, 1123-100-КЗ-01, 1123-100-М, 1123-100-М-01,
1123-100-Ц3-01, 1123-100-ЦЗ, 1123–100-ЦЗ-01, 1123–100-Э,
1123–100-Э-01, 1123–100-ЭГ, 1123–100-ЭГ-01, 1123–100-ЭД,
1123–100-ЭД-01, 1123–100-ЭК, 1123–100-ЭК-01, 1123-100-ЭМ,
1123-100-ЭН, 1123-100-ЭН-01, 1123–100-ЭС, 1123–100-ЭС-01,
1123–100-ЭЧ, 1123–100-ЭЧ-01, 1126-150-КЗ, 1126–150-КЗБ,
1126-150-М, 1126–150-МБ, 1126-150-ЦЗ, 1126–150-Э,
1126–150-ЭГ, 1126–150-ЭД, 1126–150-ЭК, 1126-150-ЭМ,
1126–150-ЭМ, 1126–150-ЭН, 1156–125-КЗ, 1156-125-КЗА,
1156–125-М, 1156-125-ЦЗА, 1156–125-Э, 1156–125-ЭГ,
1156–125-ЭД, 1156-125-ЭК, 1156–125-ЭМ, 1156–125-ЭН,
1156–125-ЭС, 1156–125-ЭЧ, 1156–150-КЗ, 1156–150-М,
1156–150-ЦЗ, 1156-150-ЦЗА, 1156–150-Э, 1156–150-ЭГ,
1156–150-ЭД, 1156–150-ЭК, 1156-150-ЭМ, 1156-150-ЭН,
1156–150-ЭС, 1156–150-ЭЧ, 1511-100-КЗА,-КЗБ, 1511-100-МА,
1511-100-ЦЗА-ЦЗБ, 1511–100-ЭГ, 1511–100-ЭД, 1511–100-ЭМ,
1511-100-ЭМА,-ЭМБ, 1511–100-ЭС, 1511–100-ЭЧ, 1511-150-КЗА,
1511-150-МА,-МБ, 1511-150-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–150-ЭГ,
1511–150-ЭД, 1511-150-ЭМА,-ЭМБ, 1511–150-ЭН, 1511–150-ЭС,
1511–150-ЭЧ, 1511-200-КЗА,-КЗБ, 1511-200-МА,-МБ,
1511-200-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–200-ЭГ, 1511–200-ЭД, 1511-200-ЭМА,
1511-200-ЭНБ, 1511–200-ЭС, 1511–200-ЭЧ, 1511–250-КЗ,
1511-250-ЦЗА-ЦЗБ, 1511–250-ЭГ, 1511–250-ЭД, 1511-250-ЭМБ,
1511–250-ЭН, 1511–250-ЭС, 1511–250-ЭЧ, 1511-300-КЗА,-КЗБ,
1511-300-ЦЗА,-ЦЗБ, 1511–300-ЭГ, 1511–300-ЭД, 1511–300-ЭМ,
1511-300-ЭНА,-ЭНБ, 1511–300-ЭС, 1511–300-ЭЧ, 1511–80-КЗ,
1511-80-МА-МБ, 1511–80-ЦЗ, 1511–80-ЭГ, 1511–80-ЭД,
1511–80-ЭК, 1511-80-ЭМБ, 1511–80-ЭН, 1511–80-ЭС,
1511–80-ЭЧ, 1533–350-КЗ, 1533–350-ЦЗ, 1533–350-ЭД,
1533–350-ЭМ, 1533–350-ЭН, 1533–350-ЭС, 1533–350-ЭЧ,
2с-25–1Н, 2с-25-2, 2с-25-6ЭГ, 2с-25-6ЭД, 2с-25-6ЭК,
2с-25-6ЭМ, 2с-25-6ЭН, 2с-26-1, 2с-26–2Н, 2с-26–3Н,
2с-26–4 Н, 2с-26–5 Н, 2с-26-6, 2с-27-1, 2с-27-1ЭГ,
2с-27-1ЭД, 2с-27-1ЭК, 2с-27-1ЭМ, 2с-27-1ЭН, 2с-27-1ЭС,
2с-27-1ЭЧ, 2с-27–2Н, 2с-27-2Э, 2с-27-2ЭГ, 2с-27-2ЭД,
2с-27-2ЭК, 2с-27-2ЭМ, 2с-27-2ЭН, 2с-27-2ЭС, 2с-27-2ЭЧ,
2с-27-3Э, 2с-27-3ЭГ, 2с-27-3ЭД, 2с-27-3ЭК, 2с-27-3ЭМ,
2с-27-3ЭН, 2с-27-3ЭС, 2с-27-3ЭЧ, 2с-27–4 Н, 2с-27-4Э,
2с-27-4ЭГ, 2с-27-4ЭД, 2с-27-4ЭК, 2с-27-4ЭМ, 2с-27-4ЭН,
2с-27-4ЭС, 2с-27-4ЭЧ, 2с-27–5 Н, 2с-27-6, 2с-28-1,
2с-28–2Н, 2с-28–4Н, 2с-28–5 Н, 2с-28-6, 2с-29-1, 2с-29–3Н,
2с-29–4Н, 2с-29–5 Н, 2с-29-6, 2с-30-1, 2с-30-1ЭГ,
2с-30-1-ЭД, 2с-30-1-ЭК, 2с-30-1-ЭМ, 2с-30-1-ЭН, 2с-30-1ЭЧ,
2с-30-1-ЭЧ, 2с-30-2, 2с-30-2ЭГ, 2с-30-2ЭД, 2с-30-2ЭК,
2с-30-2ЭМ, 2с-30-2ЭН, 2с-30-2ЭЧ, 2с-31-1, 2с-31-1Э,
2с-31-1ЭД, 2с-31-1ЭМ, 2с-31-1ЭН, 2с-31-1ЭС, 2с-31-2,
2с-31-2Э, 2с-31-2ЭМ, 2с-31-2ЭН, 2с-31-2ЭС, 2с-33-1ЭГ,
2с-33-1ЭД, 2с-33-1ЭК, 2с-33-1ЭМ, 2с-33-1ЭН, 2с-33-1ЭЧ,
2с-33-2ЭД, 2с-33-2ЭК, 2с-33-2ЭМ, 2с-33-2ЭН, 2с-33-2ЭЧ,
2с-34-1Э, 2с-34-1ЭД, 2с-34-1ЭМ, 2с-34-1ЭН, 2с-34-1ЭС,
2с-34-1ЭЧ, 2с-34-2Э, 2с-34-2ЭС, 2с-350-10-450-КЗ,
2с-350-10-450-ЦЗ, 2с-350-10-450-ЭД, 2с-350-10-450-ЭМ,
2с-350-10-450-ЭН, 2с-350-10-450-ЭС, 2с-35-2,
2с-400-10-450-КЗ, 2с-400-10-450-ЦЗ, 2с-400-10-450-ЭД,
2с-400-10-450-ЭМ, 2с-400-10-450-ЭН, 2с-400-10-450-ЭС,
2с-450-10-450-КЗ, 2с-450-10-450-ЦЗ, 2с-450-10-450-ЭД,
2с-450-10-450-ЭМ, 2с-450-10-450-ЭН, 2с-450-10-450-ЭС,
2с-Э-1, 2С-Э-2, 2с-Э-4, 2с-Э-5, 2с-ЭГ-1, 2с-ЭГ-2, 2с-ЭГ-3,
2с-ЭГ-4, 2с-ЭГ-5 Н, 2с-ЭГ-5, 2с-ЭГ-6, 2с-ЭД-1, 2с-ЭД-2,
2с-ЭД-3, 2с-ЭД-4, 2с-ЭД-5 Н, 2с-ЭД-5, 2с-ЭД-6, 2с-ЭК-1,
2с-ЭК-2, 2с-ЭК-3, 2с-ЭК-4, 2с-ЭК-5 Н, 2с-ЭК-5, 2с-ЭК-6,
2с-ЭМ-1, 2с-ЭМ-2, 2с-ЭМ-3, 2с-ЭМ-4, 2с-ЭМ-5 Н, 2с-ЭМ-5,
2с-ЭМ-6, 2с-ЭН-1, 2с-ЭН-2, 2с-ЭН-3, 2с-ЭН-4, 2с-ЭН-5 Н,
2с-ЭН-5, 2с-ЭН-6, 2с-ЭС-1, 2с-ЭС-2, 2с-ЭС-3, 2с-ЭС-4,
2с-ЭС-5, 2с-ЭЧ-1, 2с-ЭЧ-2, 2с-ЭЧ-3, 2с-ЭЧ-4, 2с-ЭЧ-5,
511–100-ЭН, 850–350-КЗ, 850–350-ЦЗ, 850–350-Э, 850–350-ЭГ,
850–350-ЭД, 850–350-ЭК, 850–350-ЭМ, 850–350-ЭН, 850–350-ЭС,
850–350-ЭЧ, 850–400-КЗ, 850–400-ЦЗ, 850–400-Э, 850–400-ЭГ,
850–400-ЭД, 850–400-ЭК, 850–400-ЭМ, 850–400-ЭН, 850–400-ЭС,
850–450-КЗ, 850–450-ЦЗ, 850–450-Э, 850–450-ЭГ, 850–450-ЭД,
850–450-ЭК, 850–450-ЭМ, 850–450-ЭН, 850–450-ЭС, 850–450-ЭЧ,
880–150-КЗ, 880–150-ЦЗ, 880-150-ЦЗП, 880–150-Э, 880–150-ЭГ,
880–150-ЭД, 880–150-ЭК, 880–150-ЭМ, 880-150-ЭМП, 880–150-ЭН,
880-150-ЭНП, 880–150-ЭС, 880–150-ЭЧ, 880–200-КЗ,
880-200-КЗП, 880–200-ЦЗ, 880-200-ЦЗП, 880–200-Э, 880–200-ЭГ,
880–200-ЭД, 880–200-ЭМ, 880–200-ЭН, 880-200-ЭНП, 880–200-ЭС,
880-250-КЗП, 880-250-ЦЗП, 880–250-ЭГ, 880–250-ЭД,
880-250-ЭМП, 880-250-ЭП, 880–250-ЭС, 880–300-КЗ, 880–300-ЦЗ,
880-300-ЭА, 880–300-ЭГ, 880–300-ЭД, 880–300-ЭС, 880–325-ЭД,
880–325-ЭЛХМ, 880–325-ЭМ, 880–325-ЭТ, 880–350-ЭД,
880–350-ЭЛ, 880–350-ЭМ, 880–350-ЭТ, 880–400-ЭА, 880–400-ЭД,
880–400-ЭМ, 880–400-ЭТ, 881–100-КЗ, 881-100-КЗП, 881–100-ЦЗ,
881–100-Э, 881–100-ЭГ, 881–100-ЭД, 881–100-ЭК, 881–100-ЭМ,
881–100-ЭН, 881-100-ЭНП, 881–100-ЭС, 881–100-ЭЧ, 881–150-КЗ,
881-150-КЗП, 881–150-ЦЗ, 881-150-ЦЗП, 881–150-Э, 881–150-ЭГ,
881–150-ЭД, 881–150-ЭМ, 881-150-ЭМП, 881–150-ЭН,
881-150-ЭНП, 881–150-ЭС, 881–200-КЗ, 881-200-ЦЗП,
881–200-ЭГ, 881–200-ЭД, 881-200-ЭМП, 881-200-ЭП, 881–200-ЭС,
881–250-Э, 881–250-ЭД, 881–250-ЭМ, 881–250-ЭТ, 882-250-КЗП,
882-250-ЦЗП,-ЦЗШ, 882–250-ЭГ, 882–250-ЭД, 882-250-ЭМП,
882–250-ЭН, 882-250-ЭНП,-ЭНШ, 882–250-ЭС, 882–300-КЗ,
882-300-КЗП, 882–300-ЦЗ, 882–300-ЭГ, 882–300-ЭД, 882–300-ЭМ,
882-300-ЭНП, 882–300-ЭС, 883–175-КЗ-01, 883–175-КЗ-02,
883–175-ЦЗ-01, 883–175-ЦЗ-02, 883–175-Э-01, 883–175-Э-02,
883–175-ЭД-01, 883–175-ЭД-02, 883–175-ЭМ-01, 883–175-ЭМ-02,
883–175-ЭН-01, 883–175-ЭН-02, 883–175-ЭС-01, 883–175-ЭС-02,
883–175-ЭЧ-01, 883–175-ЭЧ-02, 883–200-КЗ, 883–200-ЦЗ,
883–200-Э, 883–200-ЭД, 883–200-ЭМ, 883–200-ЭН, 883–200-ЭС,
883-250-КЗП-01,-02, 883-250-ЦЗП-01,-02, 883–250-ЭГ,
883–250-ЭГ-01, 883–250-ЭГ-02, 883–250-ЭД, 883–250-ЭД-01,
883–250-ЭД-02, 883-250-ЭМП-01,-02, 883-250-ЭП-01,
883–250-ЭС, 883–250-ЭС-01, 883–250-ЭС-02, 883–300-КЗ,
883–300-ЦЗ, 883-300-ЦЗП, 883–300-ЭГ, 883–300-ЭД,
883-300-ЭМП, 883-300-ЭП, 883–300-ЭС, 884–200-Г, 884–200-КЗ,
884-200-ЦЗП, 884–200-ЭГ, 884–200-ЭД, 884–200-ЭМ,
884-200-ЭНП, 884–200-ЭС, 884–250-Г, 884–250-КЗ, 884–250-ЦЗ,
884–250-ЭГ, 884–250-ЭД, 884–250-ЭМ, 884-250-ЭНП, 884–250-ЭС,
884–325-КЗ, 884–325-ЦЗ, 884–325-Э, 884–325-ЭГ, 884–325-ЭД,
884–325-ЭМ, 884–325-ЭС, 885-225-КЗП, 885-225-ЦЗП,
885–225-ЭГ, 885–225-ЭД, 885-225-ЭМП, 885-225-ЭНП,
885–225-ЭС, 887-100-ЦЗП, 887–150-КЗ, 887–150-ЦЗ, 887–150-Э,
887–150-ЭД, 887–150-ЭМ, 887–150-ЭН, 887–150-ЭС, 887–150-ЭЧ,
Затворы: 12с-1, 12с-1-1, 12с-2-5, 12с-3-1, 12с-3-2, 12с-3-3,
12с-3-4, 12с-4-2Э, 12с-4-3Э, 12с-4-4Э, 12с-5-5, 12с-8-10,
12с-8-11, 12с-8-12, 12с-8-13, 12с-8-14, 12с-8-15, 12с-8-4,
12с-8-5, 12с-8-6, 12с-8-7, 12с-8-8, 12с-8-9,
Электроприводы: 1280-КЭ-0, 768-Э-0а, 768-Э-0а-01,
792-Э-06-01, 792-Э-0-II, 792-Э-0А, 792-Э-0А-01, 792-Э-0а-04,
792-Э-0б, 792-ЭР-0А, 792-ЭР-0А-01, 792-ЭР-0АI, 793-Э-0,
793-Э-0а-04, 793-ЭР-0, 793-ЭР-0-02, 793-ЭР-0-04, 793-ЭР-0A,
793-ЭР-0A-I, 793-ЭР-0A-II, 793-ЭР-0I, 793-ЭР-0I-01,
793-ЭР-0-II, 794-Э-0а, 794-ЭР-0а, 794-ЭР-0аI, 795-Э-0,
795-Э-0-01, 795-Э-0-II, 795-Э-0-II-01, 795-Э-0-V, 795-ЭР-0,
795-ЭР-0-I, 795-ЭР-0-V, 797-Э-0, 797-ЭР-0, 798-Э-0,
798-Э-0-01, 821-КЭ-0а, 821-Э-0а, 821-ЭР-0б, 822-КЭ-0,
822-КЭР-0, 822-Э-0а, 822-Э-0а-01, 822-Э-0б, 822-Э-0б-01,
822-ЭР-0а, 822-ЭР-0а-01, 823-Э-0, 823-ЭР-0-03, 823-ЭР-0III,
823-ЭР-0-IIа, 823-ЭР-0-IV, 824-КЭ-0-01, 824-КЭ-0-02,
824-КЭ-0-03, 824-КЭ-0-04, 824-Э-0а, 824-ЭР-0а, 824-ЭР-0аI,
825-КЭ-0, 825-КЭР-0, 825-Э-0, 825-Э-0-01, 825-Э-0-I,
854-Э-0, 876-КЭР-0, 876-Э-0, 876-Э-0-02, 876-Э-0-04,
876-Э-0-07, 876-Э-0-08, 882-КЭ-0, 882-КЭ-0-01, 882-КЭ-0-02,
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Balanset-1A: Precision Balancing and Vibration Analysis in One Device Description: Order on Amazon Balanset-1A is a portable two-channel device that helps you quickly and accurately balance rotors and analyze vibrations. It is ideal for balancing a wide range of rotating equipment such as crushers fans mulchers straw choppers on combines shafts centrifuges turbines and much more. Features: Vibrometer Mode: Tachometer: Precise rotational speed measurement RPM. Phase: Determines the phase angle of vibration for subsequent analysis and balancing. 1x Vibration: Measures and analyzes vibration at the operating rotational frequency. FFT Spectrum: Provides detailed information about the vibration frequency spectrum allowing for the detection of various issues. Overall Vibration: Measures and displays the overall vibration level. Measurement Log: Stores the measurement history for convenient analysis and tracking of changes. Balancing Mode: Single-Plane Balancing: Eliminates static imbalance. Two-Plane Balancing: Suitable for balancing complex rotors. Polar Plot: Clearly displays the imbalance and helps accurately determine the location for corrective weights. Session Recovery: Restores the data of the previous session. Tolerance Calculator ISO 1940: Calculation of permissible imbalance according to the ISO 1940 standard. Grinding Wheel Balancing: Circular groove - used for balancing grinding wheels. In this case 3 counterweights are used to eliminate the imbalance. Graphs: Overall Vibration Graphs: Visual representation of overall vibration. 1x Vibration Graphs: Graphically represents the primary component of vibration. Harmonic Graphs: Helps identify the presence and degree of influence of harmonic components of vibration. Spectral Graphs: Detailed graphical analysis of the vibration frequency spectrum. Additional Features: Archive: Storage and access to previous balancing sessions. Reports: Creation of detailed reports on balancing results. Repeat Balancing: Allows for quick rebalancing if necessary. Production Line Balancing: Speeds up the balancing process in serial production. Balanset-1A also offers flexibility in choosing between metric or imperial unit system ensuring compatibility and convenience worldwide. Price: €1751 Balanset-1A Package Includes: Interface block Two vibration sensors Optical sensor laser tachometer with magnetic stand Weighing scales Software Note: laptop not included can be ordered separately Plastic transport case Advantages of Balanset-1A: High Efficiency and Quality: Balanset-1A provides high precision and reliability of balancing and vibration analysis results. Ease of Use: The device is intuitive and easy to master even for beginners. Customization to Client Needs: Balanset-1A flexibly adjusts to your tasks allowing you to solve tasks of any complexity in the field of balancing and vibration analysis. Affordable Price: Balanset-1A is has an attractive price compared to other devices making it an affordable solution for a wide range of users. High Repeatability of Results: The device uses several know-how techniques that ensure high stability and accuracy of measurements enabling the achievement of ensuring high precision and repeatability of measurements. Conclusion Balanset-1A is a indispensable assistant for balancing and vibration diagnostics which will help you achieve smooth and quiet operation of your equipment extend its service life and reduce repair costs. Order on Amazon
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Kevinwooks Nov 19, 2024
Maksym Krippa’s Vulk@n. How Russian Oligarch’s Partner buys up Ukrainian Media
What happened with Delo and Glavcom?
Who is Tetiana Snopko?
Where is the Tetiana Snopko's Money from?
Vulk@n’s Russian Roots
Ukrainian Money for Funding the Russian Army?
The Empire Expands. NAVI, GGBet, MainCast
Maxim Krippa, Vulk@n and GGBET casinos and the Russian gambling business connections chart
Why haven’t we heard anything about Maksym Krippa before?
Chart of all Maksym Krippa’s property
Politics is the Final Goal?
There is a new growing media baron in Ukraine who almost unnoticeably to the wider public buys up mass media one after another. For the last year, Tetiana Snopko, a Dnipro citizen, has already purchased two media holdings and is obviously willing to buy more.
In January 2023, Tetiana Snopko became the sole proprietor of Ekonomika Communication Hub LLC with a nominal capital of UAH 1,330,000 and Mediamania LLC that manage three publications: business portal, women’s portal, marketing website, as well as TOP-100 printed rating magazine.
Six months later, Snopko, little-known in the media circles, registered Hub Glavcom LLC with a nominal capital of UAH10 million and bought Ukrainian Media Systems LLC that owns Glavcom electronic news publication in July 2023.
Tetiana Snopko (in the middle) with Glavcom’s editorial staff. Photo source: Facebook Mick Pidvezianiy
August 31, 2023, yet another Media Hub Ukraine LLC with a nominal capital of UAH3 million emerged in the register of legal entities with Tetiana Snopko being the only beneficiary. According to the Ukrainian media market representatives, the new-made owner of five media is getting ready to purchase other Ukrainian media, in particular telegram channels.
According to the market representatives’ estimates, the cost of three publications and the magazine owned by Ekonomika Communication Hub LLC at the time Tetiana Snopko bought it could possibly range from $0.7 to $1.3 million, while Glavcom could have cost her $2.5 to $3 million.
Not the only classical media. On May 29, 2024, Snopko Tatyana Davydovna according to the data of the Special Information System of UKRNOIVI became the owner of the Vsevidyash’eye OKO trademark.
Screenshot confirming that the owner of the telegram channel Vsevidyash'eye OKO is Tatyana Snopko
Tatyana Snopko has registered 6 text and graphic Vsevidyash’eye OKO trademarks
This is an anonymous Telegram channel with 1 million 133 thousand subscribers which has repeatedly published Russian fake news for the Ukrainian audience. Snopko could have spent several million dollars more to acquire this channel.
Screenshot showing how the telegram channel Vsevidyash'eye OKO reposts Russian fake news
The Telegram channel “Vsevidyash’eye OKO” which was bought by Tatyana Snopko periodically publishes Russian information and psychological special operations
We tried to figure out who Tetiana Snopko is and where she’s got so much money from to literally buy up one national Ukrainian media and Telegram-channels after another. And why she needs them given the fact that there’s been a major decline in the advertising market because of the war and today the media in Ukraine are toxic assets rather than profitable, which you can tell even by Ekonomika Communication Hub LLC with its revenues dropping, according to Youcontrol, from UAH 13.7 million in 2021 to UAH 4.8 in 2022, that is almost threefold.
Who Is Tetiana Snopko?
As open source information suggests, Tetiana Snopko, a 37-year-old Dnipro citizen, has been an employee throughout her entire career and has never had her own business. Pursuant to the register of ownership rights to real estate, she owns only a small two-room apartment with a total area of 42 square meters in the old prefabricated apartment block on Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Avenue, Dnipro city. Snopko also owns a 2017 BMW X3.
The apartment block where Tetiana Snopko lives in Dnipro city. Photo source: Google View
In Dnipro, Snopko was the editor-in-chief of the sports internet publication and she had been the communications director at Noosphere Ventures for over 8 years. It is the company whose portfolio includes dating and gambling websites as well as scientific startups and social educational projects. Noosphere Ventures belongs to Maksym Poliakov, a well-known Ukrainian entrepreneur from Zaporizhzhia city who was ranked 11th by Forbes in the list of the richest Ukrainians with a fortune of UAH800 million in 2022.
After the outbreak of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Snopko moved to the Czech Republic where, according to her friends, she was even looking for a job but already at the end of 2022 she started buying up the Ukrainian media and registering limited liability companies with a millions worth nominal capital.
Even though Snopko had got almost a minimum wage at Noosphere — according to the tax service, Noosphere NGO paid her UAH 6300 tо UAH 13,500 a month during 2018-2021. However, it wasn’t her only income. Since 2013, Snopko has been working as an individual entrepreneur in the area of Data Processing, Publishing Information on Websites and Related Activities.
According to her tax declarations, three companies, namely TT Media, Payment Work and PM Plus Media LLCs, paid her a year’s total of UAH 928,000 in 2018, UAH 1,045,000 in 2019, UAH 1,102,000 in 2020, and UAH 944,000 in 2021. That is for the last four years before the full-scale war when Snopko looked for a job in the Czech Republic, she had managed to earn about UAH4 million. Given the fact that she was likely using this money for living all this time, it is far from enough to buy several media at once and register companies with a total nominal capital of UAH 13 million.
Where is the Tetiana Snopko’s Money from?
Tetiana Snopko refused to answer this question when giving her comments to Forbes. Speaking of why she needed the mentioned media, she admitted herself that it was impossible to earn money off the media as business nowadays. ‘I can even tell you that the market is wild. It doesn’t exist… I’m from the IT industry, and for me the media is primarily a product, a platform, working with traffic. It is a digital asset in the first place,’ she said without explaining what it meant and what the point of making such purchases these days was.
Our sources from Glavcom’s editorial staff shed some light on this picture revealing us that Snopko wasn’t the final beneficiary of the purchased media but more likely a mediator, an “appointee”. The actual buyer of all the mentioned media is entrepreneur Maksym Krippa who has been barely known up until recently.
Maksym Krippa
Maksym Krippa
Maksym Krippa is a long-term partner of Maksym Poliakov, Tetiana Snopko’s former employer. Snopko has been providing her services as a PR-manager to both of them up to this day. According to Forbes, when it published the article about Krippa, it was Tetiana Snopko who communicated with its editors on his behalf and represented his interests. When asked directly about her relations with him, she answered that he was just the man she knows and described their cooperation as a “consultation”.
A lot of internet resources indicate that Maksym Krippa and Maksym Poliakov were developing the gambling and online dating business together in the early 2010s. As of 2013, Krippa and Poliakov owned GGS and GMS online casinos which is confirmed by the materials in the court case at the time on the division of assets with their Russian partners Sergey Tokarev and Rustam Gilfanov. Later on, Poliakov and Krippa started organizing online casinos under Vulk@n brand and actively developing the latter in many countries, including Ukraine where gambling was prohibited until 2020.
That’s why, in 2016, the Main Investigation Department of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) initiated criminal proceeding No. 22015000000000379 under Article 203-2, clause 1, Article 203-2 (Illegal Gambling Activity), and clause 2, Article 258-5 (Funding Terrorism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The investigation found out that despite the gambling prohibition in Ukraine Poliakov Maksym Valeriiovych and Krippa Maksym Volodymyrovych created a range of websites (,,, and under Vulk@n brand and used them to provide online casino services.
According to the SSU’s information, Poliakov was the actual founder and investor of Vulk@n online casino, while Maksym Krippa was the CEO of CloneFish IT company that developed games for online-casinos and administered and maintained Vulk@n websites as well as protected them from electronic interferences by the authorities. In 2014, CloneFish became part of another Maksym Krippa’s company EvoPlay which is still developing games for online casinos.
In addition, to legalize the gambling money Maksym Poliakov, as the criminal proceeding materials suggest, together with his companions Ihor Spodin and Ihor Boshniakov created in Dnipro an organization called Association Noosphere (where Tetiana Snopko worked) and Avrora Tecnologies LLC whose current bank accounts received the money that was earned from the illegal activity of Vulk@n online casino and ‘further transferred to other dummy-like companies’ accounts. It was then cashed and distributed among those involved in this criminal activity.’
Moreover, a number of resolutions of the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv City dated January 2017 imply that a part of money siphoned to the offshore companies controlled by Maksym Poliakov was further processed and transferred to fund the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. That was obviously the reason why Funding Terrorism was the second clause in the criminal proceeding. We don’t know how this case has ended. Taking into account that there are no other related documents in open registers and the fact that in case of several other legal actions connected with Maksym Krippa (particularly regarding tax violations and drunk driving) he managed to evade responsibility, Poliakov and Krippa are most likely to have got away with it in this case as well.
Vulk@n’s Russian Roots
For Ukraine, after the resolution on legalizing the gambling market had been approved in 2020, it wasn’t big news that the lion’s share (mostly shadow) of this market was gamblers with Russian roots. In 2022, the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries had already granted licenses for working in Ukraine to the Russian bookmaker 1xBet that tried to disguise as a Ukrainian company titled Your Betting Company LLC. The public reaction made the Commission revoke the issued licenses but nobody promised to keep other Russian gambling business representatives away from our market.
April 15, 2021, Conqueror LLC obtained from the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries a license to provide online casino services under Vulk@n brand at Conqueror LLC is registered for offshore company Darlox Ltd (99.9%) and Stanislav Rudenko (0.1%), a native of Nizhyn city, Chernihiv oblast. However, before 2021, the beneficiary of Conqueror LLC was Cyprian resident Theodor Theodoros (Fedor Fedorov), the founder of Novologic company whose CEO in 2010-2015, according to YouControl system, was Maksym Krippa. Just two months before getting a license for working in Ukraine, Conqueror LLC removed Theodor Theodoros from its founders.
Whereas the owner of Vulk@n trademark in Ukraine is Cyprian company DAREOS LTD. The European Union Intellectual Property Office registered the right to Vulk@n trademark to the same company in 2021. In Russia, Vulk@ntrademark is registered to DAREOS HOLDING LTD which is identical to DAREOS LTD. They are both registered at the same address in Cyprus and have the same people in their management structure.
Thus, Vulk@n trademark owners in Ukraine and Russia are fully related non-resident firms implying the common business beneficiary in all the countries where Vulk@n online casinos operate.
Who are they? We have found the answer in the papers of administrative case No. D2021-0892 dated 2021 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) where the abovementioned Cyprian company Dareos Ltd. managing Vulk@n (VULK@N, VOLC@NO, VULC@N, ВУЛК@Н) trademark submitted a complaint against Ukrainian citizen Serhii Myronenko for the illegal use of its trademarks and domain names on five websites, including and and others, which provided gambling services under Vulk@n brand.
As part of this case, the plaintiff provided the WIPO with its data on its rights to Vulk@n brand as well as information on who owns these trademarks.
‘This entity [Dareos Ltd.] manages trademarks for the Ritzio International Group and group member Ritzio Purchase Limited (collectively, “Ritzio”), an entertainment group operating in the Russian Federation (“Russia”) since 1992 and in other European markets since 2005. The group’s website is found at “”. According to the Complaint, the Complainants license the relevant trademarks to Ritzio,’ the case files read.
The fact that Russian company Ritzio is an ultimate beneficiary of the whole ecosystem of Vulk@n gambling sites is pointed out by another action No. D2015-0222 as of 2015 filed with the WIPO by EvoPlay LLC against Russian citizen Timur Ziganshin for the unauthorized use of Vulk@n domains in Russia. In its complaint, EvoPlay, a Ukrainian IT company, specified that it also received the exclusive rights to use Vulk@n trademarks from the Russian Ritzio International Group in December 2014.
That is a Ukrainian company in the midst of the Russian aggression against Ukraine started developing the Russian gambling business, at the same time vigorously protecting it from the illegal use of the trademarks in Russia itself.
EvoPlay is considered to be one of the largest Ukrainian IT companies presenting itself as an international gambling games provider with offices in Kyiv, Lviv, Prague and Limassol (Cyprus) and developing games for online casinos, mostly for Vulk@n whose all websites in both Ukraine and Russia use EvoPlay games.
One of the Russian Vulcan casino websites indicates that Maksym Krippa’s Ukrainian company EvoPlay has developed the games available on the site
One of the Russian Vulcan casino websites indicates that Maksym Krippa’s Ukrainian company EvoPlay has developed the games available on the site
The founders of Evoplay Entertainment LLC registered in Kyiv are Cyprian company EvoPlay LTD and Ukrainian citizen Ivan Kravchuk, and the ultimate beneficiary is some Cyprian Georgiou Savvas. But Maksym Krippa is the actual owner of the company which is confirmed by both a range of Ukrainian gambling market players and SSU’s archives that established a direct connection between Krippa and EvoPlay as part of the criminal proceeding. And another little trace that Krippa hasn’t managed to “clean up” on the internet despite all the recent efforts to hide his ties with Vulk@n casino.
One of Maksym Krippa’s phone numbers 06750…84 in GetContact app that shows what names different phone numbers have in the contact list has the tag Kripa Maksym Vladimirovich Evoplay.
In its turn, phone number 06744…85 of Oksana Kovaliova (Miroshnychenko) who was also part of the SSU’s criminal proceeding related to Marksym Krippa and Maksym Poliakov in 2016 as their accountant in Vulk@n project has the following tags: Oksana Acc Krip, Oksana Lawyer Evo, Oksana Lawyer Vulk@n Dnipro, Oksana EvoPlay.
Ukrainian Money for Funding the Russian Army?
Ritzio Russian holding is the actual creator of Vulk@n gambling brand that was born in the 2000s in Russia. After gambling had been officially banned in the Russian Federation, the company started developing the brand in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, Germany, Italy and Croatia where Ritzio administers more than 200 gambling clubs called Vulk@n, Vulk@n Stern and Vulcano della Fortuna as well as websites and with the corresponding mobile apps.
Vulkan casino ad in Moscow, 2005. Photo source: the article about Ritzio Entertainment Group on Wikipedia
Vulk@n casino ad in Moscow, 2005. Photo source: the article about Ritzio Entertainment Group on Wikipedia
One of Vulkan gambling clubs in Europe
One of Vulk@n gambling clubs in Europe
Ritzio holding belongs to the Russian billionaire Oleg Boyko who also owns Finstar holding and Rive Gauche perfume network. As of 2014, Russian Oleg Boyko owned Patriot Ukrainian private lottery that was part of Finstar investment holding through the Cyprian company Cehriba Investments Limited.
Russian businessman Oleg Boyko
Russian businessman Oleg Boyko
As Nashi Hroshi project reported in August 2014, Oleg Boyko made money off lotteries not only in Ukraine but also in his motherland. In the Russian Federation, his lottery was called Pobeda [Victory] and as it turned out its income was used to support the Russian army which at the time had already annexed Ukrainian Crimea and waged a war in Donbas. In 2016, Patriot private joint-stock company was sanctioned by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine ‘considering the involvement with Russian businessmen and possible funding of the Russian army.’
Meanwhile, in summer 2015, the law-enforcement bodies conducted a search of the EvoPlay office in 1, Naberezhno-Pecherska Street, Kyiv, on suspicion of working for Russian oligarch Oleg Boyko. The search confiscated the server with data on the company’s activities, a part of office equipment, gambling machines, accounting documents with several dozens of seals and stamps of different firms.
‘A part of income from EvoPlay activities obviously went directly to Russian billionaire Oleg Boyko since Ritzio International he owns has the exclusive agreement with EvoPlay for representing its assets in the gambling sector, namely Vulk@n trademark under which slot machine clubs worked in the past,’ the media reported back then.
That is only half a year after the journalists had published information that Russian businessman Oleg Boyko, a Ukrainian lottery owner, directed his earnings to fund the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Poliakov and Krippa became partners with Boyko, received rights from him to use Vulk@n brand and started managing the casino websites in his interests implying a regular fixed payment or some percent from income.
The Empire Expands. NAVI, GGBet, MainCast
As it’s been already mentioned, Maksym Krippa has been recently trying to hide this story and his ties with the Russian gambling market, cleaning up any mentions of him in connection with Vulk@n casino on the internet. And that’s understandable — building business in Ukraine with such past in the conditions of the Russian aggressive war would be hard, to say the least. We have to admit that to some extent Krippa has managed to foul his trail and start buying up Ukrainian companies, real estate and the media with the money he earned in the Russian gambling industry without attracting attention to himself as a business partner of the Russian oligarch who supports aggression against Ukraine.
Thus, in July 2022, Maksym Krippa became the owner of NAVI esports brand, the club whose teams have earned $18.7 million of prize money for 12 years. The company’s founder and owner was Oleksandr Kokhanovskyi whom Russian Forbes called one of the most influential people in the post-Soviet esports in 2019.
Despite the criticism, NAVI didn’t think, either before its owner had changed or after it, that there were any problems with Russian players being part of its teams who are still present in NAVI rosters. For example, Russians Andrey Kiprsky, Dmitry Ilyushin, Artem Adarkin and Aleksandr Pirogov are still listed on the NAVI website as players in NAVIteams. On June 20, 2022, in the middle of the Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, NAVI on its website informedthat it returned Ivan Kapustin to its team without saying a word about the fact that he was Russian. And in November 2022, NAVI was reported to have won PUBG Global Championship 2022 in Dubai earning over $1 million of prize money, and the tournament’s best player who got additional $10,000 was Artem Adarkin, a citizen of the Russian Federation and a player of Ukrainian NAVI.
Kokhanovskyi’s and Krippa’s soft position towards Russia is there for a reason. In 2018, Kokhanovskyi was a co-owner of ESForce, the third largest enterprise funded by USM Holdings belonging to Alisher Usmanov, a Russian oligarch close to Putin, who invested $100 million in Kokhanovskyi’s project in 2015. ESForce was bought by the Russian company Group in 2018. Kokhanovskyi’s partner from ESForce was Anton Cherepennikov, the founder of Citadel system that helps the Russian special services track internet users’ activity and monitor telephone conversations.
So it was not unusual for either Oleksandr Kokhanovskyi or Maksym Krippa to have relationships with a Russian businessman. Probably that’s why 1xBet, the notorious Russian bookmaker, was NAVI’s title sponsor in 2020.
Partnership between Kokhanovskyi and Krippa looks even tighter and isn’t limited to only one agreement regarding NAVI. Back in 2020, they bought the building of Dnipro hotel in the heart of Kyiv in Khreshchatyk Street at a high-profile auction for UAH1,111,000,000. The auction winner was Smartlend LLC registered at 130, Kyivska Street, Brovary city, in the building that according to YouControl belongs to Maksym Krippa. Oleksandr Kokhanovskyi presented this purchase to the public saying that, ‘It was Ukrainian IT guys rather than Russian oligarchs that have won the auction sale of Dnipro hotel.’
However, Andrii Kholodov, a people’s deputy at the time, made a statement that contradicted Kokhanovskyi’s words and pointed out that the purchase of Dnipro hotel might involve… the same old Krippa’s partner — Russian billionaire Oleg Boyko.
‘The auction sale of Dnipro hotel was likely won by Russian gambling baron Oleg Boyko (Ritzio Entertainment group: Patriot lottery, Vulk@n casino, Metro-Jackpot slot machine clubs, Khreshchatyk business center, OLBI Group),’ he wrote on his Facebook page.
To confirm that, he attached the archive tax data showing that Maksym Tereshchuk, the CEO and co-owner of Smartlend LLC that had bought the hotel, was an employee of such gambling companies as Fair Game, MDK and Proryv that were part of the already mentioned Oleg Boyko’s Russian holding Ritzio.
It came as no surprise that Boyko surname appeared in the agreement between Krippa and Kokhanovskyi. It is obvious that UAH1,111,000,000 for buying a hotel in the center of Kyiv is too much money for a Ukrainian firm with a nominal capital of UAH11 million. And it’s not that much money for a Russian gambling tycoon with an estimated fortune of $1.1 to $1.5 billion.
However, another well-known name surfaced in this story – Danylo Hetmantsev, the head of the Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, whom journalist Serhii Ivanov has recently accused of working for the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). Several firms where Maksym Krippa is an owner, namely Profit Team LLC and MidalLLC, are managed by CEO Oleksandr Osoka (who is also a co-founder of Maksym Krippa’s MK FoundationCharitable Organization) whose personal phone number 09763…35 in GetContact is associated with tags Oleksandr from Hetmantsev, Sasha State Property Fund and Dnipro Hotel Lawyer.
Danylo Hetmantsev was and, the odds are, is still engaged in gambling business. He was a stockholder of MSLlottery back in the days but Hetmantsev’s connection with this lottery can be traced today as well: Olena Polosenko, a current co-owner of MSL is also a co-owner of Hetmantsev’s legal firm Jurimex. Overall, the media earlier linkedthis lottery’s co-founders with sanctioned Russian oligarch Mikhail Fridman’s Alfa Group.
Hetmantsev personally highlighted the purchase of Dnipro hotel in his social media. Danylo Hetmantsev, the head of the Tax Committee and former associate of FSB agent Volodymyr Sivkovych, probably assisted Krippa and Kokhanovskyi through Oleksandr Osoka in buying Dnipro hotel.
Why do Maksym Krippa and the Russian oligarch need a hotel in the center of the Ukrainian capital? When explaining the purpose of the agreement, Oleksandr Kokhanovskyi said that he and his partners would build the first esports hotel with an arena for hosting tournaments on the basis of Dnipro hotel and that it would take only one or two years. The war may have thwarted their plans but half a year later Dnipro Hotel private joint-stock company applied for registering Dnipro Casino trademark specifying the economic activity classifiers of casino and night club services rather than esports. And in 2021, Krippa with Kokhanovskyi submitted an application to the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries for opening a casino and slot machine halls in Dnipro hotel but it was refused. Either way, the plans have evidently changed.
Nevertheless, Maksym Krippa has been interested in esports for quite a while. He had entered this market long before purchasing Dnipro hotel and NAVI esports team. Maksym Krippa is also an owner of GGBet esports bookmaker which is NAVI’s title sponsor and which obtained the license from the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries for working in Ukraine on August 23, 2023.
And let’s not forget that GGBet is a Russian project that was at first intended to be a bookmaker department of Vulk@n casino. LLC was registered in Moscow back in 2011 and managed bookmaker website in Russia. Later on, the bookmaker went international and got registered in Malta and Cyprus.
GGBet trademark belongs to Cyprian company Brivio Ltd that, in addition to, also administers Vulk@n Vegas casino site under Vulk@n trademark that, as it’s been already mentioned, belongs to Russian billionaire Oleg Boyko.
The CEO of Brivio Ltd is Theodor Theodoros who is at the same time the CEO of Cyprian company One World Secretarial functioning as a secretary of another Cyprian company Bevita Holding Limited, the founder of Russian LLC. It’s worth noting that in March 2023 the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky approved the resolution of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on sanctioning both LLC and Cyprian Bevita Holding Limited and its CEO Kowalska Iwanna / Joanna Kinga as operators of Russian GGBet bookmaker.
From the resolution of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on imposing sanctions as of March 10, 2023
From the resolution of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on imposing sanctions as of March 10, 2023
A couple of months later, the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries cancelled GGBet’s license for working in Ukraine because of GGBET LLC and GGBET HOLDING LLC created in February 2023. One hand hits, the other hand pats?
Where is Maksym Krippa in this Cyprian-Russian system of bookmaker’s companies? Despite his efforts to hide his name, registers still remember everything and leave traces. Theodor Theodoros, the CEO of Brivio Ltd, is a beneficiary of Ukrainian Novologic LLC where, according to YouControl, Maksym Krippa had been the CEO from 2010 to 2015.
Besides, One World Secretarial where Theodor Theodoros is the CEO serves as a secretary of Natus Vincere Esport CY (which, by the way, has the same registered office in Cyprus as Brivio Ltd) whose CEO is Yevhen Zolotariov, the CEO of NAVI club whose owner is Maksym Krippa since 2022. Yes, it sounds a little bit complicated, but all the connections are clearly traceable on the chart below.
Maxim Krippa, Vulkan and GGBET casinos and the Russian gambling business connections chart
Maxim Krippa, Vulk@n and GGBET casinos and the Russian gambling business connections chart
However, it is not the whole ecosystem of Krippa’s today’s esports business. In addition to GGBet bookmaker and NAVI club, Krippa has created Maincast esports studio which, according to its nominal co-founder Vitalii Volochai, has 90–95% of rights to broadcast all esports tournaments in the Ukrainian language. In 2020, Maincast bought the rights to broadcast tournaments held by ESL, one of the world’s biggest esports tournament organizers, which costs it $2.5 million a year. Maincast is basically a platform for involving viewers in gambling with GGBet. NAVI teams play, Maincast broadcasts it, and GGBet brings profits to Maksym Krippa.
In case with Maincast, Maksym Krippa didn’t try to hide and became the founder of Ukrainian Maincast LLC himself. The second founder is Cyprian firm MainCast Limited, and the secretary — the same One World Secretarial that also serves as a secretary of Cyprian companies of NAVI club and LLC, a Russian manager of GGBet bookmaker.
Basically, One World Secretarial and its CEO Theodor Theodoros have become the links for the entire chain of Krippa’s companies closing the whole ecosystem of his gambling business: Vulk@n casino, GGBet bookmaker, NAVYesports club and MainCast broadcasting studio. However, there is another clue that connects abovementioned EvoPlay casino games developer with these companies. EvoPlay, GGBet and MainCast trademarks are registered in Ukraine through one and the same representative Sandra Santos Rodriguez.
According to media reports the entire ecosystem of Maksim Krippa’s gambling business is being managed by former police officer Ruslan Olenyuk.
Why haven’t we heard anything about Maksym Krippa before?
Because all his business was illegal. And when you make money illegally, it is dangerous to be in the public eye. Vulk@n and GGBet websites have been working outside the law in Ukraine and Russia throughout recent years. For example, European Pravda news website published Vulk@n casino advertisement back in 2015 – five years before gambling was legalized in Ukraine.
Moreover, GGBet bookmaker successfully made and is still making money on Ukrainian players on a range of its websites not licensed in Ukraine. Licensed is currently under development and doesn’t work. That is, despite the fact that Maksym Krippa has received the license, he is still making money on illegal gambling without paying taxes to the budget of Ukraine just like all the previous years.
Either way, now that the “blind” Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries, which didn’t see the Russian origin of 1xBet bookmaker earlier and doesn’t see the same with Vulk@n and GGBet today, has granted licenses to Krippa’s gambling projects, one can become public and use billions earned on illegal gambling business to buy up companies, mass media and real estate. Which Maksym Krippa started doing without hiding that much anymore.
In addition to the abovementioned Dnipro hotel worth over UAH1.1. billion, Maksym Krippa bought Kniazhyi Dvir hotel and restaurant complex, a place for bankers to relax and host financial events, from the National Bank of Ukraine for UAH33 million in Kniazhychi village near Kyiv in February 2023. The only bidder and eventually the winner of the auction was Midal LLC where Maksym Krippa’s share is 99.99%.
Having paid UAH33,111,000, he became the owner of the complex with an area of almost 1.4 hectares and premises with a total area of 3787 square meters, including a hotel, sports and health center, events hall, three conference halls, 16 summerhouses, two swimming pools and an artificial lake. According to Glavcom’s (the publication Krippa bought through Tetiana Snopko) estimate, the price of $827,000 for this kind of property is much lower than the market value.
A month earlier, in January 2023, Krippa’s Midal LLC once again purchased an elite estate from previously nationalized Prominvestbank in Kozyn and Koncha-Zaspa villages near Kyiv for UAH311 million. It includes several residential buildings, and a shed, restaurant for 140 guests, administrative building, bedroom building, another residential building with an area of 1128 square meters and a few land plots.
In January 2024, Krippa became the owner of real estate in the residential complex “Park Stone” at the address: Kyiv, Volodymyr Ivasyuk Avenue, 2d.
But in December 2023, perhaps Krippa’s biggest purchase in recent times took place when he bought from Vadim Stolar the Parus business center which is the tallest building in Kyiv. On December 5, the Ola Fine company which is controlled by businessman Maksym Krippa through the Genesis investment fund became the beneficial owner of Advanced Technologies Plus LLC, which is the direct owner of the Parus shopping and office complex building on Mechnikova Street, 2 in the center of Kyiv. The amount of the transaction is unknown but one can only imagine what kind of money we are talking about.
It is not surprising that immediately after Krippa became the owner of the Parus business center the GGBet bookmaker’s office appeared in this building. In May 2024, the gambling company began publicly searching for an office manager for its new office in Parus.
Screenshot of a post in the student Telegram channel STUDWAY in which GGBet is looking for an office manager for its new office in the Parus Business Center which was acquired by Maxim Krippa
Maksym Krippa immediately opened an office of his bookmaker GGBet in the Parus business center in the center of Kyiv he bought
Chart of all Maksym Krippa’s property
Maksym Krippa has been actively buying up businesses and real estate all this time not only in Ukraine but also in the Czech Republic. Moreover, there is an interesting coincidence – just after Tetiana Snopko had moved to this country after the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Thus, pursuant to Czech registers, in April 2022, Maksym Krippa bought Czech company Arponi Solution and renamed it to GSC Game World Czech (GSC Game World has developed the famous computer game STALKER) and became its official final beneficiary since April 7, 2023.
On April 14, 2022, a new branch of NAVI esports club appeared in the Czech Republic – Maksym Krippa (who hadn’t become the official NAVI owner yet) bought Czech company Venroha Project and changed its name to Natus Vincere CZ.
However, the most noteworthy Krippa’s agreement in the Czech Republic was the purchase of the villa in Troja, an elite Prague district, at K Bohnicim 776/1A 171 00 Praha-Troja from Russian businessman Migridata Pirnazara, the former head of the board of directors of the Saint-Petersburg enterprise Nevsky Zavod Electroshield. According toCT24 Czech publication, ‘Pirnazara’s family sold its share in the company for which the house was registered, and Ukrainians Maksym Khaitulov and Maksym Krippa became the new owners.’ The agreement price is not mentioned but buying any real estate and business from Russians amidst the Russia’s war against Ukraine is quite telling.
Villa bought by Maksym Krippa in Prague in summer 2022
Villa bought by Maksym Krippa in Prague in summer 2022
As the registers evidence, the agreement took place on July 20, 2022, when Krippa and Khaitulov became the beneficiaries of Migridata Pirnazara’s RTR Co trading company. It was several months after this that Tetiana Snopko came back to Ukraine and started buying up the Ukrainian media.
Politics is the Final Goal?
Buying the media in Ukraine has always been connected with one’s desire to climb to power. As it’s been already mentioned, it is overall difficult to view the media in Ukraine as business projects, and even more so during the war. Yet as a tool of achieving one’s business or political goals it sounds about right.
‘The media market in Ukraine differs from others because most players are in it for political influence rather than business,’ Vitalii Lapteniuk, a partner in Flyer One Ventures, stressed in his comment to Forbes.
Taking into consideration that Maksym Krippa had already tried, although unsuccessfully, to become a deputy of the Kyiv City Council from Samopomich [Self-Reliance] Union party and before that he was an assistant of Ruslan Lukianchuk and Valerii Babenko, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada 6th convocation from Batkivshchyna [Fatherland]party, the version about his intentions to get into politics may be quite realistic.
The version that the media for Krippa is a way of clearing his name and, on the other hand, promoting his projects on these platforms makes sense as well. Which is already the case. For instance, has a lot of fresh publicationsabout Maksym Krippa’s and his МК Foundation’s charitable activities. Moreover, the website regularly highlights the events related to NAVI esports club and has recently published a complimentary interview with Maincast’s manager Vitalii Volochai.
Given close ties and a rich history of relationships between Maksym Krippa and Maksym Poliakov with the Russian business, we can’t exclude the potential Russian interests behind the purchase of the Ukrainian media during the war.
Asking Maksym Krippa himself about all this turned out to be difficult as he is rarely if ever in Ukraine. Some media reported that he lives in Los Angeles but the registration data of his companies locates him in Dubai where he owns apartment No. 4803 in Burj Khalifa, the world’s highest skyscraper.
Whatever Maksym Krippa’s and his partner Maksym Poliakov’s purpose of buying the Ukrainian media is, such an active development of their gambling business empire riddled with Russian roots is alarming. So is the fact that the Ukrainian State that has been fighting against the Russian aggression and paying an enormous price for it for over two years is silently watching the Russian businessmen and their Ukrainian proteges who funded the Russian army spread their wings in Ukraine. Although the licensing of Russian Vulk@n online casino and GGBet bookmaker by the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries isn’t exactly what you’d call silence. It’s aiding.
P.S. When preparing this material, we came to know about another purchase by Krippa-Poliakov tandem. Artem Starosek, the founder of Molfar OSINT agency, bought AIN.UA internet publication in September 2023. According to Forbes, before Molfar, Starosek worked at Maksym Poliakov’s Noosphere Ventures where he did checks on the fund’s investment objects. Several IT market players confirm that AIN.UA de jure belongs to Poliakov’s former employee and de facto to Poliakov himself.
Marcusbreby Nov 21, 2024
Dyan Nov 22, 2024
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Bobbytielt Nov 28, 2024
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MichaelPaymn Dec 5, 2024
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DanielGet Dec 7, 2024
Finest news for all us
Billyshemn Dec 12, 2024
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Marcusbreby Dec 15, 2024
AnthonyTuh Dec 18, 2024
Milagros Dec 26, 2024
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Danny Beard has swapped the sparkles for the soap star life recently as he is set to appear on screen for two special episodes
of Hollyoaks.
The reigning Ru Paul's Drag Race champion filmed for the show in Brighton last month and has now been confirmed
for a multi-episode cameo.
Joining characters Peri Lomax (Ruby O'Donnell) and Juliet Nightingale
(Niamh Blackshaw) for scenes filmed in the seaside town.
The newly-reunited couple are enjoying some alone time with a weekend
away in the episodes, when they lose all of their belongings.
But to the rescue is Danny's character, who will offer the duo a lift back home to Cheshire.
Ru Paul's Drag Race UK winner Danny Beard set to join Hollyoaks for two
special episodes filmed in Brighton
And giving them some advice during the trip in the unexpected cross-over, the Drag Race star will even perform on the episode.
Speaking from the set on his experience on the soap, Danny explained: 'It's been really fun, and all the crew here are so lovely and happy.
I can't wait to share it with you all. It's ridiculous, in the best Hollyoaks way possible.'
In snaps from the scenes, the reality winner catches the eye in a bright pink leopard printed skirt and
colourful feathered top.
While actresses Niamh and Ruby beam alongside the drag queen in colourful ensembles
while filming in one of Brighton's LGBTQ+ bars.
Danny won season four of the UK series, after appearing on Britain's
Got Talent in 2021.
It's a much needed respite for characters Peri and Juliet, who finally rekindled their romance in episodes which aired last month.
The on/off pair had previously agreed to put their romance on hold while
Juliet undergoes gruelling cancer treatment, but left fans demanding that they rekindle their romance.
Now back on track, the trip to Brighton comes as a time out
for Juliet, who is undergoing treatment for her lymphoma.
Cameo: Danny joins characters Peri Lomax (Ruby O'Donnell) and Juliet
Nightingale (Niamh Blackshaw) for scenes filmed in the seaside town
Eye-catching: In snaps from the scenes, the reality winner catches the eye in a bright pink leopard printed skirt and colourful feathered top
Fans were thrilled to learn of the Drag Race and Hollyoaks crossover, as
the latter show shared the news to their official
Instagram page.
'Can't wait!! get these eps here now,' wrote one fan.
While another added: 'That is so cool. I love it! ❤️' and a third added: 'the casting of
the century!'
Danny explained: 'It's been really fun, and all the crew here are so lovely and happy.
I can't wait to share it with you all. It's ridiculous, in the best Hollyoaks way possible'
Delighted: Fans were thrilled to learn of the Drag Race and Hollyoaks crossover, as
the latter show shared the news to their
official Instagram page
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